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Internet Troll
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

I rest my case, nothing else needs to be said.

This description could equally be applied to several people on this forum. A thread relating to the auction of a crown was created; my comments related to that, and a previous QVC auction. I have to wonder why some of you are so vehement in your attacks? It is unnecessary.
This description could equally be applied to several people on this forum. A thread relating to the auction of a crown was created; my comments related to that, and a previous QVC auction. I have to wonder why some of you are so vehement in your attacks? It is unnecessary.

Miss Ellie I mentioned no names but its funny how you automatically assumed my post referred to you. You sort of fell into that one didn`t you ?
Miss E. sometimes your comments are not helpful on this forum, you clearly have many, many unresolved issues.
Please play nicely.

My comments are pertinent to a recent thread and an associated one, but some people clearly don't like it. Regarding my 'many many unresolved issues' I think it is crystal clear that it is others who have the issues !
My comments are pertinent to a recent thread and an associated one, but some people clearly don't like it. Regarding my 'many many unresolved issues' I think it is crystal clear that it is others who have the issues !

Oh my word!! The woman's insufferable :headbang:
Miss Ellie, Q made a crown costing over £10,000. It sold for £1,000. No auction took place. They should have just given BCC £10,000 and saved themselves the time making it, precious metals and gem equiv a jeweller's loop can't distinguish between blah blah blah. Very bad publicity. No one knows anything including Will! Simples. What don't you understand?
Miss Ellie, Q made a crown costing over £10,000. It sold for £1,000. No auction took place. They should have just given BCC £10,000 and saved themselves the time making it, precious metals and gem equiv a jeweller's loop can't distinguish between blah blah blah. Very bad publicity. No one knows anything including Will! Simples. What don't you understand?

I didn't see the show. But I challenge Q's assertion that it was worth £10000. Eek is worth about 5p per kilo. It is not valuable. If the crown was silver, again that is still a very cheap metal, if scrap prices are anything to go by. So then you have workmanship. £10, 000 for a one off item. Seriously? But if we take what they said at face value then perhaps they decided to pull the auction and wait for the coronation of our future monarch! Who knows.
Having seen it in close-up on TV, I did believe that it could cost £10,500.

The metal was gold plated silver, and the eeks were quite large stones, and there must have been a huge amount of skill involved in making it as a one-off commission.

PS I've just looked back at my notes at the time. Just the silver itself weighed 1.5Kg, so the scrap value of this alone was around £1000
Having read this forum for quite a while before joining I often wondered if Miss Ellis has something to do with QVC.

Either works for Qvc/ Knows someone who does or Bitter ex member of this forum trying to cause trouble is my guess.
QVC crown article-0-12E23299000005DC-101_634x463.jpg

This should be a pic of the crown.


£10,528 ! ! ! ! !
Miss Ellie, Q made a crown costing over £10,000. It sold for £1,000. No auction took place. They should have just given BCC £10,000 and saved themselves the time making it, precious metals and gem equiv a jeweller's loop can't distinguish between blah blah blah. Very bad publicity. No one knows anything including Will! Simples. What don't you understand?

What I don't understand is that it's done with. People won't get answers and any answers people might get they dismiss as lies. Nothing is going to change so why can't people leave it there? People should boycott the channel in protest and involve a proper body to investigate what they believe to be underhand practice. Or shut up and put up!
I've kept back from commenting on posts made by Miss Ellie, but the constant digs remind me so much if my daughter when she was about 8 years old. She used to continually keep on about a subject, dig digging away just to get a reaction. Please grow up Miss Ellie.
So some people believe that just because something is over and done that makes it ok and it should never be mentioned again. Tell that to many people in many conflicts in the world. Is our new motto now to be "Just suck it up you losers"
Oh my word!! The woman's insufferable :headbang:

Um, just a thought, but its assumed that this person IS a female, - just because the listing is Miss means nothing. Could be a very upset boyfriend of one of the presenters (and I'm not saying which one)
Um, just a thought, but its assumed that this person IS a female, - just because the listing is Miss means nothing. Could be a very upset boyfriend of one of the presenters (and I'm not saying which one)

Aw c'mon give us a clue?! The only one I can think who has a boyfriend and been there long enough to care is Alison Keenan, oh or it could be Craigs or Miceals..........I'm going with Craigs because Craigs stroppy so his boyfriend probably is.

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