Charlie's eating comments


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May 31, 2012
Did anyone here see Charlie on the cooks essentials show this evening 8-9 pm, when he commented to Simon that there is a website that has criticised him for the amount of food he eats on air, but he didn't care. Did he mean us!?
Very possibly he is referring to here. QVC don't give a hoot what we say or think, Charlie doesn't either. The only one who periodically seems bothered is Debbie.

By and large, the presenters probably are just happy that anyone has an opinion of them. They like the attention.
Very possibly he is referring to here. QVC don't give a hoot what we say or think, Charlie doesn't either. The only one who periodically seems bothered is Debbie.

By and large, the presenters probably are just happy that anyone has an opinion of them. They like the attention.

Well he certainly cared enough to comment on it. Believe me they do care, albeit to varying degrees. It's only people like Debs Flint who handle the criticism poorly. Rather than maintaining a dignified silence she bites back all the time. She must hyperventilate with all that twittering! She seems almost obsessed with her online presence. I just wish she'd shove off!
I was going to have a dig at them for reading up on themselves however that would be hypocritical of me. I often look at bits I've done and see how they went down with Joe Public. So do my employers - it's one of the things they discuss in my monthly appraisals. Online presence is quite a big thing these days. I must be about the only person at my workplace who isn't on Twitter and Facebook. I balk at the idea of posting up pics etc online.
Well he certainly cared enough to comment on it. Believe me they do care, albeit to varying degrees. It's only people like Debs Flint who handle the criticism poorly. Rather than maintaining a dignified silence she bites back all the time. She must hyperventilate with all that twittering! She seems almost obsessed with her online presence. I just wish she'd shove off!

sorry - I could have better expressed what I mean - I don't think they care enough what we say or think - that we could influence their behaviour in any way.
I was going to have a dig at them for reading up on themselves however that would be hypocritical of me. I often look at bits I've done and see how they went down with Joe Public. So do my employers - it's one of the things they discuss in my monthly appraisals. Online presence is quite a big thing these days. I must be about the only person at my workplace who isn't on Twitter and Facebook. I balk at the idea of posting up pics etc online.

Thank you for not sharing your dinner pics with us J!
It was probably an innocent enough comment - how would any of us like to have our 'off the cuff' words dissected and analysed all the time?

At least he's showing some awareness - but he's doing nothing wrong by eating the food so why should he stop doing it?
Stop Press news for Charlie the Chomper: just for a change, you may have been criticised by one of your own fellow presenters the other day. I was watching the early morning Cooks Essentials, where the guest had cooked a steamed sponge. Jill H. said, very deliberately, that she always waits to be asked before she picks up the food to try it! At the same time, she looked at the camera and raised her eyebrows! Now, who might she have been having a little 'dig' at?
possibly he is referring to here. QVC don't give a hoot what we say or think, Charlie doesn't either. The only one who periodically seems bothered is Debbie.

By and large, the presenters probably are just happy that anyone has an opinion of them. They like the attention.
It might be common good manners for him not to stuff his mouth so full that he can't speak, as he's done on many occasions in the past. There's 'eating the food' and making yourself look like a glutton, IMO. Makes you wonder what some people are like at home..
It was probably an innocent enough comment - how would any of us like to have our 'off the cuff' words dissected and analysed all the time?

At least he's showing some awareness - but he's doing nothing wrong by eating the food so why should he stop doing it?
Stop Press news for Charlie the Chomper: just for a change, you may have been criticised by one of your own fellow presenters the other day. I was watching the early morning Cooks Essentials, where the guest had cooked a steamed sponge. Jill H. said, very deliberately, that she always waits to be asked before she picks up the food to try it! At the same time, she looked at the camera and raised her eyebrows! Now, who might she have been having a little 'dig' at?

Ah ha, that explains something! I was watching Charlie and he was given a piece of steamed sponge with cream but he didn't eat it, which struck me as unusual. Then he went on to say that he wasn't allowed to eat it until he was offered it. Not an exact quote, just words to that effect. Then he said about having it off-camera but then it went to ads and I never saw what happened to it. It did look nice though!
I agree - it looked delicious!
Ah ha, that explains something! I was watching Charlie and he was given a piece of steamed sponge with cream but he didn't eat it, which struck me as unusual. Then he went on to say that he wasn't allowed to eat it until he was offered it. Not an exact quote, just words to that effect. Then he said about having it off-camera but then it went to ads and I never saw what happened to it. It did look nice though!
I can't imagine anyone reading about themselves on here and not at least stopping to think that there may be a smidgen of truth in it.

If they do read and totally ignore it then they are even bigger egotists than I think they are as if I read even one of our comments said about myself I would fell like a worm.
Of course, with the size of some of the Q presenters egos, it probably wouldn't occur to them that people who comment on here might have valid points, and that they could actually learn something from taking the comments on board. It's much easier for to see themselves as 'victims', rather than stopping to think posters might have a point (the presenters have got nothing to learn, have they? Not much!). I can think of few things worse than seeing a presenter grabbing food and stuffing it in their mouth, not chewing one mouthful and swallowing it before grabbing another. I've often thought that Charlie's lucky not to have choked on-air. I've watched him several times where he literally cannot speak because there's so much food in his mouth, and the guest has to carry on. He should try sitting the other side of the camera, and seeing how awful it looks - would he eat like that if he was a dinner guest or in a restaurant?
I can't imagine anyone reading about themselves on here and not at least stopping to think that there may be a smidgen of truth in it.

If they do read and totally ignore it then they are even bigger egotists than I think they are as if I read even one of our comments said about myself I would fell like a worm.
It might be common good manners for him not to stuff his mouth so full that he can't speak, as he's done on many occasions in the past. There's 'eating the food' and making yourself look like a glutton, IMO. Makes you wonder what some people are like at home..

The irony H, getting pulled up for "dissecting and analysing" presenters comments while er.......dissecting and analysing everyone else's, oh the hypocrisy. :mysmilie_15:

Totally agree with you, manners cost nothing, no need to stuff his mush really, every one who watches QVC knows what follows is a chorus of orgasmic "mmmm mmmm mmmm oh yeah!"
I have heard Charlie being told off before now because he's attacked something which is for display for all of the shows... normally it's one of the showier desserts...
There's nothing wrong with all that food being eaten - I mean you couldn't waste all the things they make. However, it should be eaten off air I think unless it's just a quick taste. Charlie just stuffs it all in his mouth like a pig and Craig's not much better. I have also seen Chloe hanging around to grab food as well. Maybe they should just put Jill Franks on the food shows.


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