WEN Is Coming To QVC UK


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It was a crap presentation with AY, that middle aged frumpy woman with horrendous eye bags, struggling to explain what or how the product worked.

It's like yer Liz Earles or Yer Decleor WTF? It's absolutely NOTHING like either woman.

Cue to 2 testers , the first one look absolutely fabulous for 62 , she liked the product and said she would continue to use it now and again, her hair looked really good too.

Now cut to second tester , with hair like a goldilocks pot scourer, or Lauren from CBB, horrific testimonial.

Granted she did say about the amount of product she had had to use, AY then jumped in saying hers lasted 2 1/2 weeks,but the gallon sizes are coming !

Absolutely shambolic presentation !
Thanks that's the brand I couldn't call to mind, it's a far better price if it suits your hair. Look forward to hearing how you get along Diane.
The video is still available to view on the item details for the trio shown yesterday http://www.qvcuk.com/WEN-by-Chaz-De...t.204667.html?sc=[Ljava.lang.String;@45f845f8 I notice AY was spouting the usual bollox about Wen only being available from QVC in the UK when I've been ordering via the UK Guthy Renker site for about 3 years!

However if they start selling the huge litre sizes I'd be tempted.

In the interests of research I washed again this morning (Almond Mint this time) even though it didn't need doing and fewer pumps did work just as well. So for my hair which is shoulder-blade length straight fine but lots of it, I got away with about 10-12 pumps (and only one application). So if AY is getting through a bottle per fortnight she's doing something wrong. My hair is longer than hers and I don't need to wash my hair nearly as often using Wen. Double bollox from AY imho!
You can smell it slightly minty when it's on your head but dissipates when rinsed out, I quite like the slight cooling feeling it gives. The detox idea seems a bit extreme! I'm a fickle product whore so I never stick to one product even if it seems perfect so I still use other ordinary shampoos and I prefer other styling products to the wen ones.
I've tried the almond mint this morning. I only used 4 pumps each wash - my hair is fine, shoulder length - as I was worried it may weigh it down as the shampoo / conditioner is quite thick. I was worried that it might not be enough product to clean my hair but tried to balance it with not using too much. The smell of the mint was a bit worrying and my resolve faltered a bit but I was brave and used it. :whew: It felt strange using it as a shampoo as it is a totally different concept using a 'conditioner' type product for both washes without seeing any lather. When I had finished showering it off, my hair felt 'heavy' but not greasy. It has dried perfectly alright, using my Babyliss Big Hair styler :) I haven't tried any of the other products in the kit as yet, because if my hair dried gloopy or whatever, I wouldn't have known which product caused it. I will try with my next wash.

ps - I still have all my hair, the colour is fine and my hair is lovely and silky with body. Not lots and lots of volume but it hangs nicely, as if I have had it blown / styled smooth and straight at the hairdressers. It feels lovely. I think I like it. :grin:
The thing is for me, I do not have a shower. So its leaning over the bath and I like to towel dry a little and then add conditioner, go cleanse face and wash etc then just rinse conditioner off.
I am on day 4 after using wen and my hair is still clean and does not need washing yet. It would be great if this product allows me to wash my hair only once a week. I don't use any product in my hair that would cause build up so think this may be the reason it still feels clean.
I really wanted to watch this show but as usual AY spoilt it by jumping in every time Chaz spoke I don't think he finished a sentence,she also said she is the only presenter who will not talk about products she doesn't believe in.
Okay, usual QVC ballricks!!!! Website told me 7th Oct, well AY said 25th Nov so which is it?

Phone CS lovely girl had put me on hold of a few minutes(Rod Stewart singing Maggie May!!!!), sorry computer mess up. Advanced orders 25th Nov perhaps it may come before that. The CS girl did say the calls had gone nuts so quite a few must have been caught out.
204666, sweet almond milk cleanser, is £27.00 compared with $29.00 on QVCUS. At the current conversion rate, this equates to £18.55! Are we paying Chaz Dean's air fare/hotel bill, by virtue of increased cost? I would rather pay the same price as QVCUS, and have no guest. It is easy enough to look the product up on the internet.
The Wen UK website sold the 480ml in their sale £13.50 in June this year, choice of flavours. Try it from QVC and if you want to repurchase buy direct from Guthy Renker's wen site. They also offer a 60 day MBG rather than the QVC 30 day. There's nowhere obvious on the site to sign up for email updates from them but I promise I'll let everyone know when their next sale is (possibly December), there is an email contact so maybe you could email and ask to receive updates.
Now everyone must remember the US price does not include their sales tax which is added on when you get to check out. Different states have different taxes.so could be an extra 6-10% on top of the $29.00. Yes still cheaper, the US brands really get the deals. But if they want the French or UK brands they pay more than we do.

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