Cringefest on at the moment


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Considering you haven't let up at holding them to account, and you haven't let previous attacks on here get to you, I think that Gemporia don't know what to do about you. And are leaving you alone in case they make their situation worse.
Plus they only see what I post on here.

There is stuff I don't post on here because, although it might not seem like it, I do try to be neutral at times. For example, one of the people that tells me stuff is an ex employee - so if I ONLY hear it from them, I won't post it on here in case they are saying it out of frustration or because they have a bit of resentment against Gemporia for being sacked/made redundant from their job.

If it comes from more than one person, then I will post it on here because it is clear at that point that there must be some truth to it.

I also don't post some stuff on here because it would, inevitably, reveal who I am if I leaked it. Not that I am overly bothered because I have nothing to hide, but, as indicated, for simplicity's sake, I don't particularly want my customer account closed out of retaliation because it is handy to see what I've bought in the past at a quick glance on the app.

I also wouldn't want to leak anything that I've been told in good faith from current staff that could cost them their job if I was to post it on here.

Just to clarify one thing though, so that Gemporia don't get the wrong idea. I don't have 'sources' as such that come to me directly with info. I don't know anyone in a 'friends' capacity - but there are just certain members of staff that have other jobs outside of Gemporia, or do other things in the public domain, that I come into contact with that tell me things quite openly once they get 'comfortable' into conversation - or they tell me via social media. They're not out to deliberately s**t stir.

Hence how I found out that certain members of staff are just as fed up with Dave Troth and/or his Jadeite as we are. It's not just viewers/customers that are sick of him/it.
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Oh how predictable the 'I mIGht bE DisABled' approach to garner faux sympathy. So you'd HAVE to be doing this with your time if you can't 'get around'. Maybe change the channel, pick up a book (oh wait I guess next it will be you might not have arms or eyes !) You're trash as you admit and failing dismally at life but you know it. So sad.
Please do keep on with the latest conspiracy theory about Gemporia and who I could possibly be. It's already been hilarious reading the umpteen speculations about presenters shift changes or 'are they on holiday or sickness?' (some get boring after a while but it's not long till a new chat gets started with another rage fest at something they've done or not done)
If you are bored with reading can I put it? Why not go away? You're telling other people what to do with their time - how's about you take your own advice?

I think you really should take a chill pill, you need to calm down for the sake of your health. Oh, and by the way: this is a forum; when did you become Chief Constable of the Forum Police?
You're so adamant that I care about who you are. But if I am accustomed to failure, then I would have accepted that I wouldn't ever learn who you are.

Both things cannot be true, and yet you are adamant that both are.

That, and your interesting approach to spelling seems to show that thinking and typing aren't your biggest accomplishments.

This is fun 😂
Agree - it's hilarious and from the spelling alone I think we can tell from which 'Towers' it comes from! That reminds me: I've got some fruit cake for tea....(y)
What a load of trashy b*tches you all are for running down this young woman like this. Whatever you think of her appearance the way you have all spoken about her and your fantasy musings about her hygiene makes YOU cringing, degenerate, tacky hypocrites. And I have ZERO doubt that not one of you are remotely attractive enough to run down another person’s appearance. I’ve been following you all for 10months on this forum and you really to do have disgusting personalities

Oh deary, deary me. Another Troll. Well, little, haggard Troll, I know you are looking for responses please enjoy the only one you will get from me. Please enjoy spewing your bile and remember to monitor your blood pressure. I, personally, will not be indulging in this trivial yawnfest.
Oh deary, deary me. Another Troll. Well, little, haggard Troll, I know you are looking for responses please enjoy the only one you will get from me. Please enjoy spewing your bile and remember to monitor your blood pressure. I, personally, will not be indulging in this trivial yawnfest.
I am pretty sure I backed Trivial Yawnfest in the Grand National a few years ago 🤔

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