Michael Perrys Garden TSV 16/04/22


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We have a Josephine as well Boffy, And a couple of Montana's and an old Nelly Moser. All of mine came from Morrys. The latest one I have bought is purple and pink and is a good size and cost £1.79.
Morrisons are brilliant for plants I have loads over the years superb quality. I can imagine with the trellis pot QVC will want £30.00 with postage. These plants romp away and are better off in the ground.
I agree Boffy. I have some in massive pots (3 times bigger than Q) and they can struggle in comparison to those in the ground. For some reason neither my Montana and NM in the ground look that great but then i don’t see those around where I live looking any better.
Our Montana Elizabeth last year.


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I have spent the morning painting part of a fence in anticipation of my greenhouse being erected next week as it would be too awkward to do that section once it’s up.
We have a Josephine as well Boffy, And a couple of Montana's and an old Nelly Moser. All of mine came from Morrys. The latest one I have bought is purple and pink and is a good size and cost £1.79.
QVC try to make out that gardening cost a fortune. Everything is 10 20 times the supermarkets and not better quality. I just bought in B&Q 6 in bud trailing petunias in red mint condition ready to go and 6 large Bacopa trailing in white. £7.00 for both of them. I am planning to do some red/white/and blue displays to celebrate the Queen jubilee.
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You lucky luck thing. My greenhouse is the garden table top lol
It’s only a tiny one but has cost a bliddy fortune so far between getting the ground cleared and a base put in, buying the thing and more to get it erected so I better get some use out of it!

We are still in the middle of decorating so furniture is being stored everywhere so my seeds are in the conservatory but it’s like an obstacle course to work at them. I think it must have been too hot as most seeds germinated in a couple of days so I expect they will be leggy but as long as they provide a bit of colour I won’t be too precious if they aren’t great.
So Boffy. Why can't I get cosmos to germinate? They point blank refuse. I have the heated box and all the rest of it but they don't grow. Calendulas? I can sell them to the Callens. Cosmos? No show. Advice please. While we're at it, I can't germinate ****** courgettes either. Mum grows them to feed the nation and I can't even raise one plant.

So Boffy. Why can't I get cosmos to germinate? They point blank refuse. I have the heated box and all the rest of it but they don't grow. Calendulas? I can sell them to the Callens. Cosmos? No show. Advice please. While we're at it, I can't germinate ****** courgettes either. Mum grows them to feed the nation and I can't even raise one plant.

I dont know about Cosmos and my garden is so small to grow veggies...I can look up cosmos seeds to see what's happening
I dont know about Cosmos and my garden is so small to grow veggies...I can look up cosmos seeds to see what's happening
LOL it's likely me that's a rubbish gardener but I can grow other things from seed. Tomatoes of any kind? I'm your woman. Peas? Beans? Lettuce? Yup, I'm there. I think I might just need to buy cosmos plug plants. The other thing I can't grow is Himalayan blue poppy but I think I might just have cracked it as a "dead" blob has now turned green. Nature is wonderful.

So Boffy. Why can't I get cosmos to germinate? They point blank refuse. I have the heated box and all the rest of it but they don't grow. Calendulas? I can sell them to the Callens. Cosmos? No show. Advice please. While we're at it, I can't germinate ****** courgettes either. Mum grows them to feed the nation and I can't even raise one plant.

They like a easy draining soil and you can sow them in the ground. Try mixing a little grit in the potting compost or the garden border before sowing. They like full sun.
CC I can grow cosmos ok, in fact they germinated in 4 days last week, not that I think that is necessarily a good idea, and last year they were terrific. I’m a novice so I don’t know what I’m doing right or wrong as it’s just the same as other seeds. My morning glory is also doing well. I mixed vermiculite into the seed compost, and placed them covered in clingfilm on a sunny windowsill.

I used John Innis seed compost last year and didn’t like it so didn’t use it this year.

I think it’s easier to get away with crappy annuals than veg as they have to be good enough to eat. I haven’t really attempted veg yet but that’s my plan for next year.
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I want to grow some veg. My lovely mum was the best gardener ever. My dad conceded the if he was ever going to see his wife he may as well help her out. My Mum was always saying "Nathan don't step on the babies" sooooo funny.

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