Yong Kim TSV 19/9/14


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Sadly, the lighter the fabric and the bigger the bum do not make good bed mates. As is seen sooo often on the larger size models, tunics, tops, cardis etc made of lightweight fabric, tend to 'sit' on the backside thus accentuating the enormity of the backside - so not a good look. The backstage 'stylists' obviously haven't a clue when dressing the larger models, with dresses that 'pull' around the bust or hips; and if there is a need to hide backside and tummies, then only fabric with some weight will do the job and hang in a flattering way.

(I wonder how many of those awful and see through knitted waterfall cardis have ended up in a charity shop !!! )

Of course the guests and presenters are on air to sell as many pieces as possible, so they are hardly like to say that Joy looks a dogs dinner in her thigh crushing leggings and too tight top.
Well IT certainly met someone purporting to be YK as she went into great depths to tell us about the secrecy
Surrounding the meeting and that no one else was allowed to meet her and she was allocated a few minutes only.
IT nearly had to be worked with she was so hyper about it. Of course it could have been one of Q’s tea ladies for all we know (no disrespect to tea ladies before anyone jumps on me!)

There are times when I think Q should muzzle IT when she comes out with the fact that she wore the TSV to dig the garden or to cover up £100 top if you don’t like the look – WTF – if you don’t like it buy something else.

I like YK well enough but really it does take a certain shape and height to pull if off and unfortunately I don’t have it.

Maybe I missed it but I didnt hear on the launch show anything about the different colours of the TSV being different material so for that reason alone I wouldnt buy it and feel that a lot of customers are doing to be disappointed and that is why the reviews will be at the extremes depending on which material your item is. No pre show preparation at all by Jilly IMO and that really really bugs me which is why I can forgive Charlie Brooke for all of his twaty ways because at least he would have told us about this. I bet Julia will but no one else and by that time it will have sold out. Rant over!
I can never understand the fuss people make about this range. This type of look is popular and been around for years.
From my reading of forum posts and reviews posted on the web, I would be most surprised to find many YK- wearers ‘screaming’ after reading your post: their response would most likely be ‘whatever.’

Well, that would make a change here ...
My view is that any poster who can debate and offer an opinion without resorting to unpleasantness adds value to the forum. Most posts on this thread have been interesting to read and made by people capable of expressing their like or dislike in a respectful and / or light hearted manner. Long may that continue.
Well watching live at six fifteen pm and Julia and ingrid had a discussion about Ms Yong Kim who "is a real person"! Ingrid then went on to describe her as mid late fifties, five foot four inches (?!) and a South Korean designer now living in the USA - and a great woman!
So ingrid has nice, groomed hair today.
And several of the pieces seem to be different fabric contents for different colour ways... But then that is quite common -
grey marl items in many clothes often are.
Oh and last tit-bit, Julia has one stripey tunic piece in three colours!
i dont believe she is a real designer at all. qvc do overgg things to make a sale i would put nothing past them in paticularly with thier own label brands. i bought some bronzo italia items omg they are now green in places. the guest presenter said they were heavily plated with several plating "buds" to add to the sales pitch. yong kim is well made but overpriced imo

I'm not sure how Bronzo Italia is made but even pure rose gold can tarnish. If you can test a small area with a silver cloth or lemon juice to try and clean it. Its the silver content that causes the problem. If you can clean it the I would recommend regularly washing the piece in a mild soap and water after wearing to try and prevent it happening as quickly.
YK fans have you taken a look of Ideal Worlds Pick of the day , Made in Italy , its a very similar style and at less than half the price. Personally i think they look better than YK
Is that the same Made in Italy that's all over e bay? This sort of stuff is now all over Italy in market stalls and whilst it has the look at a fraction of the cost it is very much touch and go as to the wear and wash ability. I have a couple of pieces bought in Italy one is great the other not but the one off e bay was c&&p. although the labels say Made in Italy my personal opinion is that it is via the far far Far East.
I'm not sure how Bronzo Italia is made but even pure rose gold can tarnish. If you can test a small area with a silver cloth or lemon juice to try and clean it. Its the silver content that causes the problem. If you can clean it the I would recommend regularly washing the piece in a mild soap and water after wearing to try and prevent it happening as quickly.

my gold pieces have never gone green. the plating has started to come of and its a dark green underneath. these earrings do cost a lot of money. oddly i have a pair of yellow gold plated earrings from avon for 10 years and its still in good condition. i just wish that qvc would not exagerate claims
Have you tried CS. This shouldn't have happened and anyway jewellery has a Q guarantee of 1 year and I would imagine they couldn't be much older than that as it is a relatively new brand.

I have a number of their pieces and have no problems so perhaps you have been unlucky so I would at least give them a try.
My skin reacts with bronze and a pair of pure bronze earrings went green but that was years ago and I would expect progress by now in technology. I have a nickel allergy so cannot wear old silver. I bought a cheap magnifying glass on a chain recently which was gold in colour and within a day the chain was black where it touched my neck. I think my skin must be very acidic.
The brand that I find tarnishes ... when the presenters and guest claim it doesn't ... is Bibi. I only have a necklace and and bracelet but they do need cleaning. Its fine because they come up OK. I don't wear them often though so I'm giving my own advice a go and cleaning them after every wear to see if that helps.

I have a 9ct rose gold ring that tarnishes but a once over with a silver cloth and its fine and that's much better now I make sure its put in an anti tarnish box.
I agree, Bibi is a bugger for tarnishing, but I have a plug in laser jewellery cleaning which brings up costume and 'proper' jewellery beautifully clean. Not suitable for opals and pearls though.
I love YK's Modal selection and have paid full QVC price for some, which is not like me as I'm cheap. I generally don't see the appeal of the crinkle, (but I wouldn't abuse those who do). Although one or two I like because of the shape. I get loads of compliments for my YK and they hang very well on me. It is one of the few ranges that skim past my many worst bits,

Saying all that, the TSV was not for me.
i am quite tall with a long body i have to be very careful with yong kim because of this. the tsv would have looked odd on me

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