Make up artists for presenters


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Asa watching man

Registered Shopper
Feb 25, 2016
Nearly choked on my biscuit

The presenter on air now just mentioned this. Apprantley all the qvc presenters now have their own make up artists.

Why? Can't imagine that endears them to the audience

Same presenter now struggling and had to ask for help in dividing 43 pounds into 7.

Heaven help us
Nearly choked on my biscuit

The presenter on air now just mentioned this. Apprantley all the qvc presenters now have their own make up artists.

Why? Can't imagine that endears them to the audience

Same presenter now struggling and had to ask for help in dividing 43 pounds into 7.

Heaven help us

Yes I've noticed, they all look like Victorian hookers now.
Nearly choked on my biscuit

The presenter on air now just mentioned this. Apprantley all the qvc presenters now have their own make up artists.

Why? Can't imagine that endears them to the audience

Same presenter now struggling and had to ask for help in dividing 43 pounds into 7.

Heaven help us

Let me guess, Chuntley and she can't do a simple maths sum cos she forgot her glasses?!
Let me guess, Chuntley and she can't do a simple maths sum cos she forgot her glasses?!

Yes because she thinks it makes her look endearing, no Chuntley, it makes you look thick. I just turned over to have a look in time to hear Mally "the seal" praising how "gorgeous" Chuntley is, did Chuntley become all modest and humble nope, just told her to "oh stop it!" "stop it!" Vainity isn't an acttractive quality in a person.
Yes because she thinks it makes her look endearing, no Chuntley, it makes you look thick. I just turned over to have a look in time to hear Mally "the seal" praising how "gorgeous" Chuntley is, did Chuntley become all modest and humble nope, just told her to "oh stop it!" "stop it!" Vainity isn't an acttractive quality in a person.

Ha, I knew it was poor, dim Chuntley - as for Mally, I do like her but that sounds like a nauseating scenario (don't you mean, "gorgois"????!!!)
Surely the P&P we pay should cover for the presenters' own make up artists as well as AY’s PA Will. And the free phone line as was mentioned earlier on another thread.
You'd think that as they have access to so many make up ranges that they'd be capable of doing their own make up. But, if having their very own make up artists makes them feel like 'stars' then so be it. No doubt prices will rise to cover the cost of this unnecessary 'extra.'
This is ridiculous, Divas or what???
Personally, I think that if they're presenting a make up show they should start the show make up free & apply it during the show, either themselves to show how easy it is or have the guest to it, to demonstrate how wonderful ( or not) the stuff they're trying to flog is.
Didnt the makeup artist and the hair stylist (perhaps one and the same?) make her debut a month or so ago. It became quite a game to see what look she was going for as they all ended up with the same style. I believe the hair woman was called June and she favoured the Little Woman/young Q Victoria look.
This is ridiculous, Divas or what???
Personally, I think that if they're presenting a make up show they should start the show make up free & apply it during the show, either themselves to show how easy it is or have the guest to it, to demonstrate how wonderful ( or not) the stuff they're trying to flog is.

Too right! When Stacey did her YBF shows they were brilliant to watch as everyone has their own tips on application & it gave the viewer a true picture of what the make up could achieve.
I actually liked Chuntley, years ago but I have to switch over now as I can't stand her need for compliments & her need for doing a "catwalk strut" if ever she is doing a fashion show.
The one person I do think needs styling is Chloe, even my hubby commented the other day that she looked like she'd not been home from the night before & had just turned up for work with her dark, smoky eyes & her hair in a style that took me back to the 80's trolls! I hope she doesn't do any Yankee shows as that hair is a health & safety risk!
Presenters appear make up free? Can't do that, we might see they have less than perfect skin, - and after telling us how "wonderful" all the skin care products are, and that they can't live without them, we would be able to see the truth. You've got more chance of DF or JR admitting that they could only squeeze into a size small if they were caught in a vice or had their bum chopped off.
Presenters appear make up free? Can't do that, we might see they have less than perfect skin, - and after telling us how "wonderful" all the skin care products are, and that they can't live without them, we would be able to see the truth. You've got more chance of DF or JR admitting that they could only squeeze into a size small if they were caught in a vice or had their bum chopped off.
Can I apply for the job of trapping them in the vice and doing the chopping please:mysmilie_59:
Well the make up artists want sacking if the state of the majority of the presenters is anything to go by!!
I think I know a bit about this make-up artist ...

New makeup artist.jpg
I think with JR we would have to start with the chesticles. The only way she could get those into a small is if someone had swapped the size labels. With DF, the gob is what needs the most attention. :mysmilie_11:

:mysmilie_15: or if you sewed two size small together after all, those chesticles do need room to manoeuvre especially on that Pilates machine she's apparently always on. :mysmilie_8: