Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss


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Omg watching that was like watching paint dry. Couldn’t watch til the end.
I had a Quick Look to see what it was about and because I’ve just discovered Instagram. I say “discovered” but I signed up for an account a few years ago so I could see someone’s artwork and have not been on since … until Friday when I was directed to it by a link to a video and discovered a whole new world of fascinating short videos so found myself scrolling through for about 2 hours! (That’s what an addictive personality does for you!).

Anyway, this CHuntley thing was surprisingly dead for a so-called Live! However, I did watch/listen for a bit to see what the gist was. To my surprise, I thought she came across quite well. I shan’t be following her, though, as I couldn’t sit through that sort of stuff (very repetitive) again.

I did laugh when she read out someone’s live message about wanting to “join” (so we could see their faces) and she declined on the basis that several of her followers are men who are, as she put it, rather “amorous” and she wasn’t sure what they would be showing on screen (ie not necessarily their faces)! Some might say she has encouraged that but, to be fair, she didn't in this. She did answer at length how her bra size had changed since she lost weight, though. A few seemed to ask and she kept repeating it.

Disclaimer: I watched so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
I had a Quick Look to see what it was about and because I’ve just discovered Instagram. I say “discovered” but I signed up for an account a few years ago so I could see someone’s artwork and have not been on since … until Friday when I was directed to it by a link to a video and discovered a whole new world of fascinating short videos so found myself scrolling through for about 2 hours! (That’s what an addictive personality does for you!).

Anyway, this CHuntley thing was surprisingly dead for a so-called Live! However, I did watch/listen for a bit to see what the gist was. To my surprise, I thought she came across quite well. I shan’t be following her, though, as I couldn’t sit through that sort of stuff (very repetitive) again.

I did laugh when she read out someone’s live message about wanting to “join” (so we could see their faces) and she declined on the basis that several of her followers are men who are, as she put it, rather “amorous” and she wasn’t sure what they would be showing on screen (ie not necessarily their faces)! Some might say she has encouraged that but, to be fair, she didn't in this. She did answer at length how her bra size had changed since she lost weight, though. A few seemed to ask and she kept repeating it.

Disclaimer: I watched so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
I waste far too much time watching hair styling/colouring videos. Which is odd as I have never shown the slightest inclination in “doing” anyone’s hair.
I barely do mine.
I waste far too much time watching hair styling/colouring videos. Which is odd as I have never shown the slightest inclination in “doing” anyone’s hair.
I barely do mine.
I was shown a few fascinating hair styling videos but I didn’t search for anything - the videos just presented themselves, one after another, when I swiped up. I seemed to get an eclectic feed (based on what, I do not know) which was all spectacular car crashes, construction disasters, natural wonders, illusionary artwork, calligraphy, cats, DIY building projects and multi-functional folding furniture (I got seriously interested in this last genre and would happily have bought about six items had I been in a position to do so!).
Omg watching that was like watching paint dry. Couldn’t watch til the end.
I thought I’d watch it, just out of interest but as you say it was SO long!

I got to bit where she said she was going to go over it again and I thought “NO I can’t sit through that”….!

But I enjoyed the cat content and thought she presented well and very reasonable etc…
I had a Quick Look to see what it was about and because I’ve just discovered Instagram. I say “discovered” but I signed up for an account a few years ago so I could see someone’s artwork and have not been on since … until Friday when I was directed to it by a link to a video and discovered a whole new world of fascinating short videos so found myself scrolling through for about 2 hours! (That’s what an addictive personality does for you!).

Anyway, this CHuntley thing was surprisingly dead for a so-called Live! However, I did watch/listen for a bit to see what the gist was. To my surprise, I thought she came across quite well. I shan’t be following her, though, as I couldn’t sit through that sort of stuff (very repetitive) again.

I did laugh when she read out someone’s live message about wanting to “join” (so we could see their faces) and she declined on the basis that several of her followers are men who are, as she put it, rather “amorous” and she wasn’t sure what they would be showing on screen (ie not necessarily their faces)! Some might say she has encouraged that but, to be fair, she didn't in this. She did answer at length how her bra size had changed since she lost weight, though. A few seemed to ask and she kept repeating it.

Disclaimer: I watched so you don’t have to. You’re welcome.
I didn’t see this before I’d watched (most of it it!) already!

I also thought she came across well and warm but quite professional.

I felt sorry for her that she felt she had to defend or explain herself and had been subject to so many negative comments [I know she does sometimes doesn’t do herself any favours]…

I’ve not joined in any of the weight loss discussion on her (I mean directly on that subject as I *try* not to comment negatively on people’s bodies - don’t always succeed - or things people can’t control.
And it must be so frustrating to have people discussing your use of weight loss injections etc, when you’ve not touched one…

I know if you’re in the public eye, especially if you put yourself “out there” on social media etc, it goes with the territory but I would loathe it!

As for instagram, Omg scrolling can get crazily addictive!

A great way to waste time or go down a rabbit hole! (Or in my case, a cat-shaped hole! 😹) x
Do you mean she is not looking pretty due to her attitude and behaviour, or that she is losing weight?
I meant her face is changing due to her weight loss. I read this weekend about people who had lost a lot of weight (with Ozempic and I know Catherine says she hasn't used it) and their faces had changed - not really for the better. Two famous ones were Robbie Williams and Sharon Osborne. Other people showed their bodies which was called melting candle syndrome as all the loose skin was hanging down as they had lost weight too fast and their skin hadn't had chance to reduce back. No one wants to look ill and gaunt surely, no matter how slim they get. However, it's up to them of course.

I have lost some weight by following a well known eating programme ( we don’t use the D word!) but in my case I am talking lbs rather than stones.The food is healthier and I feel much better for it, so why not keep an eye on the scales, without being obsessive? I was away from home a few days ago visiting a very popular holiday destination and was appalled (sound a bit strong, but I was) at the number of young people who were clearly in the very obese category. If they continue they will never see the age I am, and what a drain on health services.p.s please young ladies, ditch the leggings!
I meant her face is changing due to her weight loss. I read this weekend about people who had lost a lot of weight (with Ozempic and I know Catherine says she hasn't used it) and their faces had changed - not really for the better. Two famous ones were Robbie Williams and Sharon Osborne. Other people showed their bodies which was called melting candle syndrome as all the loose skin was hanging down as they had lost weight too fast and their skin hadn't had chance to reduce back. No one wants to look ill and gaunt surely, no matter how slim they get. However, it's up to them of course.

It's true. Extreme weight loss causes loads of baggy skin on the body, and the face seems to drop. Young people get away with it better, but for previously chubster oldies, the look is not pretty.
I had a Quick Look to see what it was about and because I’ve just discovered Instagram. I say “discovered” but I signed up for an account a few years ago so I could see someone’s artwork and have not been on since … until Friday when I was directed to it by a link to a video and discovered a whole new world of fascinating short videos so found myself scrolling through for about 2 hours! (That’s what an addictive personality does for you!).

Anyway, this CHuntley thing was surprisingly dead for a so-called Live! However, I did watch/listen for a bit to see what the gist was. To my surprise, I thought she came across quite well. I shan’t be following her, though, as I couldn’t sit through that sort of stuff (very repetitive) again.

I did laugh when she read out someone’s live message about wanting to “join” (so we could see their faces) and she declined on the basis that several of her followers are men who are, as she put it, rather “amorous” and she wasn’t sure what they would be showing on screen (ie not necessarily their faces)! Some might say she has encouraged that but, to be fair, she didn't in this. She did answer at length how her bra size had changed since she lost weight, though. A few seemed to ask and she kept repeating it.I watched as well

Disclaimer: I watched so you don’t have to. You’re welcome

I watched as well, for my own curiosity. The Instagram videos were pretty awful, but some of the TikTok ones were reminiscent of a 50-year old woman thinking that as she had missed out on the TikTok craze in her teens, she would make up for lost time. I can never un-see those videos. No wonder they say that curiosity killed the cat.
I meant her face is changing due to her weight loss. I read this weekend about people who had lost a lot of weight (with Ozempic and I know Catherine says she hasn't used it) and their faces had changed - not really for the better. Two famous ones were Robbie Williams and Sharon Osborne. Other people showed their bodies which was called melting candle syndrome as all the loose skin was hanging down as they had lost weight too fast and their skin hadn't had chance to reduce back. No one wants to look ill and gaunt surely, no matter how slim they get. However, it's up to them of course.

There are different strengths of Ozempic, lower dose you will lose much slower. The slower you lose weight the better as it will take longer to back on. No doubt some go for the highest dose to lose as much quickly, hence the saggy skin.
ChuntzWatch 01/06/2024
Gardening show, with plants called "Salvia Lips" being featured. Guest states that the plant will form a bush for a while, before the Salvia Lips appear.

Chuntz then poses the question: "how long before you get lips in your bush?" and soon descends into a heap of sniggers and uncontrollable laughter. Meanwhile, the guest retains a straight face, and Chuntz is heard to say that she admires the guest for behaving like an adult. Mind you, even Mrs T choked on her Rich Tea! :ROFLMAO:
ChuntzWatch 01/06/2024
Gardening show, with plants called "Salvia Lips" being featured. Guest states that the plant will form a bush for a while, before the Salvia Lips appear.

Chuntz then poses the question: "how long before you get lips in your bush?" and soon descends into a heap of sniggers and uncontrollable laughter. Meanwhile, the guest retains a straight face, and Chuntz is heard to say that she admires the guest for behaving like an adult. Mind you, even Mrs T choked on her Rich Tea! :ROFLMAO:
I've heard her give a similar reaction when she's mentioned 'gussets.'

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