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Ijust want to say that I'm bored with this thread now. We should all agree to differ because trying to reach a concensus is like flogging a dead horse IMO.

Unfortunate choice of phrase there, sorry.
Just wanted to say that if you want to feed your family cheaply, then non-meat protein sources such as beans, pulses, soy products, nuts and dairy produce are much cheaper than buying meat, and I speak from experience.
As long as we're all happy with our choices, that's the main thing. I'm a firm believer in 'what goes around comes around.'

Yes I use lentils to bulk out stews so use less beef.

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Well I shop at Waitrose - the reduced section of Waitrose!! It's the only way we can afford good food cheaply at the moment. Today's bargain was 3 packs of fresh cod and 4 packs of fresh scallops for £2.39 in total. Full price was £35. They have tomorrow's sell-by date so they've gone straight in the freezer.

I also bought a load of Duchy Originals organic free range mince at Waitrose reduced down from £3.99 to 90p a pack. Again, 6 packs went straight into the freezer.

I buy their reduced vegetables too as they often have another week left in them.

I shop at Aldi too - bought 2 bottles of proper Canadian maple syrup today for £2.99 each. It's usually around £5.50 in supermarkets. I love the stuff.

I ship online when I get a money off code. For instance, just done an Ocado shop online. £25 off if you spend over £75. My shop came to £76 so I only pay £51 and free delivery as I spent over £75 originally.

We are very careful shoppers and I'm a creative cook. It is possible to eat well AND cheaply but it does require some time and effort.

By the way, I agree about buying whatever type of meat in order to provide a family meal. If you have money then you can be as ethical and free range as you want. But it's not a choice many have these days. There is no ways I could afford Duchy Originals meat at full whack. It's only by canny shopping that all of our fish and meat is ethically and/or sustainably farmed.

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A) eating meat pro or con
B) wearing fur pro or con
C) hunting pro or con
D) choosing free range over battery pro or con if A is pro
E) wearing leather pro or con

A) Meat - con - I'm a veggie and minimise dairy products. My OH eats meat but limited to organic and free range
B) Fur - con - the animals are treated apallingly and there are many reports of animals being skinned alive.
C) Huntng - con
D) Free range - pro free range / con battery farming - what right do we have to treat animals / birds so cruelly when they feel pain etc
E) Wearing leather - con - I buy man made shoes / handbags

For me it is a matter of conscience - I don't think my life is more important than that of other living creatures - I don't want them to suffer in the name of food production.
Eating meat - pro
Wearing fur - undecided
Hunting-con-unless it's pheasant/duck/other game shooting for food
Free range-pro
Wearing leather=pro
Did anyone see him on that BBC 2 programme 'Inside Claridges'? He spent over £5.000 a night for a special salon. Watching the idle rich at leisure makes me sick to the stomach!

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As far as i am concerned cattle that graze in fields as well as other stock destined for the freezer is free range , so i am buggered if i am going to pay more because it says'' free range'' on the packet
I don't think Basso falls into the bracket of 'idle rich'... I dislike the man intensely BUT recognise that he has found a niche in the market and has exploited that to his advantage. He runs a business so I don't think he's 'idle'.

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