Cringefest on at the moment


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Right losers, got to go as I can actually 'get around' and have stuff to stuff and interests. It's been fun, stay trashy b*tches and Leslie, hope to see you soon on 600lb life.
Got to go flog some cheap gold tone tat with heavily treated gems to some poor unsuspecting viewers?

Very productive 👍🏻
Wasn't that fun? I really thought that today would be boring, but no!

I hope Judge Dredd comes back. Each time they post, they keep giving stuff away.

And we're the "trashy b*tches", but there's whoever they are with their limited and stunted vocabulary.

No wonder they work for a company that is effectively ripping viewers off left, right and centre. I can't see someone like that working for a proper business.

hey perhaps you are Kati - then truth hurts and if it hurts that much then either live with it or change it but at the end of the day be true to yourself.
Personally, after reading this ongoing 'attack', which, in my opinion is / was more vehement than a lot of other comments here: not all, but most, I don't believe it is her.

'Our' gripes are about the way the company is run, compared to how it used to, and how the presentation on-air has changed mostly for the worse. Our issues may 'target' certain presenters more than others, but that's because 'we' can see how they used to be and how it's changed. I haven't been here for 10 months so can't comment too far back: and not really too interested to go through the back catalogue of posts here. I might not have much of a life but it's not that desperate I read that much here.

Where am I going? Well, this current onslaught at the 'readers / writers' on this section of the forum is just blatant attacking for attacking's sake. They know us no more than we know them, so what gives them the right to target here. If they, or any poster here 'originates' from the company, that is not the way to help anyone: here, or there. It's just extra damage to the company. 'This' is what they think of their customers.

I wasn't going to play into their hands. That's what trolls and such want, but having read the previous, I had to comment.
Personally, after reading this ongoing 'attack', which, in my opinion is / was more vehement than a lot of other comments here: not all, but most, I don't believe it is her.

'Our' gripes are about the way the company is run, compared to how it used to, and how the presentation on-air has changed mostly for the worse. Our issues may 'target' certain presenters more than others, but that's because 'we' can see how they used to be and how it's changed. I haven't been here for 10 months so can't comment too far back: and not really too interested to go through the back catalogue of posts here. I might not have much of a life but it's not that desperate I read that much here.

Where am I going? Well, this current onslaught at the 'readers / writers' on this section of the forum is just blatant attacking for attacking's sake. They know us no more than we know them, so what gives them the right to target here. If they, or any poster here 'originates' from the company, that is not the way to help anyone: here, or there. It's just extra damage to the company. 'This' is what they think of their customers.

I wasn't going to play into their hands. That's what trolls and such want, but having read the previous, I had to comment.
Did you notice how Judge Rinder started off by calling us trashy for our comments about Kati, but when challenged they went straight into ranting about our criticism of Gemporia as a whole?

That was intriguing. I wonder if we were all supposed to fall over ourselves apologising, and once we admitted we were in the "wrong", Judge Deed would then start discussing how we were also wrong about Gemporia. And we would all agree because we were so chastened about our Kati posts.

And as leslie61 pointed out, this person said they had been lurking for 10 months before getting so irate they had to post today. Yet they dropped their supposed moral high ground (which they never held at all due to their own insults and crass language) to attack us on criticising the company.

Kati Elliott was just an excuse for them to post. They're really not happy about the forum's comments on Gemporia as a whole.

Interesting that they made a very distinct point of saying that TheManWithNoName knows his stuff. He is obviously having an impact on Gemporia, and they don't like it.

I wasn't going to respond, but the blatant hypocrisy was just too much to ignore. Then it got interesting 🙂
Maybe that was a veiled threat to him too. Coz of his actions. Not (and sorry TMWNN), coz he's knowledgeable but coz to the company he's annoying :p
Unless the company knew something about TMWNN that they felt undermined his successful complaints about the company, I would imagine that they want to be very careful around him.

After all, he's proven on loads of occasional that a) he knows his stuff, and b) he can back it up. Multiple times.

Gemporia starts attacking him specifically, and it looks like they're out to get him for drawing official attention to their dodgy dealings. And that's not a story Gemporia wants out in the wider world.

Who knows what the media will start looking into then? Or what the remaining customers might think?

Judge Death really should be careful about what they say, and how they say it.

Bit late now 🤣
OK....I guess I'll take you word for it and your kind family/friends opinions (;) cope)

*Coping intensifies*

Liar and you know it this is just something you'd 'like' to think about yourself

there's constructive criticism for public figures 100% but that wasn't it and you know it as you laughed along like a little b*tch in the background. Kati is actually making a success of her life and following her dreams, not following her stomach to the fridge piggy

Things that make ya go hmm...

Readily quotes people on the forum in multiples like this on 1 Post. How many newbies do that on the same day they joined I wonder?

Has followed comments here, presumably only/mainly the Gemporia ones, for 10 months but only commented today.

Starts with a potty mouth, makes out they're upset about Kati comments, yet quickly defends Gemporia by bad mouthing their sceptics. Meanwhile, their personal insults get more intense & frankly even more bizarre.

Doesn't say a bad word about TMWNN quite the opposite. I think possibly because s/he'd shat themselves at the thought of going head to head in a discussion here with TMWNN ?

Has been following forum comments here for 10 months.
(Odd number, I think most normal people would say "almost a year" yet this potty mouth stated their time watching here silently in actual months).

Yet only actually joined and commented on this forum today haha.

If they are a Gemporia employee or affiliated to them in any way, they're certainly not doing Gemporia any favours. Quite the opposite. What a spectacular own goal if they are lol.


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Has been following forum comments here for 10 months.
(Odd number, I think most normal people would say "almost a year" yet this potty mouth stated their time watching here silently in actual months).

Yet only actually joined and commented on this forum today haha.

If they are a Gemporia employee or affiliated to them in any way, they're certainly not doing Gemporia any favours. Quite the opposite. What a spectacular own goal if they are lol.
10 months 5 days 4 hours, 3 mins and .5 seconds :p

No favours whatsoever. And that attachment. Currently viewing Lifestyle. If my memory serves, that's under the Gems umbrella too. So, it seems 'they' are only interested in this forum over the other shopping channels.
Unless the company knew something about TMWNN that they felt undermined his successful complaints about the company, I would imagine that they want to be very careful around him.

After all, he's proven on loads of occasional that a) he knows his stuff, and b) he can back it up. Multiple times.

Gemporia starts attacking him specifically, and it looks like they're out to get him for drawing official attention to their dodgy dealings. And that's not a story Gemporia wants out in the wider world.

Who knows what the media will start looking into then? Or what the remaining customers might think?

Judge Death really should be careful about what they say, and how they say it.

Bit late now 🤣

Whoever it is, it strikes me as being very similar to that person that joined earlier in the year. They also signed up specifically to go 'on the attack'. On that occasion, they very much came for me at first - but in the process, insulted just about every other person on the forum afterwards. I think he/she was then banned. Could it be the same person? Who knows.

Either way, I couldn't care less who it is because they'll get nowhere. They have no idea who I am, where I'm from, or whether I am even a man. My username could be a bluff.

Even if they did find out who I am, they'll still get nowhere because I've made sure that everything I've made claims about, or reported to various organisations (mainly the ASA), can be substantiated with factual evidence. That fact that the ASA have taken action on everything I've reported also proves that the evidence was enough to prove it was true. I haven't said anything false / libellous that could get me sued. On the occasions where I've speculated, I've used words like "probably", "possibly" or "allegedly", to ensure that it differentiates between speculation and fact.

On the rare occasion I've mentioned things that I've been told by current (or ex) Gemporia employees, I've made sure that I don't drop them in it too.

So the worst they can do in retaliation is close my customer account - which is no big deal anyway. I only use it as a quick reference, via the app, to see what items I've bought in the past to 'jog my memory'. It would be a minor inconvenience - but it's no big deal. I don't buy from them any more - and have no intention to, so it doesn't affect me from that aspect.

IF Gemporia stop misleading, and refrain from making dubious claims and price comparisons, then I'm of no concern or issue to them - I won't need to keep reporting them.

If they continue misleading, and continue making dubious claims and price comparisons, then I WILL be a thorn in their side because I will continue reporting them until action is finally taken that's prevents or deters them from doing it again in the future. Even a few hours suspension from broadcasting would likely cost them thousands in lost revenue, so if that's a chance they wish to take, that's completely their choice. That will be entirely their fault - not mine.

I have nothing against Gemporia as a business. They exist to make money. I have no issue with that.

What I do have issue with, is their misleading methods they use to get customers to part with their money.

Making money fairly - fine with me. Making money by using dubious methods - unacceptable.

Finally, are some of my insulting comments towards 'on-screen' presenters a bit OTT / harsh? Yes. But they insult customers intelligence on a daily basis too. So, in my view, it works both ways.
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Whoever it is, it strikes me as being very similar to that person that joined earlier in the year. They also signed up specifically to go 'on the attack'. On that occasion, they very much came for me at first - but in the process, insulted just about every other person on the forum afterwards. I think he/she was then banned. Could it be the same person? Who knows.

Either way, I couldn't care less who it is because they'll get nowhere. They have no idea who I am, where I'm from, or whether I am even a man. My username could be a bluff.

Even if they did find out who I am, they'll still get nowhere because I've made sure that everything I've made claims about, or reported to various organisations (mainly the ASA), can be substantiated with factual evidence. That fact that the ASA have taken action on everything I've reported also proves that the evidence was enough to prove it was true. I haven't said anything false / libellous that could get me sued. On the occasions where I've speculated, I've used words like "probably", "possibly" or "allegedly", to ensure that it differentiates between speculation and fact.

On the rare occasion I've mentioned things that I've been told by current (or ex) Gemporia employees, I've made sure that I don't drop them in it too.

So the worst they can do in retaliation is close my customer account - which is no big deal anyway. I only use it as a quick reference, via the app, to see what items I've bought in the past to 'jog my memory'. It would be a minor inconvenience - but it's no big deal. I don't buy from them any more - and have no intention to, so it doesn't affect me from that aspect.

IF Gemporia stop misleading, and refrain from making dubious claims and price comparisons, then I'm of no concern or issue to them - I won't need to keep reporting them.

If they continue misleading, and continue making dubious claims and price comparisons, then I WILL be a thorn in their side because I will continue reporting them until action is finally taken that's prevents or deters them from doing it again in the future. Even a few hours suspension from broadcasting would likely cost them thousands in lost revenue, so if that's a chance they wish to take, that's completely their choice. That will be entirely their fault - not mine.

I have nothing against Gemporia as a business. They exist to make money. I have no issue with that.

What I do have issue with, is their misleading methods they use to get customers to part with their money.

Making money fairly - fine with me. Making money by using dubious methods - unacceptable.

Finally, are some of my insulting comments towards 'on-screen' presenters a bit OTT / harsh? Yes. But they insult customers intelligence on a daily basis too. So, in my view, it works both ways.
I understand exactly what you're saying. And it's very obvious that Gemporia does too.

Especially if the narrative they now want to put out there is that we're sad failures who have nothing better to do than watch Gemporia all day, every day and critique it on this forum.

Apart from TMWNN: they're giving you a wide berth now.

I wonder, if that's how Gemporia sees us, just what do they think of the viewers who tune in all day, every day and buy from them? Or who watch because they're lonely, and those smiley people with the gold tone cheese wire rings and heavily filled gems are company for them?

They're totally different when the mask is off.
What a load of trashy b*tches you all are for running down this young woman like this. Whatever you think of her appearance the way you have all spoken about her and your fantasy musings about her hygiene makes YOU cringing, degenerate, tacky hypocrites. And I have ZERO doubt that not one of you are remotely attractive enough to run down another person’s appearance. I’ve been following you all for 10months on this forum and you really to do have disgusting personalities
Nope, not true just people have different tipping points and the only one who's been the reason for me to read these conversations (and wade through the inane crud in them) is TMWNN as he is very knowledgeable.
Anyway no you're not perfect and do feel free to run yourself down Leslie (sounds like a fat girls are fat aren't you...and ugly oh dear)
If you wish to remain on this forum then please refrain from attacking forum members. Here on ST we allow all things shopping telly to be discussed with positive and negative but attacking fellow forum members is not allowed.
Apart from TMWNN: they're giving you a wide berth now.

I suspect this is a bluff tbh. If it is a Gemporia employee, I suspect that by making out that they have nothing against me so that they can "soften me up" so that I back off from reporting them. I'm the one person that they should be furious with if anyone, because it's clear that most of the warnings they've had are as a result of my referrals to the ASA. I suspect that Gemporia were LIVID with the 'final warning' about the Ruby Quartz.

If they stop misleading, then I'll be able to stop reporting them. The ball is in their court really. They don't need to "soften me up" - they just need to change their sales tactics for the better.
Especially if the narrative they now want to put out there is that we're sad failures who have nothing better to do than watch Gemporia all day, every day
Perfect way to keep your clientele. Without those 'sad failures', they wouldn't be on screen. And if it's because those sad failures want to critique what they see, who's fault is it?

Being old now. Has the company 'of old' had as much online criticism as it has of late? Somehow I doubt it. Which obviously implies that they used to be a good business. They can blame it on pandemics, and all manner of other things, but they don't seem to think they can't constantly blame their woes on things that are basically recovered from.
I suspect this is a bluff tbh. If it is a Gemporia employee, I suspect that by making out that they have nothing against me so that they can "soften me up" so that I back off from reporting them. I'm the one person that they should be furious with if anyone, because it's clear that most of the warnings they've had are as a result of my referrals to the ASA. I suspect that Gemporia were LIVID with the 'final warning' about the Ruby Quartz.

If they stop misleading, then I'll be able to stop reporting them. The ball is in their court really. They don't need to "soften me up" - they just need to change their sales tactics for the better.
Considering you haven't let up at holding them to account, and you haven't let previous attacks on here get to you, I think that Gemporia don't know what to do about you. And are leaving you alone in case they make their situation worse.

People, who may or may not have been linked to Gemporia, have tried twice to my knowledge to make out you're simply someone with a beef against that company. And have been forced to shut up since they couldn't back up their smears.

The fact that you have taken Gemporia to a final warning from the ASA shows that attempting to mollify you won't work. And it doesn't fit their arrogant attitude of "We're always right, and everyone else is wrong".

They obviously think that the rest of us are easier targets. Which is hilarious, since in my case I couldn't give a stuff what they think of me. I have been called a lot worse in my time, and I have made it abundantly clear how I feel about them.
Perfect way to keep your clientele. Without those 'sad failures', they wouldn't be on screen. And if it's because those sad failures want to critique what they see, who's fault is it?

Being old now. Has the company 'of old' had as much online criticism as it has of late? Somehow I doubt it. Which obviously implies that they used to be a good business. They can blame it on pandemics, and all manner of other things, but they don't seem to think they can't constantly blame their woes on things that are basically recovered from.

It always had a bit of criticism - I guess that's inevitable of a company that size. They were always a bit shady with some of their their sales pitches too - but nothing to the scale that they are now. I think some of it was also unintentional and simply down to the presenter and/or the way they said it.

However, it is clear these days that a lot of the misleading is deliberate. They've had a 'final warning' from the ASA about using the name 'Ruby Quartz' - yet despite that, it's been on air at least twice since, and it is STILL on their website ( ). They can't put that down to a 'mistake' or 'oversight'.

They were far more trustworthy years ago, the items were generally good quality and value for money, the prices were fair, and there was far more variety with something for everyone too.

It started to go downhill slightly before Steve handed over control of the Company, but once he did hand it over, there was a HUGE noticeable difference - and the final nail in the coffin was Wagstaffe running the Company, and too much influence from Jake and Dave Troth too - even more so when they started to continually take over the airtime with boring lectures.

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