Too many groups spoil the broth?


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Until that day QVC give their goods away for free, people have every right to complain if they part with their hard earned money and get a bad service, same as "over contributing" on a public forum, it's no ones business how often someone "over contributes" same as it isn't if someone "under contributes" It's not our place to judge.
I buy most of my stuff online now and so have a good share of experiences across assorted companies. Q is not the worst out there - it's not the best BUT it is what it is.

As to social media - it's retail - it's business - they are trying to protect the corporate online chatter... misguided but understandable.

I don't think we need to read anything else into it - they are just bad at finding the right level of engaging. Perhaps customers expect more from them because they invite the brand into their homes via the telly - who knows.

As for all the individual Q groups cropping up - I couldn't care less if they're out to seek world domination unless they start to impact on my real life. There are so many bigger things to worry about.

Terrorists are using online chatter to recruit and plan atrocities. Paedophile rings are using online rooms to share their 'interests' etc etc.

So, in the great scheme of things, is DF's wish to belong and lead a small group of fans really so bad?
Small groups, small minds and I once read an article about the pecking order of servants at Buck Palace and the journalist said one guy had told him some of the staff acted as if they were more Royal than the Royals. I think this also applies to facebook group admins. They start issuing threats of people had better be mindful, well behaved OR ELSE, and often forget its adults not children keeping their groups going and what Joe Public gives, Joe Public can easily take away again.
Yet when it suits, they often fail to follow their own rules and bully on other groups or begin inflammatory threads on them.
Thankfully I enjoy sitting back and watching the egos and often chuckle to myself. DF has real competition out there for who can be the most imperious !
I don’t mean this in any derogatory way to you as a person but I’m afraid that you HAVE been lucky in your dealings with Q.

Why is this 'derogatory' to me as a person?
We're all entitled to our opinions which are based on our own experiences, and I'm just saying that those of us who don't have any issues are unlikely to be posting on social media.
Have I just been 'lucky' for all these years? Maybe you think I have, but I'm happy to keep shopping with them as long as my 'luck' holds :wink:
Why is this 'derogatory' to me as a person?
We're all entitled to our opinions which are based on our own experiences, and I'm just saying that those of us who don't have any issues are unlikely to be posting on social media.
Have I just been 'lucky' for all these years? Maybe you think I have, but I'm happy to keep shopping with them as long as my 'luck' holds :wink:
Over the years I have purchased a massive amount of stuff and now hardly anything and it is down entirely to the decline in quality and service, so am I the unlucky one? I don't think so judging from other forum members so I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Over the years I have purchased a massive amount of stuff and now hardly anything and it is down entirely to the decline in quality and service, so am I the unlucky one? I don't think so judging from other forum members so I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

Studies show that people are far more likely to talk about their complaints than they are about receiving generally good service.

I've had generally good service from QVC over more than 20 years and haven't come on here to let everyone know about it on each of those hundreds of occasions. However, when I received a top smelling of smoke or the wrong handbag, I was straight on here for a moan.

I don't think the comments on here can be seen as a fair reflection of general customer satisfaction. Indeed, when people do say good things about products on Q, there is always a flurry of posters with negative opinions to beat the happy poster into submission.

It's got to the stage where you can risk ridicule just for admitting to wearing some of the brands - that's not balanced is it?
The problem with social media is that it gives a platform to those who either like the sound of their own voices, or love to complain - and all facebook groups have their share of over-contributors who like to push for heated debate, and deliberately change the emphasis on innocuous topics - and that leaves the admins on those pages facing a choice when the mishchief-makers start taking over... either they have to censor more, or close down.
For me, it's insulting to be referred to as a sycophant because I don't complain on QVC's social media - do not assume that because I don't complain that I'm completely happy with everything that happens in QVC land, because I do think they need to review their postage charges, but if the total cost to get an item delivered to me outweighs the saving on the goods - I just don't order.
I've been shopping with QVC for nearly 20 years, and can genuinely say that I've never had a reason to complain. My goods have all arrived safely, in perfect condition, and my lovely Hermes lady is delivering my Christmas orders within 48 hours at the moment........ am I in a tiny minority of happy shoppers who carefully choose what we buy, and am happy with those purchases, and the service I have received .... or one of the silent majority?

My QVC experience is similar to yours Frenchie, no real grounds for complaint and our local Hermes courier gets a gold star from me!
There's a thing on the official page last night about DF reading out comments on air during the Alpha H show which were posted on a closed/private group (presumably the BTY group) but that she had referred to them as being "on the facebook page" as if it was on the actual official page.

It also says that there were people asking questions on the official page which had been completely ignored but that the Alpha H people were answering questions on the closed group.

Apparently lots of the guests and presenters are doing this on this closed group. Giving information about their products, promoting their shows and answering customer questions.

I might be mistaken but I thought the whole debacle about that group was that Q wanted to distance itself from them as it was an unofficial group not endorsed by them and closed to the public, therefore it wasn't accessible to all.

Surely is that was the case then Q shouldn't be allowing their employees and contracted guests to post QVC related advertising etc on unofficial pages and this kind of thing should only appear on the main Q page?

It's a different kind of thing for members of the public to post information and opinions on private groups but for people representing the company it just doesn't seem right.

It all seems very contradictory!
For me it's not the quality of the service it's the cost of of P&P and the high price of most of the products that puts me off ordering from Q these day. As for all these "Groups, FB, Blogs " etc. that are mentioned on here they mean nothing to me in fact I have trouble following what some posters are talking about. This is the only Forum I am a member of and I have no interest in any others.
I can't complain about the service from Q either generally, but I don't like the selling techniques and have cut the amount I buy. I realised I didn't need most of the stuff I bought. I still buy the odd thing but no impulse buys now.

If anyone has a bad service which is not addressed by Q then its understandable they will complain about it on other sites like this or Q's Facebook page.
I'm the same, don't do Twitter or Facebook. I closed my QVC account due to expensive products, p&p and all the usual problems. Some of the prices on QVC are absolutely ridiculous, I'm just hoping they don't poach the Elizabeth Grant from IW, my cleanser is Elizabeth Grant two for £8 and it's gorgeous, I know they sell Elizabeth Grant on QVC France and surprise surprise it's dearer, so fingers crossed.
DBF's group makes it easy for QVC, so they're very happy to let her run her little sideshow and let her mention whatever from it. She's doing them a favour, censoring out all the negativity which makes her indispensible and promotes herself and her groups even more.

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