Huh ! Being Off Air Didn't Last Long


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I feel very sad for the Queen, and hope she will find the strength to carry on. I haven't watched all theTV coverage , just
the local evening news as usual. I saw in the paper today that Nikki Graham 'of BB fame' passed away on friday age 38, now that is sad and I feel for her family and friends.
Evie, Twirly & MML ❤️ thank you. I can put up with being ignored, having my opinions trashed & my choices questioned. I can't deal with her childhood being seen as inadequate by her husband & them saying that I favour my younger daughter.
Oh yes, had all that as well. She accused us of all that and more. I was terribly hurt that the support I thought that I was giving her during a very difficult pregnancy and afterwards was seen as controlling. It still makes me sad when I think of the terrible way that she treated us and her sister and the things that she said.

Aw I’m so sorry you’re going through it still T, must be horrible but you know what, you and Mr T know the truth and at the end of the day that’s all that matters, chin up lovely, big hug ❤️ xx
When your daughter is such an accomplished liar you start to question the facts.
Aw I’m so sorry you’re going through it still T, must be horrible but you know what, you and Mr T know the truth and at the end of the day that’s all that matters, chin up lovely, big hug ❤️ xx
Thank you Shopps ❤️ I have an awful feeling that it'll be like this forever. Our younger daughter had a private scan last week, because the hospital won't allow anyone to go in with the mum, & knows that their second baby is a boy. I only hope that when she goes for the NHS one tomorrow they confirm this otherwise there's a lot of boy clothing to be returned! This news went down like a lead balloon with my son in law's sisters, one has boys the other girls & they'd both have liked a pigeon pair. My older daughter, who has 2 girls & a boy, is put out because she says we'll prefer her sister's children because they live so near to us. Hey ho.
Thank you Shopps ❤️ I have an awful feeling that it'll be like this forever. Our younger daughter had a private scan last week, because the hospital won't allow anyone to go in with the mum, & knows that their second baby is a boy. I only hope that when she goes for the NHS one tomorrow they confirm this otherwise there's a lot of boy clothing to be returned! This news went down like a lead balloon with my son in law's sisters, one has boys the other girls & they'd both have liked a pigeon pair. My older daughter, who has 2 girls & a boy, is put out because she says we'll prefer her sister's children because they live so near to us. Hey ho.
Oh I really feel for you. But at least you will have a new baby boy/girl to love. God bless you.
I love 'The Seventh Dimension' We listen at midnight. I thought my radio was on the blink! Lets hope we get it back today.
Not on again today, just duplicating R4.

And R2 is also completely disrupted, none of the usual programmes, they are just playing innocuous middle of the road songs all day.

People will begin to dislike the DoE with him being shoved down our throats 24 hours a day. No comedy shows or drama on R4X to get a bit of light relief from it all.
Oh please don't get me wrong, I love both of our girls dearly and I certainly wouldn't be without either of them. But there are times when I am glad that they don't live with us anymore.
One of my greatest regrets is that I never had children but reading all this I think I have been blessed to have had the unconditional love of some wonderful dogs.
Thank you Shopps ❤️ I have an awful feeling that it'll be like this forever. Our younger daughter had a private scan last week, because the hospital won't allow anyone to go in with the mum, & knows that their second baby is a boy. I only hope that when she goes for the NHS one tomorrow they confirm this otherwise there's a lot of boy clothing to be returned! This news went down like a lead balloon with my son in law's sisters, one has boys the other girls & they'd both have liked a pigeon pair. My older daughter, who has 2 girls & a boy, is put out because she says we'll prefer her sister's children because they live so near to us. Hey ho.

She needs to stop acting jealous, it won’t get her far. My neighbour is more closer to her daughter that lives in the next city than her daughter round the corner so it’s like any long distance relationship, you have to put the hours in. It’s not fair on you though caught up in this unnecessary squabbling, as if you haven’t got enough to go through with Mr T and him being poorly and his eyes, hope he’s well now. You don’t need this stress, after the past year especially, and although I’m not physically near, mentally I am, and me and your Forum buddies are always here for you. 🙏❤️ xx
She needs to stop acting jealous, it won’t get her far. My neighbour is more closer to her daughter that lives in the next city than her daughter round the corner so it’s like any long distance relationship, you have to put the hours in. It’s not fair on you though caught up in this unnecessary squabbling, as if you haven’t got enough to go through with Mr T and him being poorly and his eyes, hope he’s well now. You don’t need this stress, after the past year especially, and although I’m not physically near, mentally I am, and me and your Forum buddies are always here for you. 🙏❤️ xx
You're an absolute love ❤️ You've also hit the nail - jealousy. He's progressing, four months, four operations, litres of eye drops & itching to get back to running.
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You're an absolute love ❤️ You've also hit the nail - jealousy. He's progressing, four months, four operations, litres of eye drops & itching to get back to running.

As are you lovely T. 😘❤️ xx

Yeah sounds like jealousy is eating away at her and she’ll hurt herself more in the long run. It’s as the saying goes, give me the strength to accept the things I can not change, and why should you want to, you’ve done nothing wrong, just because she’s your daughter doesn’t mean you have to put up with being treated badly 🙏❤️

I’m sure Mr T will be back to jogging soon luv, you’re lucky you’ve got a hubby that’s active, I’d need a JCB to get Mr Shopps off the couch, he’s not fat, just not very sports active unless watching it on the telly..........does that count 😂😂😂
One of my greatest regrets is that I never had children but reading all this I think I have been blessed to have had the unconditional love of some wonderful dogs.
Our daughter was an easy baby, good little girl & we even got through the teenage years without much hassle. She met her husband at the start of her second year at uni, he calls her his princess & we can't decide if he's changed her or brought something out that was hidden, either way she's now quite a cold person & could even be called hard. My children were my greatest gift & a source of of happiness & joy, my love for them has always been unconditional & I did my best.
Our daughter was an easy baby, good little girl & we even got through the teenage years without much hassle. She met her husband at the start of her second year at uni, he calls her his princess & we can't decide if he's changed her or brought something out that was hidden, either way she's now quite a cold person & could even be called hard. My children were my greatest gift & a source of of happiness & joy, my love for them has always been unconditional & I did my best.
Some children do not realise how lucky they are to have a loving mum and dad, my mother was...difficult, I was an accident and I wasn't the longed for son and she never failed to let me know.

I've heard over and over again that when a man comes along they manipulate the woman they've chosen turning them away from loving family and friends, it is actually so they have control over their partner because they remove their support system so they have to rely entirely on the man, and in my opinion it is a form of domestic abuse.

I guess it is a form of Stockholm Syndrome

Unfortunately the abuser does it so subtly and cleverly their victim is completely unaware it is happening.

Keep the door and your heart open, hopefully one day the scales will fall from her eyes and she will see her husband for what he is.
Some children do not realise how lucky they are to have a loving mum and dad, my mother was...difficult, I was an accident and I wasn't the longed for son and she never failed to let me know.

I've heard over and over again that when a man comes along they manipulate the woman they've chosen turning them away from loving family and friends, it is actually so they have control over their partner because they remove their support system so they have to rely entirely on the man, and in my opinion it is a form of domestic abuse.

I guess it is a form of Stockholm Syndrome

Unfortunately the abuser does it so subtly and cleverly their victim is completely unaware it is happening.

Keep the door and your heart open, hopefully one day the scales will fall from her eyes and she will see her husband for what he is.
This was a gripping story in the Archers a few years ago.
Have you been an Archers fan for years Strato? If so, do you remember Walter Gabriel?
I didn't used to listen regularly, but I remember Walter Gabriel my dear my hearty (have I got that right?).

Then a previous partner listened regularly, so I listened to quite a few with her.

But later I got engrossed with the Helen coercive control story, where others could see what was happening but she couldn't (re the previous post 95).

Also the historic abuse story was interesting.

I kept listening until 2 weeks ago, when I thought it was getting boring, no big stories, so I stopped and haven't listened since. And this was despite me previously having an alarm so I never missed any!
I didn't used to listen regularly, but I remember Walter Gabriel my dear my hearty (have I got that right?).

Then a previous partner listened regularly, so I listened to quite a few with her.

But later I got engrossed with the Helen coercive control story, where others could see what was happening but she couldn't (re the previous post 95).

Also the historic abuse story was interesting.

I kept listening until 2 weeks ago, when I thought it was getting boring, no big stories, so I stopped and haven't listened since. And this was despite me previously having an alarm so I never missed any!
'Me old pal, me old beauty'. He was a neighbour of my parents, I would go to Mac Fisheries to buy coley for his cat & ours & he always gave me 5 pence for my trouble. The last time I went before I got married he doubled it!