Jill Franks on the Australian Bodycare hour


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The internet is a funny old thing and it`s amazing how people can have such strong reactions to it. Social media such as facebook and forums such as this are a platform for spewing out lots of positive and negative reactions. One of the phrases I regularly see is " well you wouldn`t say it to their face " and that`s the whole point of it, people don`t have to say anything to anybody`s face but the other side of the coin is, people don`t have to read it either.
Last night I saw a grown woman throw a childish wobbler on a facebook group, effing and jeffing like an Irish navvy and all because people either rarely posted so were therefore branded as lurkers or because they didn`t click the "like" tab on someone`s thread. Today hardly anybody has posted on that group because her actions have left such a bad taste.
This thread has had it`s highs and lows, has gone off tangent and people have bounced agreements and disagreements back and forth and apart from one or two people threatening to leave or stop posting ( hopefully temporarily or preferably they`ll change their minds ) we still keep posting, talking and yes at times, arguing or disagreeing. No doubt tomorrow or the day after or the week after, another thread will cause the same responses but it`s who we are, what we are and the forum still keeps rumbling on. Strong people with strong opinions on a strong forum. The Yin and Yang of all things QVC plus the price of eggs and anything else we can think of !
According to point number 3. Because we have "similar" writing styles then we must be the same person. We have many people that we get on with here H and have the same opinions so obviously we'll agree and like most of the comments, so I'm lost, does that mean everyone that has the same opinion is the same person? I don't understand, in that case there's a certain poster that has the same writing style and identical opinions as her, so are they the same bird? No sorry, I don't get it.

Just adding that point number 3 pretty much says it all, it's alright to call other posters comments "inane" but it's not ok to call JF a rubbish presenter? Imagine if we'd have called JF anything bad, we'd probably have a whole thread dedicated to us. I'm done with this thread now H so I'll sign off as she's done the same as she always does, causes trouble

I am Evie, I am not shopperholic, nor am I a member of a group. I do not flock together with any birds of a feather, I quite simply have my own opinions. Sometimes, I click on like or thanks because the poster has expressed my view so well that I don't feel it is necessary to say anything else. Sometimes I like or thank because I happen to be so unwell that I cannot face posting. I don't do it because I belong to the same "group " as the poster. What a ridiculous thing to say. Also, just for the record I do often agree with shopperholic, that's just how it is, she has no hold over me!
According to point number 3. Because we have "similar" writing styles then we must be the same person. We have many people that we get on with here H and have the same opinions so obviously we'll agree and like most of the comments, so I'm lost, does that mean everyone that has the same opinion is the same person? I don't understand, in that case there's a certain poster that has the same writing style and identical opinions as her, so are they the same bird? No sorry, I don't get it.

Just adding that point number 3 pretty much says it all, it's alright to call other posters comments "inane" but it's not ok to call JF a rubbish presenter? Imagine if we'd have called JF anything bad, we'd probably have a whole thread dedicated to us. I'm done with this thread now H so I'll sign off as she's done the same as she always does, causes trouble

I am Evie, I am not shopperholic, nor am I a member of a group. I do not flock together with any birds of a feather, I quite simply have my own opinions. Sometimes, I click on like or thanks because the poster has expressed my view so well that I don't feel it is necessary to say anything else. Sometimes I like or thank because I happen to be so unwell that I cannot face posting. I don't do it because I belong to the same "group " as the poster. What a ridiculous thing to say. Also, just for the record I do often agree with shopperholic, that's just how it is, she has no hold over me!

Don't give it another thought Evie I'm sure no one else thinks this. On a forum you're going to get groups of people who have the same opinions, law of averages says so, and if I met people like yourself in normal day to day life, we'd still have the same opinions and I'd like you then too, just because we type them doesn't make them any less valid. I am done with this thread but just wanted to say thank you and hope you feel better soon, take care :mysmilie_508:
People have a psychological need to belong to a group. Perhaps some attach more importance to this forum as a "group" to which they "belong" than do others, hence the need to defend their points of view to the bitter end - as though their own person / being were under attack. I don't quite get this. I admit that I times I can argue vehemently and robustly, however I do acknowledge that some people will view things differently. This is the internet - what is someone going to do? Press their space bar?! loool!
shopperholic, let's confess - we are one and the same person, or were cloned, I forget which :mysmilie_19: and there's a conspiracy to replace all the Q presenters with Brian the robot. There are also fairies (or small people with winged appendages) at the bottom of our gardens. I've notified MI5 about the conspiracy theories, they'll be in touch. I am also Muttley and brissles (whose posts I also very much enjoy like yours - amongst others)....oh, and I'm also Napoleon! :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_59:
According to point number 3. Because we have "similar" writing styles then we must be the same person. We have many people that we get on with here H and have the same opinions so obviously we'll agree and like most of the comments, so I'm lost, does that mean everyone that has the same opinion is the same person? I don't understand, in that case there's a certain poster that has the same writing style and identical opinions as her, so are they the same bird? No sorry, I don't get it.

Just adding that point number 3 pretty much says it all, it's alright to call other posters comments "inane" but it's not ok to call JF a rubbish presenter? Imagine if we'd have called JF anything bad, we'd probably have a whole thread dedicated to us. I'm done with this thread now H so I'll sign off as she's done the same as she always does, causes trouble.
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People have a psychological need to belong to a group. Perhaps some attach more importance to this forum as a "group" to which they "belong" than do others, hence the need to defend their points of view to the bitter end - as though their own person / being were under attack. I don't quite get this. I admit that I times I can argue vehemently and robustly, however I do acknowledge that some people will view things differently. This is the internet - what is someone going to do? Press their space bar?! loool!

You'll always get people that feel validated belonging to a group, I however aren't one of them, I post my opinion and if you like it you like it, if you don't you don't, nothing more nothing less, I know these are cliches but they're actually true. It's not my place to judge why people do what they do, and why they feel the need to be pious and judgemental of others because they're so righteous, I can only comment on myself, because no one knows me better that me, I don't mind being classed as in a group though to be honest, it doesn't bother me, just so happens my group of like minded people are absolutely lovely.
shopperholic, let's confess - we are one and the same person, or were cloned, I forget which :mysmilie_19: and there's a conspiracy to replace all the Q presenters with Brian the robot. There are also fairies (or small people with winged appendages) at the bottom of our gardens. I've notified MI5 about the conspiracy theories, they'll be in touch. I am also Muttley and brissles (whose posts I also very much enjoy like yours - amongst others)....oh, and I'm also Napoleon! :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_59:

H! I thought you wasn't going to tell anyone! :mysmilie_13: our secrets out now :mysmilie_17: So from here on we'll now be known as HystryHolic......or ShopperMystery.....tomato, tomarto

Just adding that had to change tomato.............darn autocorrect.
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Love the HystryHolic, definitely could catch on.....just off now, to think up another conspiracy theory (oh, forgot, you'll be coming with me, because we are one and the same person!).
H! I thought you wasn't going to tell anyone! :mysmilie_13: our secrets out now :mysmilie_17: So from here on we'll now be known as HystryHolic......or ShopperMystery.....tomato, tomarto

Just adding that had to change tomato.............darn autocorrect.
Love the HystryHolic, definitely could catch on.....just off now, to think up another conspiracy theory (oh, forgot, you'll be coming with me, because we are one and the same person!).

Ok then H, we'll go with HystryHolic, I knew you was going to say that though, because we're the same person you see :mysmilie_14: enjoy your evening, sorry! I mean "we'll" enjoy our evening. :mysmilie_17:
As someone who has decided not to appoint herself Censor for Really Awful Presenters (the acronym can be used) as discussed on shopping tv forums, my view is that continually giving unwanted lectures, resorting to conspiracy theories, getting on your high horse, attempting to dictate what is/isn't said and being pious is every bit as bad (if not even worse) than anything unpleasant anybody else might have said. Funny how many of the 'live and let live' brigade believe that only they are in the right, and only other people's posts are unpleasant, not theirs, isn't it? Pot. Kettle. Black. So what if JF does or doesn't "deserve" the comment(s) made by other poster(s)? The poster(s) can, if they wish, say it - it's called a forum: you don't have to agree with it. That's your choice to say so or not. Keep calm and carry on, no sermons needed, thanks, - especially ones the length of DF's book.

I object to the really vicious remarks that are sometimes aimed at the presenters - as so many posters are happy to say this is a free country and we can speak freely here then I'll continue to exercise that blessing by commenting when I think something is spiteful - why shouldn't I?

Does Jill really *deserve* to be called a 'harrowed harridan' or 'Skeletor's sister'?
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Well, whatever your names are and no matter if you are all one and the same person, you might care to step back and look at this disgraceful thread and see how utterly childish and playground-like it has become.

It's very interesting to note that very few of the older/original forum members bother to post these days and I suspect it's because they, like me, don't much care for the constant Groundhog Day effect where every thread ends in name calling and mud slinging.

And don't bother telling me "we're all entitled to our opinions" or "use the ignore button" or whatever other trite comments are usually trotted out to justify the unpleasantness.
Hi Roseanne, I'm new to this forum and have just posted a few times but am bemused at some of the posts/statements. I joined to see what the previews of the TSVs are since it's helpful to see them in advance and sazza, autumn and supercoolwillow helpfully submit what they know. I have also asked a few things and forum members have been helpful to me which is kind and all that anyone can ask. I'd rather not get involved in all the bickering. I get enough of that at work and home!
Could I just comment on the bit about original/older members not posting. That is because they all were in cliques and in a huff all went off and started their own gang in a new forum (2 in fact if I remember correctly)

Some were badly missed for their fantastic humour others not so much as there was times the posting bordered on the manic/badly needing medical help.

So in comparison the current disagreement is mild and nothing new.
Well, whatever your names are and no matter if you are all one and the same person, you might care to step back and look at this disgraceful thread and see how utterly childish and playground-like it has become.

It's very interesting to note that very few of the older/original forum members bother to post these days and I suspect it's because they, like me, don't much care for the constant Groundhog Day effect where every thread ends in name calling and mud slinging.

And don't bother telling me "we're all entitled to our opinions" or "use the ignore button" or whatever other trite comments are usually trotted out to justify the unpleasantness.

I wouldn't dream of telling you anything, but I wonder if we're reading the same thread? We were commenting on a presenter of a shopping channel, when a post appeared calling other posters comments inane, and one aimed at me about my comments regarding QVC even though I was a customer for twenty years. So it's ok then to call other people when the thread was about presenters. I would never dream of telling you what to say, you'd have to care for that, all I expect though is that people look at this thread with honesty about were this thread broke off and turned personal on posters, pretty much what you're doing.
Of course it's Ground Hog day, my comments are always going to be the same, because they're my opinions, I'm pretty much consistent with them really, unless I change them dramatically but I really can't see it..........great film though. :mysmilie_17:
Perhaps if all members posted regularly there might be a wider range of opinions, but I'm inclined to think that it would just mean that the "I'm right" "you're wrong" "I'm out" numbers would just be proportionally bigger.

Do you want the forum to be totally factual, ie someone does the donkey work in order to advance post about TSV's or do you want it to be factual, fun and feisty?

How about starting a few new threads rather than leaving it up to a handful to keep the whole forum from dying?

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