Beauty gift ideas TSV 6/11


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Mines is still showing 'In Process'. Come on QVC pull yer finger oot and get it sent asap!

Sorry just so looking forward to giving this a try!!! ;-)
Woohoo its been shipped! xx


This TSV seems to have generated more excitement than I have seen for ages. I am eagerly awaiting mine, although it obviously takes longer to get over here, so I am looking at next week. The White one that did not sell out is now off easy pay and incidentally, the original Clarisonic, which was also on 4 easy pays until the TSV was launched has also come off easy pay, at £170.00. God, after all this fuss, I hope we all love it!
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This TSV seems to have generated more excitement than I have seen for ages. I am eagerly awaiting mine, although it obviously takes longer to get over here, so I am looking at next week. The White one that did not sell out is now off easy pay and incidentally, the original Clarisonic, which was also on 4 easy pays until the TSV was launched has also come off easy pay, at £170.00. God, after all this fuss, I hope we all love it!

It's still showing at the TSV price for me!
I really do wonder how their warehouse/dispatch works? Hope you all get your Clarisonic quickly
I really do wonder how their warehouse/dispatch works? Hope you all get your Clarisonic quickly

I wonder that too WildRose. I ordered mine online just after midnight and it was showing as shipped by Sunday lunchtime so I'm one of the lucky ones. I have a feeling that the 24 hour charging thing is going to be a pain for those of us impatient to start using it.

Like Itchy says I hope it's worth it after all this fuss or I'm going to be so disappointed!
Mine is showing as Shipped 07/11/11 but havent had the email yet to say its shipped
Will probably get that tomorrow morning.

You would think they would send the orders out in the order they received them but it doesnt look like it!
I really do wonder how their warehouse/dispatch works? Hope you all get your Clarisonic quickly

Agree with you there. Mine's only just showing as shipped and yet I ordered mine at 18.47 on Saturday:wonder: Oh, and I've not had an email either!
I think the emails are very hit and miss, I always go by what it says on my order history.

Yes the 24 hour charge is a pain but you have to do it, only a one time thing every other charge is usually 6 hours or overnight.
OMG that must be the quickest delivery every from QVc ever
although is it me or are they getting a bit better as my last TSV was delivered a little faster then usual

I am still waiting:sad:
OMG that must be the quickest delivery every from QVc ever
although is it me or are they getting a bit better as my last TSV was delivered a little faster then usual

I am still waiting:sad:

Hope yours turns up soon, Wildrose.

I find TSV's arrive sooner than ordinary stock items.
Mine arrived and very nicely presented:clapping: Am going to put it on charge so I can use it tomorrow evening. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that reviewers on youtube seem to have a charging cradle in the same pattern as the clarisonic itself? I suppose because these floral patterns were created especially for QVC it would have cost more to make matching chargers. Shame though as it would have looked nicer. Still, as long as the clarisonic produces results I'll be more than happy!

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