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Hasn't anyone on the SCD production team got the guts to voice what everyone else thinks about him I.e.he's well past his sell by date and just isn't up to the job. I suppose they value their jobs too much.I find him toe-curlingly embarrassing to watch . He should be in a museum with all the other old relics.
I don't like the CD judging by the promo on QVC, I agree with the comment on the working men's club style lyrics - that made me chuckle!

I am not against the man and he clearly has a loyal following. However, I find a lot of his humour is a bit on the sarcastic side and I don't want to hear that when I am watching my favourite TV show of the year!

I can't stand the man & won't be buying for sure.

He's not nearly so nice as he tries to make out. I know from friends who have worked with him just how rude & nasty he can be to people when he isn't in front of a camera.
I can't stand the man & won't be buying for sure.

He's not nearly so nice as he tries to make out. I know from friends who have worked with him just how rude & nasty he can be to people when he isn't in front of

The documentary about him showed hints of his true character and He came across as a nasty piece of work who needs to be treated with kid gloves. Why does everyone pander to him when he is nothing special and never has been.
National treasure. 84 years old and still anchoring a prime time Saturday tv show, effortlessly? The man is an inspiration. As for the bad jokes? That's the act. The singing? I agree it was always his weakest link but the CD will be popular I'm sure.
When people suggest that our old troupers like Bruce are pensioned off, I wonder who they'd like to replace them? Russell brand? Jonathan Ross? Vernon Kaye? That awful welsh bloke who blagged a job on X Factor US? All complete no-marks. As for the thought of Matthew Cutler presenting SCD.... I don't think so. The man can hardly strings sentence together when he's guesting for Zumba.

BF may not be everyone's cup of tea, but MAJOR respect to the man for his longevity in a business that is famously fickle.
I agree BB. He is an 84 year old man, asomeones dad and grandad etc.

I don't like his singing or presenting so won't be buying the CD but I do admire his long career. Not everyone can be sweetness and light personified. It doesn't make them a bad person.
I agree that in his documentary he didn't seem all sweet and lightness.....but spend a day with my 90 yr old nan - shes just the same.

I don't particularly love the "in between" jokes on SCD but hes reading from an autocue that clearly SCD want him to do.He may well be cringing as much as us.

I actually find the ad lib parts of SCD he does - particularly when it goes wrong - quite funny.I think thats the true brucie.

I think for someone of his age,he's marvellous - and like BB - who would we have in his place? I personally would hate to see the above!
A friend of ours has a daughter who's currently on a scholarship at Wentworth golf club, where Brucie is a member. Apparently he has an awful reputation for being rude and obnoxious and generally thoroughly unpleasant.
A friend of ours has a daughter who's currently on a scholarship at Wentworth golf club, where Brucie is a member. Apparently he has an awful reputation for being rude and obnoxious and generally thoroughly unpleasant.

Your friend's daughter should show more discretion and not talk about the customers - there's probably a confidentiality clause in her contract but now her observations have been broadcast third hand on the internet.
I like Bruce, always have done. Saturday wasn't Saturday without the Generation Game in our house. He reminds me of when my Mum and Dad were alive, good times, better times.

I won't buy his CD but I will be sorry when he leaves this mortal coil as I was last week to hear of Jimmy Savile.

You'd have been better off Brucie releasing a DVD of some of the Generation Game's funniest moments.
I've never been a huge fan of Bruce, and agree he should gracefully retire sooner rather than later. His style is very dated.

That said, he can be very witty and his appearance on Have I Got News For You with the Play Your Cards Right using Iraq's most wanted was hysterical.

I'm not sure if being in your eighties automatically makes you a museum relic? If so that is going to apply to awful lot of us over the next few decades!! :sweat:
Bit off topic,but watched life stories with Rolf harris who is 81 and he came across as a genuine lovely man.
But surely, BB,that's the point. He doesn't anchor the show effortlessly.he is propped up majorly by the auto cue(which he very often fluffs) by cue cards and to some extent by Tess Daly. I agree that I wouldn't like to see any of the people you mention in his place-what a pity Philip Schofield isn't in the BBC's employ- but wouldn't you rather him bow out with his dignity and self respect in tact rather than watch him in decline as is?
At least Rolf has got some talent. Bruce, never seen him doing anything that hundreds of others could have done, right-place-right-time.
But surely, BB,that's the point. He doesn't anchor the show effortlessly.he is propped up majorly by the auto cue(which he very often fluffs) by cue cards and to some extent by Tess Daly. I agree that I wouldn't like to see any of the people you mention in his place-what a pity Philip Schofield isn't in the BBC's employ- but wouldn't you rather him bow out with his dignity and self respect in tact rather than watch him in decline as is?

Show me a mainstream tv presenter who ISN'T propped by an auto cue.
Tess Daly couldn't prop up anything. She's vacuous and useless.
Show me a mainstream tv presenter who ISN'T propped by an auto cue.
Tess Daly couldn't prop up anything. She's vacuous and useless.

I agree,but some are better at it than others. I think Tess ( nothing behind the eyes) Daly is also a waste of space and wouldn't be missed if she wasn't there.

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