The dragged through a hedge backwards look !!


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Sep 17, 2010
What on earth does Carmel look like ? Her hair is a disgrace & her make up not much better. Did she do a mirror check before going on aiir ? She looks an absolute mess.
I guess she is trying out looks for her safari honeymoon! :mysmilie_845:
Her fringe looks like the comb-over beloved by follically-challenged men of a certain age.
The first time I saw her was on a Yankee Candle show and her hair looked to me to be overly processed straw, heavily shaped with V05 cream formula. She wore way too much make-up and was and still is way too thin. She looks rough. Plus her delivery is not appealing-at least not yet, maybe that will come. Doesn't make me want to watch the shows she hosts.
Ouch, glad you don't see me when I look a little rough around the edges!

Yes I agree we are a bit sharp, but after all, her job is to represent a big organisation on national tv and she should make much more of an effort than she does. I'd like to bet she gets an allowance for hairdressing, nails,clothes etc. And I would think the powers that be are questioning whether or not she is putting the money to good use.
Both Carmel & Anna look like two boards clapped together.

Diet Chef maybe ?:taphead:
Ouch, glad you don't see me when I look a little rough around the edges!

It was my husband who called her ragged-looking when he watched the YC show. Thought her make-up was horrendous. I was surprised at the amount of eye make-up as few others seem to wear that much. Could be wrong as I don't watch all the shows and most of the women seem to have their hair "done" most days. Even though they all have their good and bad hair days. Maybe the YC show was Carmela's bad hair day.
Makes me pine for Sarah G and Claudia, they always looked good and I enjoyed watching them. Maybe these new ones need time to settle in. I feel mean when I look at Carmel and think how harsh and over done she looks. They must get freebies, and I am guessing they are reasonably well paid so I don't think there is any excuse. I look rough at work sometimes but I work in health care and my job can be very draining at times . If you are on the telly being beamed into "millions" of homes as they often remind us then you need to make an effort.
Makes me pine for Sarah G and Claudia, they always looked good and I enjoyed watching them. Maybe these new ones need time to settle in. I feel mean when I look at Carmel and think how harsh and over done she looks. They must get freebies, and I am guessing they are reasonably well paid so I don't think there is any excuse. I look rough at work sometimes but I work in health care and my job can be very draining at times . If you are on the telly being beamed into "millions" of homes as they often remind us then you need to make an effort.

Yes, television is very visual and most people ought to at least look attractive and well presented. They have the budgets for styling and know the right kind of people to go to for advice. If QVC presenters talk about red carpet events and how you too can look like you belong on the red carpet if you purchase our products, then it's not expecting too much for the presenters to look a bit glamorous and better styled than many of us in their audience. That's part of the allure.
Carmel just looks lost and really does not suit QVC. She does look harsh and her voice is very harsh. I like the Irish brogue but her accent is rough. I have not seen Anna but from what I am reading she doesnt seem to be doing any better. Missing Claudia.
I thought my hair was bad but jesus............... at best i think the new presenters are insipid

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