Jill Franks on the Australian Bodycare hour


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I quite liked the "dislike" button but wish it were named "mildly disagree". I only used the "dislike" button twice and the recipients demanded an explanation. I wonder whether that happened a lot, leading to its removal

Posters on the same wavelength will "like" posts from like-minded folk. I'd enjoy reading something new and interesting from any source.
Being a selly telly forum obviously the common denominator of any post is going to be ST and since Q is the biggest it is obvious that most will be about that.

Personally totally Q related posts would bore me silly which is why i like it when it either goes off topic or was never on topic in the first place. There isn't enough on Q now to sustain my interest either on TV or a forum.

Actually I rather regret that more don't use the Drop as I rather like it but there is only 1 or 2 regular contributors and even then months can go without a new post. Maybe I'm just a sad sod!
Being a selly telly forum obviously the common denominator of any post is going to be ST and since Q is the biggest it is obvious that most will be about that.

Personally totally Q related posts would bore me silly which is why i like it when it either goes off topic or was never on topic in the first place. There isn't enough on Q now to sustain my interest either on TV or a forum.

Actually I rather regret that more don't use the Drop as I rather like it but there is only 1 or 2 regular contributors and even then months can go without a new post. Maybe I'm just a sad sod!

Ok, here's one ; do you fancy discussing the latest Honours List and sex toys ? (honourable sex toys)
I'm still a newbie to QVC & I'll admit I couldn't warm to Jill Franks from the start, but she is still a person with feelings & it must be incredibly hurtful to read unkind personal comments from complete strangers.

Debbie Flint I love & Craig too.
I'm still getting to know them.
Not to enamoured of the younger presenter with the very northern accent, mid length straight fairish hair.
Do my eyes deceive me, or is Jill wearing pink nail varnish? Albeit a pinky taupe shade not a million miles from Porchester Sq :mysmilie_13:
Do my eyes deceive me, or is Jill wearing pink nail varnish? Albeit a pinky taupe shade not a million miles from Porchester Sq :mysmilie_13:

Just turned over to have a look and she seems to have a bicycle chain around her neck. Yes she she been wearing pink polish this week.
I'm not getting drawn on Ms Franks again so early in 2016 ! I'm going to talk about pink and fluffy handcuffs that Ms Gold appears to sell, and recent recipient of an Honour, along with that other sex object of the 1960's, bingo advertiser, and actress with only one accent !
I'm not getting drawn on Ms Franks again so early in 2016 ! I'm going to talk about pink and fluffy handcuffs that Ms Gold appears to sell, and recent recipient of an Honour, along with that other sex object of the 1960's, bingo advertiser, and actress with only one accent !

Huh? I'm confused now. What is everyone talking about?
No it's that darn necklace they have had in every bleeding show since just before Christmas.

But "I love this because it's quirky just like me". and then went into the realms of doing unusual things snigger snigger.

Get a grip luv.
No it's that darn necklace they have had in every bleeding show since just before Christmas.

But "I love this because it's quirky just like me". and then went into the realms of doing unusual things snigger snigger.

Get a grip luv.

Quirky?? Someone who wears a beige top with beige trousers? I don't think so!!

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