julia - weight loss


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julia looks good because she has olive skin and lovely head of hair and a young featured face...she is a good presenter. the best qvc have but she is not a small anymore even though she is petite in build and hieght
From some of the comments in this thread I would have thought Julia was 30 stone... She's a size 14 or something... If that's hideously unhealthy and obese then god help most of the world.
From some of the comments in this thread I would have thought Julia was 30 stone... She's a size 14 or something... If that's hideously unhealthy and obese then god help most of the world.

she just has middle aged spread. a tummy. she does not put on weight anywhere else and she is short so it may show more but i dont think she is obese
OMG enough already.

No way is Julia overweight now or before you are saying so. And, certainly not obese.

Imo anyone size 20 and below is as normal a size as some skinny people think they are. I'd far rather have some meat on me than look like Jill Franks for example, who wants to be skin and bones.

I'd love to know what some of you look like, to be discussing someone's weight.
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I've realised the biggest critics of women are women .....and when it comes to weight ....well the papers are full of this diet that diet the other diet .......we are a nation obsessed ....and I supposed when somebody has kept on about themselves being a size small ....when they more than likely were not ...then it causes discussion ....especially when in public eye..it comes with the territory ...I'm not saying its right of fair but it just does .....
somebody has kept on about themselves being a size small ....when they more than likely were not ...
See, I think there's size small and then there's QVC size small. I don't think for one minute that every time Julia has said over the years that she was wearing the size small that she was lying, in fact I find her to be one of the most truthful of all the presenters. I totally believe that if she says she is wearing the small then she is. It's just that QVC garments are notoriously stretchy and the sizes generous so we compare to High Street sizes and it skews our perception of what she is saying. When she put on weight a while ago I often heard her say that she was wearing a bigger size as she was heavier than usual.
It honestly does not bother me ....?What size people are ...but people pick up,in the smallest things.....especially women from my experience .....
The trouble with Julia is she will insist n wearing a 'small' when she would probably look better in a medium. I would say a woman who is only 5ft 4ish and is bigger than a size 14 is obese regardless of what the earlier poster said.
The trouble with Julia is she will insist n wearing a 'small' when she would probably look better in a medium. I would say a woman who is only 5ft 4ish and is bigger than a size 14 is obese regardless of what the earlier poster said.
Oh dear, I do hope you are under 30, that way I could make allowances for you!
The trouble with Julia is she will insist n wearing a 'small' when she would probably look better in a medium. I would say a woman who is only 5ft 4ish and is bigger than a size 14 is obese regardless of what the earlier poster said.

Dear god that's me stuffed. Shall I put my head in the oven now or later? One assumes you are lucky enough to be the exact weight for your height?
I agree with Betty boo - the sad fact is that most people don't like to admit they are overweight, but they are. I am a slim 10/12 at 5'2" but I am overweight. Not going by some chart, just by looking at my body. We should carry as little excess fat as possible, most of us don't. Jill Franks is actually a healthy weight, we are not meant to be fat! I don't know why people insist they are healthy and happy carrying excess weight - you are not healthy! Happy you may be, but you are most definitely not healthy, or fit. Sorry, but it's true. It's science, it must be ;-)
Jill Franks may be healthy but I don't think she looks well at all most of the time. We all have a different perseptive of what is a healthy weight but it's a shame that so many young girls and women are in the grip of anorexia due to the images of ultra thin models being shown in the media. I don't think women under 5'4'' are obese. They could be more healthy than someone who is 6' and a size 6.
People thinking they have to be as thin as Jill Franks when they can never achieve it is the reason why so many people struggle with their body image. They go on crash or fad diets, and get anxious about the way they look. All of which are not healthy. While it's evident people should avoid being obese, eople don't have to be stick thin to be healthy, and while Ms Franks may well be perfectly fit and her body shape and size fine - for her - it's not for everyone.

(Edit: we must have been posting at the same time LH! )
Everything depends on the individual. The QVC models are presumably healthy and most look good yet 5ft 10 and a size 10? I'm a couple of inches shorter, still tall, but when I went down to a size 12, everyone told me I looked haggard. I know I need to be a bit slimmer than I am but it's work in progress. I've lost a stone and with it I feel so much better, joints, blood pressure and everything.
Well done thatu losing those extra pounds is not easy I have lost about half a stone in the last six weeks and managed to get into my size 14 linen trousers this morning and I also feel better already but at least another half stone to go. I'm only 5 ft 4ins but I am happy at size 14. I'm 72 now and don't want to spend the rest of my life worrying about my weight and general health so healthier diet and a bit more exercise will do for me.
I am 5ft 8 and a half inches tall and weigh 10st 6lbs. If I go below 10st 3 I feel lightheaded. My docs have been concerned about my weight for a good while, hospital scales weighed me 4lbs lighter with clothes than my home scales nude! My appetite is up now and feel better but work to keep my weight below 10st 7, above this and I start to feel sluggish. I am a size 10/12.

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