Pippa in Fashion Hour


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Feb 16, 2015
What does Pippa look like today? Has she come in fancy dress as a Goth? She's just said words to the effect that she's going for the "cool look" today! Er, some people might call it that, others might say that for a presenter she looks chavvy. Is she going for the "down with the kids" look? IMO the hair extensions are much too much, verging on the ridiculous, and don't suit her at all. Her 'look' - dark (?black) top, blue leggings and yellow-top boots do nothing, either for her or for most of the clothes that I've watched her promoting (Dreamkeeper and Quacker Factory, so far). If she was promoting stuff aimed at 18 year olds I could understand it, but how many 18 year olds watch Q anyway.
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What does Pippa look like today? Has she come in fancy dress as a Goth? She's just said words to the effect that she's going for the "cool look" today! Er, some people might call it that, others might say that for a presenter she looks chavvy. Is she going for the "down with the kids" look? IMO the hair extensions are much too much, verging on the ridiculous, and don't suit her at all. Her 'look' - dark (?black) top, blue leggings and yellow-top boots do nothing, either for her or for most of the clothes that I've watched her promoting (Dreamkeeper and Quacker Factory, so far). If she was promoting stuff aimed at 18 year olds I could understand it, but how many 18 year olds watch Q anyway.

Yes l thought the same!
AND she's under the impression that most of her 'aged' audience are stone deaf ! So I wish she'd stop ****** shouting.
Yes I think she's under the impression that she's "cool"........she should wake up and smell the polyester though, she works for the totally Un cool QVC.
The words "hedge" and "backwords" come to mind. Her hair is unbelievably messy and the colour is awful. Do you think she's trying to be "on trend" or "quirky" or "fashion forward"? Or is she just having a laugh? Get a grip, Pipa and get it all cut off the way you used to wear it. You just can't get away with it looking like this.
When I was in a customer facing role at work, we always had to look smart and properly presented. I'd have thought the same applies even more so when you're doing the job on the telly. QVC want us to think that they're the sellytelly equivalent of Harrods so their presenters have to play the same game and look the part. They can't have it both ways. It's not so bad with the men though, they generally appear well turned out.

And thanks for confirming my suspicions about hair extensions, I never was completely sure!
I'm wondering if the Powers that Be put pressure on any of the presenters to change their look regularly? I so agree with you that her hair looked better in the elfin cut - many women don't suit that look (me included), but I think it did suit her very well. Her hair colour is very harsh and all the trailing bits make it look like a bird's nest perched on her head. Do these people have no mirrors? She's not old by any stretch of the imagination, but dressing like a teenage Goth would make any woman of a certain age look freaky - I had to laugh when she said she was going for the "cool look" - the female guest just said diplomatically words to the effect of "why not?". If Pips was fishing for compliments, she didn't get them while I was watching. Now if Stratobuddy had been co-presenting, in his new guise of 'honest presenter', he would have said "cool look? Take out the letter 'c', darlin', and replace it with an 'f' - that's more like it".:giggle:

The words "hedge" and "backwords" come to mind. Her hair is unbelievably messy and the colour is awful. Do you think she's trying to be "on trend" or "quirky" or "fashion forward"? Or is she just having a laugh? Get a grip, Pipa and get it all cut off the way you used to wear it. You just can't get away with it looking like this.
She's beginning to look like she should be up a tree with Swampy or in a tent on some Common or other. I loved the way she had her hair when it was short and she looked much nicer than she does with those awful 'dreadlocks' for want of a better word.
About the hair extensions, l am glad this has come to light. I was wondering how on earth her hair could grow so long so quickly whereas mine seems to be taking for ever! She is starting to look ridiculous if you ask me. Someone else mentioned her shouting, that is why she always gets turned off in my house. She does shout and she also comes across as extremely insincere and false. I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of her loud mouth!
I`ve just seen video clips and yes I agree she looked as if she should be on an Eco Warrior march or a Ban the Bomb parade.
Methinks she`s having some kind of mid life crisis and trying to fit in with teenage pals. It happens, have seen it in my OH`s family, his daughter is 42, not old by any account but now her oldest daughter has left school and is training to be a hairdresser, she`s taken to wearing matching clothes, makeup and hairstyles to her 17 year old daughter. It looks great on the 17 year old but certainly not so great on her. Must be an age thing !
She has said on a few occasions that she does not have extensions. I was suspicious for a long time, but she reckons not. Nothing to be ashamed of. I have extensions even though my natural hair is past my shoulders.

Am off to look up a video as am now very curious to see her 'cool' look!
oh damn, I must have missed this would love to have seen it so i could comment. I have always liked Pippa, however, and she has a gorgeous engagement ring which I also love and is similar to my own, perhaps Pippa works for fun these days, rather than having to. No matter, now what video should I click on to see her, what was she pushing, was it one of the fashion hours or something else - quick tell me LOL
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It's the 12 o'clock hour ,fashion outlet .She does look ridiculous though I prefer her to few others .
just found one where she's talking about a glitter cardi from Michele Hope, she's wearing all black (which I happe n to like personally) but if this is the one everyone is talking about, I dislike her boots, and although she says she's not wearing extensions, I don't think I have ever known anyone whose hair has grown so long so quickly as she.

I've had long hair all of my life, then I had it cut and it took me more than 2 years to get it back to the length she has it - even months ago, and on her return to Q her hair was much longer than mine got to in the same length of time. It beats me, and I'm still trying to get more length to my hair now.
Oooh I don't like her too (Maverine),she acts stupid most of the times like a kid in a adults body and it's embarrassing .i switch off when she is around .
Oooh I don't like her too (Maverine),she acts stupid most of the times like a kid in a adults body and it's embarrassing .i switch off when she is around .

She just came from nowhere and I could never understand why she got the job. She goes way OTT for my liking and is very false, and trying too hard, perhaps it's not her fault, but I just don't think she's suited to that type of work. Like you, unfortunately even when she's on hours I like to watch, I just have to turn over to a different channel or the news, cause it's too hard to watch her.

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