Attempt of refusal of refund if 50+% of product used under 30 day MBG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Concerning reselling returned beauty products which have been opened. Look at TKMaxx. Most of their beauty products have been opened and fingers dabbed into pots. I know if buying I inspect packaging etc. Kits of Leighton Denny and Nails Inc with bottles missing out of kits being sold etc. I bought Elizabeth Grant Caviar Eye Cream for £6.99 and made sure the inner seal was intact on the pot. It was one you had to peel back and then the plastic inner cover as well.
yes i got caught out two weeks ago at TKM with eye gel. the pack said this seasons stock but when i took i out of its box it was half empty and the prod date was marked as sept 2008. manager was reluctant to take it back until i pointed out that i had spent quite alot and i was happy with the rest of the cosmetics.
because search doesn't work on this site, no idea which thread it was but i commented recently on asking CS why it was taking so long to exchange a faulty item for an identical one (jeans). replacement finally arrived today - no email to say it had been despatched - CLEARLY returns. not even folded - just screwed into a ball and shoved in a half sealed bag.

i really think qvc's "service" is becoming a joke. the appalling service just trying to order something, the massive p&p charge (especially when the "packing" is done by the previous owner of the goods) the interminable wait for it to arrive, the response if you dare to actually try to use the 30 day "no quibble" mbg, the website that doesn't work. has anyone come across a mail order company that even comes close??
Birchwood cosmetics

I don't think i realised that they sell off the returned items in the shop !! eek ! that's horrid.

I would just like you to know that the Birchwood outlet store do not sell used cosmetics. I have bought loads of cosmetics over the years for friends & family.
They only sell BRAND NEW UNUSED & IN DATE COSMETIC'S. There policy on these items are non-refundable.
Clothes,shoes,ect are a different matter. Some items are brand new clearence stock & others may of been used.
I've had some great bargans over the years.:happy::happy:

I ordered a couple of bits from the Glow Company, yesterday at 13:26.

Theyve just arrived!

Thats service!

Post has just been with no return label .... best be here tomorrow !!!!!!:headbang:

I have had a read on the FB page (at someones direction !) , where this matter has been raised (without my knowing !), and I certainly hope that the comments and backlash against QVC CS, do not affect their treatment of me at this time !!! (although I know the original poster was trying to help others in raising the issue for discussion)

By the way to the lady on FB who says she has "I've never been to that website but I've heard of some very 'unusual' 'claims' that have come from there!!! :)!", .... inferring that there are half truths and fairy tails being broadcast ...... I can state to her that I may be many fabulous things, but a Liar isn't one of them .... on what planet would people make up stories and waste their time asking for advice ... quite ridiculous and sad if they do !! And that comments such as this would be best kept to yourself unless YOU actually know the WHOLE story fact by fact.

Will keep all updated

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Post has just been with no return label .... best be here tomorrow !!!!!!:headbang:

I have had a read on the FB page (at someones direction !) , where this matter has been raised (without my knowing !), and I certainly hope that the comments and backlash against QVC CS, do not affect their treatment of me at this time !!! (although I know the original poster was trying to help others in raising the issue for discussion)

By the way to the lady on FB who says she has "I've never been to that website but I've heard of some very 'unusual' 'claims' that have come from there!!! :)!", .... inferring that there are half truths and fairy tails being broadcast ...... I can state to her that I may be many fabulous things, but a Liar isn't one of them .... on what planet would people make up stories and waste their time asking for advice ... quite ridiculous and sad if they do !! And that comments such as this would be best kept to yourself unless YOU actually know the WHOLE story fact by fact.

Will keep all updated


If the poster on FB finds the claims unusual then QVC either have to say that it's not true that they quibble over usage of things like skincare, in which case you should get your refund, or they admit to over 30,000 fans that they are liars about the no qibble money back guarantee. The fact the poster finds it hard to believe is no reflection on you as they don't know you. It's hard to understand why (attention seeking maybe) but some people do make up stories and ask for advice. I hope QVC sort this soon for you, if they don't then maybe you should post on their FB page and the thought of 30.000 customers reading it might make customer service pull their fingers out!

3,700 views in one day!!! You better keep us up-to-date, girl!
But What About ...

trial sizes, miniatures, try me, doll sizes? You would go through more than 50% of those itty-bitty, teensie-weenie tubes within the 30dmb, surely! Hmmm.
Gosh ... I feel a bit nervous now about how much publicity this has generated .... I hope that they don't try and refuse again once I re-send them because I've exposed this for guidance and discussion !!

Yes I too have read the FB posts, and feel very comforted by the fact that most appear outraged, and also know nothing about this "clause", with some even contacting QVC for their official statement on returning items whereby a quantity woud be used in the MBG period - which would relate I suppose to skincare, make up, crafting, inks that come with printers, food and food kits such as yogurt and those fudge things, etc ... etc.. etc... etc.... the list goes on...!!!!

The advice I have been given is that they haven't a leg to stand on if they did refuse to refund, as such contractual terms of use (forming part of the contract between the customer & QVC), were not disclosed to the me prior to my entry into the contractual agreement (ie buying the item). Which they weren't and they didnt' - so they really had no where to go with this.

Having said that, its been really unpleasant, and I just want to get back to normal .... once I get this darned label and get the items back to them with my refund, I just want to draw a line under the whole horrid episode.

Will keep all updated, with thanks for your kind words of support an encouragement.

Missy x
The trouble with FB is that real names are used so the people supporting you who are also here won't be revealing themselves here! (if u see what I mean)
I always wonder if QVC work out who are on here.I'm the first to say I've bought so and so - it was smashed/broken so sent it back.

Or Had a rant to them on the phone about something or other.

I'd like to think that QVC have far too many customers and not enough time to sift their way through somewhere in the depths of mind,I do wonder if they've employed some little person to sit and make it their job to match the customers on then put their username on their QVC account.

Maybe I have too much time on my hands :blush:
It would break data protection rules if they looked at your customer data from clues gathered from here or FB. Imagine if they got it wrong!
Or if your Q account was in your OH's name and they called him or her and said 'we can see that you have said xyz...'
Having said that, its been really unpleasant, and I just want to get back to normal .... once I get this darned label and get the items back to them with my refund, I just want to draw a line under the whole horrid episode.

Missy x

It's been fabulous or the rest of us.
No sure what scrangiefan disliked about my post; the adulteration of rejected face gunk suggestion or the advocating the use of credit cards?

QVC not good on the damage-limitation are they? "....for a ha'penneth of tar.." as the saying goes, or should that be a few quid's worth of Perricone face cream?

Jude xx
Perhaps I should start sending empty pots of face cream back to them. I love a squabble with a big company too big for its boots!