Jill Franks on the Australian Bodycare hour


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I can take her or leave her. Her job is to sell by whatever means she has at her disposal, same as the rest of them, so if she thinks saying she uses products x, y and z for the same thing will clinch a sale, that's what she says. I don't think she's like that in real life - surely? And I've also thought it strange that she never mentions any family other than her husband. She seems fragile to me, and I just want to give her a good meal and let her relax for once.
I think the sales figures will be the biggest indicator of performance.... They are measurable and unbiased.

Sometimes I really struggle to get why people can be so cruelly critical of the presenters - so personal. It's not really necessary.

Yes, I'm one of those that people accuse of being 'holier than thou' - I'm not - I've just got a more tolerant personality.

My tolerance has been developed over decades of seeing first hand (through my job) the misery, cruelty etc that every day folk can inflict on their fellow man. Drug peddling, child abuse, fraud from the vulnerable, forced stuffing and swallowing of controlled drugs for concealed smuggling etc etc etc.

There is true evil and some really horrible people out there - Q presenters don't even register on that scale and so really don't deserve the spiteful stuff thrown at them... again, in my opinion.

But then my perspective is from years of seeing 'bad' people doing 'bad' things plus seeing the resulting impact on their victims - selling tea tree oil on selly telly using a few stock phrases and hyperbole doesn't really measure even close to being 'bad' on my scale.

It's just a shopping channel - Jill's just a person - there are so many worse things to get upset about really.
I think the sales figures will be the biggest indicator of performance.... They are measurable and unbiased.

Sometimes I really struggle to get why people can be so cruelly critical of the presenters - so personal. It's not really necessary.

Yes, I'm one of those that people accuse of being 'holier than thou' - I'm not - I've just got a more tolerant personality.

My tolerance has been developed over decades of seeing first hand (through my job) the misery, cruelty etc that every day folk can inflict on their fellow man. Drug peddling, child abuse, fraud from the vulnerable, forced stuffing and swallowing of controlled drugs for concealed smuggling etc etc etc.

There is true evil and some really horrible people out there - Q presenters don't even register on that scale and so really don't deserve the spiteful stuff thrown at them... again, in my opinion.

But then my perspective is from years of seeing 'bad' people doing 'bad' things plus seeing the resulting impact on their victims - selling tea tree oil on selly telly using a few stock phrases and hyperbole doesn't really measure even close to being 'bad' on my scale.

It's just a shopping channel - Jill's just a person - there are so many worse things to get upset about really.

Who said it made her "bad?" It doesn't make her bad and yes there are far worse people out there - but it doesn't stop her from looking like Skeletor's sister, and her constant "I use this..." is just ridiculous! She seems something of a vapid shrew, albeit a tame one.
I don`t think any better/worse of Jill than I do about the other presenters. Nothing any of them say or do, will persuade me to buy if I don`t want to. I rarely watch QVC and just like the rest of us, each presenter has their annoying habits and phrases.
Much the same as the people on this forum who roll out the same comments time after time or the same endorsements for HB soap or organic beef time after time. On here I just scroll on by and with QVC I just change channel or turn off. Easy peasy.

I watch very little QVC these days, but I quite like Jill's personality. I agree, Vienna; nothing any presenter opines, will persuade me to buy a product. If I buy, it is because I want/need it. No disrespect to these guys, but they have a job to do and, unfortunately, this will influence what they say. I work in sales and, in my opinion, one of the compliments I am most happy to receive, is that I always tell my customers the truth. I sell with integrity, and couldn't do it any other way. Anyway, if I spouted some of the crap we hear on the Q, they know where I work, and can come back to me, and complain. With QVC, the unfortunate CS guys take all the flack for the presenters.
I get quite annoyed when I read forumites remarks, that QVC prey on the vulnerable. No, QVC is a business and do not physically part us from our money. No-one should allow anyone, topersuade them to spend money on an item, they do not want, or need. If they do, whose fault is that?
Who said it made her "bad?" It doesn't make her bad and yes there are far worse people out there - but it doesn't stop her from looking like Skeletor's sister, and her constant "I use this..." is just ridiculous! She seems something of a vapid shrew, albeit a tame one.

Jill is thinner than most - we DON'T KNOW WHY.

Jill is showing signs of ageing - her choice to go the natural route and stay away from Botox, fillers etc.

So what? Why does she DESERVE to be described so venomously? What has she done that's so bad that you feel it is OK to say something designed to be hurtful?

No - choosing to work on TV does not make her deserving of spiteful remarks... even if she is selling 'beauty' products. Everyone will age and QVC has never to my knowledge ever said products will prevent that... Address the signs to some extent but not prevent it.

Yes, she's thin BUT she never tells other people (from what I've seen on screen) that they must look like her.

Jill is a saleswoman and simply there to show the products and fill the airtime - none of them *deserve* the hatred thrown at them in some of the threads on here.

Criticise - yes... Spouting spite is just mean and cruel and says more about the poster than the 'victim'.
i think there are basically two problems with Jill as a salesperson, she is irritating with her ' self obsessed princess' act and once you have watched a while you realise that you can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth other than that she's fine.
I think the sales figures will be the biggest indicator of performance.... They are measurable and unbiased.

Sometimes I really struggle to get why people can be so cruelly critical of the presenters - so personal. It's not really necessary.

Yes, I'm one of those that people accuse of being 'holier than thou' - I'm not - I've just got a more tolerant personality.

My tolerance has been developed over decades of seeing first hand (through my job) the misery, cruelty etc that every day folk can inflict on their fellow man. Drug peddling, child abuse, fraud from the vulnerable, forced stuffing and swallowing of controlled drugs for concealed smuggling etc etc etc.

There is true evil and some really horrible people out there - Q presenters don't even register on that scale and so really don't deserve the spiteful stuff thrown at them... again, in my opinion.

But then my perspective is from years of seeing 'bad' people doing 'bad' things plus seeing the resulting impact on their victims - selling tea tree oil on selly telly using a few stock phrases and hyperbole doesn't really measure even close to being 'bad' on my scale.

It's just a shopping channel - Jill's just a person - there are so many worse things to get upset about really.

No-one is disputing there are some bad people out there (we don't live in la la land you know), and lots of people have to deal with crap in their jobs everyday, like firemen cutting accident victims from cars, miners working in a height of 3ft, undertakers dealing with babies - but none of this relates to a Forum of opinions on selly telly !! and quite frankly we don't want to hear it ! I have health issues, but I always consider there is someone worse off than me when I start feeling sorry for myself.

There are loads of people on the box I cant stand - as well as Ms Franks, (i.e. Lorraine Kelly, Carol Vorderman and don't get me started on the Beckhams), - I'm human, I am not saintly, I do not love all my fellow man, and I bet if Ms Franks were to be asked, there are a few people she cant stand either !!!!! be they on the tele or her luvvie friends.
JF could be the nicest woman to ever walk the earth, but as far as a shopping tv presenter goes, she's totally disingenuous and a liar, for want of a better word. They say never trust a used car salesman, well I think that should be changed to never trust a used car salesman and Jill Franks.
Brissles, again summed up very well. Holier than thou is so boring, especially when it's not the first time we've heard it :yawn:
No-one is disputing there are some bad people out there (we don't live in la la land you know), and lots of people have to deal with crap in their jobs everyday, like firemen cutting accident victims from cars, miners working in a height of 3ft, undertakers dealing with babies - but none of this relates to a Forum of opinions on selly telly !! and quite frankly we don't want to hear it ! I have health issues, but I always consider there is someone worse off than me when I start feeling sorry for myself.

There are loads of people on the box I cant stand - as well as Ms Franks, (i.e. Lorraine Kelly, Carol Vorderman and don't get me started on the Beckhams), - I'm human, I am not saintly, I do not love all my fellow man, and I bet if Ms Franks were to be asked, there are a few people she cant stand either !!!!! be they on the tele or her luvvie friends.
Brissles, again summed up very well. Holier than thou is so boring, especially when it's not the first time we've heard it :yawn:

We hear a lot of things on this forum over and over again. Just because someone find it boring doesn't mean everyone will.
Brissles, again summed up very well. Holier than thou is so boring, especially when it's not the first time we've heard it :yawn:

Well, shall I tell you what makes me yawn...?

1. Posters that always point out that they NEVER shop from Q, Ideal World is so much better and that they only ever catch Q when they accidentally fall over something whilst channel hopping..... BUT, they always seem to 'catch' Q at the right moment to have something negative to say. They say that so often that they may as well just put it in a signature to save them having to type it each time.

2. "Life was so much better in the old days where people had respect, good manners etc" and "the young people today are just rude" and then "at my age I'm past caring whether I offend or not"... all personal opinions but some might have another perspective.

3. Some posters visit in groups and like to metaphorically pat each other on the back with thanks - even for the most inane remarks. Some of those posters have very similar posting patterns and writing styles - Birds of a feather... or just one bird? They certainly flock together here at the same time.

3. Then there are the comments like:

- "you can get it cheaper in Poundland" - even though the brand, materials and quality are different.

- "fashion on Q looks like market stall tat - who would be seen dead in it anyway" - no acceptance that some may like it and that actually some items are very durable, wearable etc.

- "Jill is too thin", "DF is too loud", "Charlie eats too much"... well, OK, but it's all relative and some of us may have a differing view.

- "Why does anyone buy from QVC" - OK, that's an opinion BUT don't be surprised when someone voices another opinion of their own.

So, there you have it... we bore each other. :mysmilie_59:

No one, seemingly, is allowed to enjoy something they see on or buy from Q...

No one is allowed to disagree with the b1tching.

I feel like I'm back in a school playground sometimes :mysmilie_43:.
"Well, shall I tell you what makes me yawn...?" answer = no, please don't - and there's only so many hours in the day... :mysmilie_490:

QUOTE=Tiddlywinks;834493]Well, shall I tell you what makes me yawn...?. Posters that always point out that they NEVER shop from Q, Ideal World is so much better and that they only ever catch Q when they accidentally fall over something whilst channel hopping..... BUT, they always seem to 'catch' Q at the right moment to have something negative to say. They say that so often that they may as well just put it in a signature to save them having to type it each time.

2. "Life was so much better in the old days where people had respect, good manners etc" and "the young people today are just rude" and then "at my age I'm past caring whether I offend or not"... all personal opinions but some might have another perspective.

3. Some posters visit in groups and like to metaphorically pat each other on the back with thanks - even for the most inane remarks. Some of those posters have very similar posting patterns and writing styles - Birds of a feather... or just one bird? They certainly flock together here at the same time.

3. Then there are the comments like:

- "you can get it cheaper in Poundland" - even though the brand, materials and quality are different.

- "fashion on Q looks like market stall tat - who would be seen dead in it anyway" - no acceptance that some may like it and that actually some items are very durable, wearable etc.

- "Jill is too thin", "DF is too loud", "Charlie eats too much"... well, OK, but it's all relative and some of us may have a differing view.

- "Why does anyone buy from QVC" - OK, that's an opinion BUT don't be surprised when someone voices another opinion of their own.

So, there you have it... we bore each other. :mysmilie_59:

No one, seemingly, is allowed to enjoy something they see on or buy from Q...

No one is allowed to disagree with the b1tching.

I feel like I'm back in a school playground sometimes :mysmilie_43:.[/QUOTE]
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Tiddly I'm printing off Bingo cards with all the main points in each square. So grab a dobber and mark off each square as the points are rehashed; reckon we'll be all done and shouted "house!" by the time folk who've been to the Beauty Bash have posted their thoughts and had the usual digs from those who'd "never go"! At one time or another all the posters here must have watched, bought and liked QVC.
If it's bingo we're playing, I reckon we could have just as good a game on the reverse side with the "I'm nice and aren't you nasty" brigade sayings.

No, I'd never go to a Beauty Bash. Why would I? Fine if you want to, but a waste of train fare and expense for me. And yes, we've all bought from and liked QVC, nobody's denying it, but sadly things have changed there and not for the better, which is why I'm now an infrequent purchaser.
I've lost the plot with Bingo cards,all I will say is thank heavens Graham allows us to be critical of presenters on his forum,most of us on here live in the real world,I certainly don't need to be posting anything cryptic to try and be witty.
I've lost the plot with Bingo cards,all I will say is thank heavens Graham allows us to be critical of presenters on his forum,most of us on here live in the real world,I certainly don't need to be posting anything cryptic to try and be witty.

I would "thank or like" this but I don't want to be accused of being in your gang
I can't understand why anyone is upset about JF being called skinny, scrawny or any other name. Some presenters have been vilified on this forum in the past. One that comes to my mind is Debbie Flint. I don't know what all the fuss is about nobody has bothered before about presenters reading this forum.

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