Birchwood Outlet Store


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Went to Birchwood once, that was enough. A hoover with a humongous carpet tat hanging out of it put me off food for a week!
i have just spotted this site by accident and had to join so i could comment on this thread, i agree with the post complety, i have noticed the nasty looks, the staff whispering to certain people when and what items are being brought out. The same 2 people seem to appear just as certain clothes are being put on the rails exactly where they are standing. When you ask when clothes are being brought out, the usual replies are "we can't say you will have to ask the management". yet i have witnessed these 2 people ask the same question and they are told "they will be out in 5 minutes", they have even asked for a certain item and it has been put to one side or brought out to them.
When they go for lunch nothing is brought out, but if it is, a text or phone call must have been made to them because they have left food to get back in the store again i have witnessed this. One of the 2 people is extremly rude and the language she uses is nothing short of discusting, and this is from a woman who has her son with her all day during school holidays.
i agree with the post about the trollies being removed but they now have their own shelf to store their items right next to the clothes next to the mirrors, once trollies were banned they used to store the baskets and bags all over the floor near the mirrors until staff made provisions for them to store the clothes on the shelf next to the mirrors, they then had the audacity to complain when someone looked through the bags, the poor customer didnt know that the shelf was reserved for these privaliged shoppers.
i certainly agree that they have preferential treatment as they are working with the staff or management. i have also witnessed staff even asking them for certain clothes from the shop so they can buy them from them, this means the staff are aware that these people get these items that other people cant get a look in.
I myself was one of 3 people left in the shop at 5.20pm and one of the 2 privalliged customers was paying at the till whenthe red curly haired manager came out and spotted her at the till the manager turned and said to a member of staff "don't put those dresses out now" i can only assume that it was because one of the chosen ones was at the till and wouldn't have been able to get the dresses and they would been got by myself and another customer (for once).
i find this very unfair as this customer spent half a day trying to get a dress for herself, where as the lady in question had about 20/30 dresses, which staff are aware of as they regularly go up and talk to them and must see the mountains of clothes on the shelves that have been cleared for them, which will be without doubt destined for ebay unlike myself who wanted one for my own use.
we have been informed people complain but it is referred back to Birchwood, for the staff in question to deal with, so a complaint to head office from other people on this site maybe a way to stop this.
I also agree with the comments about Shrewsbury and the blonde haired manager i find her very professional and friendly and she does seem to care about all her customers ...not just 2 of them.

The said lady at the till is still getting the same preferential treatment from a certain little blonde haired member of staff who rushes to put clothes out whenever she appears in the shop and is probably texting her to let her know. Of course it all appears on Ebay. Her foul mouthed friend has been absent lately, seems to have made a difference to the atmosphere there. Shame she doesn't stay away too and let others have the chance of a bargain.
Can they not get anything right.

Ive just paid a visit to the store and just as I got to the door all the lights went out and one of their highly trained staff was shouting at the top of her voice for everybody to leave the store.

People were scurrying out and one lady hopped out wearing one shoe and carrying the other, she was laughing because she couldnt find her shoe in the dark and had been scrabbling about on the floor trying to find it. Next thing down came the shutters and about six or seven staff were all stood behind it laughing and screeching.

Noone had a clue what was happening but I couldnt wait to get home and let you all know that its not just the website thats bolloxed:grin:
Can they not get anything right.

Ive just paid a visit to the store and just as I got to the door all the lights went out and one of their highly trained staff was shouting at the top of her voice for everybody to leave the store.

People were scurrying out and one lady hopped out wearing one shoe and carrying the other, she was laughing because she couldnt find her shoe in the dark and had been scrabbling about on the floor trying to find it. Next thing down came the shutters and about six or seven staff were all stood behind it laughing and screeching.

Noone had a clue what was happening but I couldnt wait to get home and let you all know that its not just the website thats bolloxed:grin:

Can they not get anything right.

Ive just paid a visit to the store and just as I got to the door all the lights went out and one of their highly trained staff was shouting at the top of her voice for everybody to leave the store.:mysmilie_61:

People were scurrying out and one lady hopped out wearing one shoe and carrying the other, she was laughing because she couldnt find her shoe in the dark and had been scrabbling about on the floor trying to find it. Next thing down came the shutters and about six or seven staff were all stood behind it laughing and screeching.

Noone had a clue what was happening but I couldnt wait to get home and let you all know that its not just the website thats bolloxed:grin:

I have always wondered if the outlets were any good.
They are a long way to travel for me so that's why I have never been, mind you if I got there and someone said don't put that out yet I would be asking the manager why if it was something I was interested, mind you I can be a hobby cow
I have always wondered if the outlets were any good.
They are a long way to travel for me so that's why I have never been, mind you if I got there and someone said don't put that out yet I would be asking the manager why if it was something I was interested, mind you I can be a hobby cow

Well as it turns out I didnt even get to go in!
It's just amazing to me that QVC spend so much money on TV presentation, convincing us all what an upscale company they are and then they allow their two outlet stores to do business like the worst kind of market-stall jumble sale for the great unwashed.
I just don't know why you all stand for it.

I would inform them all that you have been observing the store on behalf of head office and that you would be forwarding your report forthwith complete with covert video evidence.
Or stand at the doorway to the outlet with a video camera (make one out of egg boxes and sticky-back plastic if you like) and a clip-board with HMRC on it in large letters "filming" the ebay greedy gannets and watch the cockroaches scurry to find a dark corner!

Jude xx
I personally dont give a fig if the bulldogs stand around the clothes rails all day, I wouldnt wear any of the vile tat when its shown on air never mind buying it on bargain basement rails (i.e. the returns or garb that no one thinks worthy of buying on TV). That said if I did Id probably get chucked out for scrapping with said women.

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