Automatic soap dispensers!


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Jun 24, 2008
Am I the only one to think that these 'ere automatic soap dispensers are verging on paranoia.
You'll never have to touch a filthy soap dispenser again, just think of all the germs on the pump. Ok, there is that, BUT surely what comes out of them, soap, you'll promptly use to wash yer mitts, and hey presto..bye bye germs! It's how you dry your hands I would have thought was more important, 'cause it's all very well washing your hands only to dry them on a filthy roller towel, or touching a filthy door handle that's been used by someone who hasn't bothered to wash their hands at all!

I must admit I do carry a small tube of hand sanitiser in my handbag for when I'm out and have to use public facilities.

Did anyone see the demo for the automatic soap pump, they couldn't get the damn thing to work unless they turned the studio lights right down, it was quite amusing!
I look at these things and think - "But what about the tap"? :wonder:
I look at these things and think - "But what about the tap"? :wonder:

Some places do have automatic taps with sensors, but yes you're right on that one, what's the flaming point of going to the trouble of not touching the soap dispenser if you're going to put your hand on the filthy I say it's all in how your dry your hands or how you handle the door knob afterwards that counts. I don't know what this modern age is coming to..really I don't lol!
I don't know how our parents and grandparents managed to live fulfilling lives: they must have been in mortal fear of dirty soap and taps and door handles every minute of every day.

I'm surprised people were brave enough to have kids with all the dirty soap knocking about...
Next thing they will be selling "hermetically sealed suits with their own oxygen supply so you never have to be in contact with any bacteria--other than the ones in those drinks that are good for you
Next thing they will be selling "hermetically sealed suits with their own oxygen supply so you never have to be in contact with any bacteria

I bet Howard Hughes would have jumped to the phones for one of those if he were still alive.
PHONES?!!!! They're alive with bacteria dontcha know!

Many moons ago when I was a secretary we had a company to come in and clean ours. I used to spend the afternoon high as a kite with the smell of meths or whatever they cleaned them with. :tongue:
Am I the only one to think that these 'ere automatic soap dispensers are verging on paranoia.
You'll never have to touch a filthy soap dispenser again, just think of all the germs on the pump. Ok, there is that, BUT surely what comes out of them, soap, you'll promptly use to wash yer mitts, and hey presto..bye bye germs! It's how you dry your hands I would have thought was more important, 'cause it's all very well washing your hands only to dry them on a filthy roller towel, or touching a filthy door handle that's been used by someone who hasn't bothered to wash their hands at all!

I must admit I do carry a small tube of hand sanitiser in my handbag for when I'm out and have to use public facilities.

Did anyone see the demo for the automatic soap pump, they couldn't get the damn thing to work unless they turned the studio lights right down, it was quite amusing!

Thank you, when I first saw these advertised, I thought exactly the same but then I thought "who would invent a totally unnecessary product?"
Am I the only one to think that these 'ere automatic soap dispensers are verging on paranoia.

No, you certainly aren't! How on earth do they think people have managed with the normal, supposedly filthy, dispensers thus far??

It's just a wasted effort to try and fleece us out of our cash for yet another pointless product, and the more I think about it the more pointless it seems - yes, perhaps soap dispensing pumps are covered in germs but what do we do right after we've touched them and got germs all over our hands? WE WASH OUR HANDS!!!!!

For crying out loud :headbang::headbang:
Many moons ago when I was a secretary we had a company to come in and clean ours. I used to spend the afternoon high as a kite with the smell of meths or whatever they cleaned them with. :tongue:

me too!

I don't know how I've managed to reach the grand old age of 63 with all the muck & germs I must've ingested..we used to play out in the muck & mud, got cuts & grazes that didn't get cleaned until we got home, much later, folks of my generation are walking miracles!
me too!

I don't know how I've managed to reach the grand old age of 63 with all the muck & germs I must've ingested..we used to play out in the muck & mud, got cuts & grazes that didn't get cleaned until we got home, much later, folks of my generation are walking miracles!

We need to be careful BM, we might be inadvertantly giving Q their script for the next airing of this item, "modern dirt is dirtier" or "we have intergalactic airborne germies thanks to Mrs.PraiGuruGoddess bringing back stuff from Mars."
Being a germ-a-phobic I have too thought that the pump on the dispensers could well harbor germs, but a) you're gone wash your hands anyway & B) as someone has already mentioned you can wipe the dispenser anyway.

I remember my nanna once asking whether it was safer to wash your hands before or after flushing the loo - answers on a postcard
Hve often wondered in Public toilets where nearly everything is automatic, flush sensor, revolving toilet seats, auto taps & air dryers, then you open and close the door with a hands on lock.
Asda have been selling those automatic dispensers for ages Dettol ones I think:rock:
So does this mean that we are they are now going to stop selling all the luxurious handwashes with the pumps, as they are unhygenic.
Don't they realise you actually need to be exposed to a certain amount of germs otherwise you don't build up any immunity.
i swore I'd never say this phrase but when I was younger there wasn't all this paranoia about dirt and germs and we were fine. I'm all for being clean and hygenic but I've managed all this time without an automatic dispenser and I'm sure i'll be fine now.
Hve often wondered in Public toilets where nearly everything is automatic, flush sensor, revolving toilet seats, auto taps & air dryers, then you open and close the door with a hands on lock.

Which would be ok I guess, if every person who used that public toilet made use of those hygienic facilities but we all know that's never gonna happen, they'll always be some filthy sod who'll go in drop a log, and walk straight out again! mmm lovely! Like I say I normally have a little tube of hand sanitiser in my bag for when I'm out and about. Once bitten, twice shy, I'm afraid. A few years ago we went up to Chester for a short break, and we had to change trains, had drunk a couple of glasses of wine on the first leg of the journey and didn't fancy using the toilet on the train...yuk. So I used the one on the station. It was rather unpleasant to say the least, and though I washed and dried my hands, I had to touch the door handle, and made a note to self...make sure you wash your hands before eating anything! But like all the best plans I forgot, and shortly tucked into a packet of crisps I had in the bottom of my bag....I heartily regretted that 'cause I spent the entire evening throwing up! Thankfully I was ok the next day, but even so!

Still don't believe that soap dispensers are our enemy though!

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