Good afternoon


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Registered Shopper
Jul 28, 2009
Have been a forum reader for some time and enjoy (and learn) so much. Hope to join in your discussions and add my opinions from now on.
Welcome Welshwizzard, I am sure you will enjoy your time here and find it informative and a LOT of fun :hi:
Welcome Welshwizard! I'm sure you'll enjoy posting even more than lurking, they're a real friendly bunch here (mostly! lol) & very informative & helpful! :hi:
To whom are your referring????:20::28:

Mwahhh XXXX

*says casually* Oh, nobody.....maybe just the current on-duty F.A.R.T. Boot Camp Commandant, people like that......who is that again now, their name seems to have escaped me for the moment..........! :thinking2:

Nah, only joking, we're all lovely on here, aren't we Bet (save the occasional scrap & that's quite rare really!) & all get on pretty well? :angel:
A big warm welcome from me warned, it does get rather crazy here at times but you will have great fun!!
*says casually* Oh, nobody.....maybe just the current on-duty F.A.R.T. Boot Camp Commandant, people like that......who is that again now, their name seems to have escaped me for the moment..........! :thinking2:

Nah, only joking, we're all lovely on here, aren't we Bet (save the occasional scrap & that's quite rare really!) & all get on pretty well? :angel:

Was just looking at Julies last post on the benefits for the elderly thread and got a really warm feeling about the people on here. Even if FM's dont know the answer, they offer lots of support and if they do, theres no hesitation in sharing. They are a lovely bunch......I feel a group hug coming on :grin::60:

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Thanks for your replies I feel very welcome already. Just to add that I do shop more than I should with QVC (like most of you by the sound of it!) I am a craft addict (shock! horror! from some of you) with a stock pile to last a life time. Sometimes buy jewellery, skin products (although thanks to you I have found cheaper retailers) plus various other products that I never knew I needed and most probably could have done without anyway but I am not perfect so what the h***.

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