Chloe know-it-all on Join


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Feb 4, 2015
I love to watch Join as I love ( most!) of it but can't afford it! However this morning show was completely ruined by the animated ramblings of Chloe know- it-all! Poor Evie couldn't get a word in edge ways as she came out with her ' Chloe-isms' - (one size fits most?!) or some other word I think she used to describe the décolleté/ décolletage which I think she made up! Just STFU woman!
Chloe and the brand lady were both agreed that the £123 cardigan was perfect to wear on an aeroplane as it keeps the cold away.

Then the lady said that it was literally flying out of the door. That's good, because if you are using the cardi instead of a free airline blanket, the £123 which you paid for it might be more than you had intended to pay for an air fare, so you need to hitch a lift on the cardi.
Most of us on here are seasoned QVC-ers and the guff they spout simply sails over our heads. Some presenters spout more guff than others but they all do it but it will only get worse whilst the gullible still fall for it.
I can`t recall the last time I watched a full programme and I daresay I`m one of many.
Most of us on here are seasoned QVC-ers and the guff they spout simply sails over our heads. Some presenters spout more guff than others but they all do it but it will only get worse whilst the gullible still fall for it.
I can`t recall the last time I watched a full programme and I daresay I`m one of many.

My OH usually sits reading when I`m watching and more than once recently he has piped up with something like "What a load of rubbish, if a sales assistant in a shop said half of the stupid things they come out with I`d walk out" I said I know you just have to let it go over your head as their advice is learned liken the times tables at school !!
Chloe and the brand lady were both agreed that the £123 cardigan was perfect to wear on an aeroplane as it keeps the cold away.

Then the lady said that it was literally flying out of the door. That's good, because if you are using the cardi instead of a free airline blanket, the £123 which you paid for it might be more than you had intended to pay for an air fare, so you need to hitch a lift on the cardi.

Hahaha! Too funny! Lol!
I only channel hop now and again on QVC because I don't shop there now, well past two years actually, but I have caught shouty Everton in action before, after twenty seconds of "indeed" "incredible" "my mum loves this, that or the other" that's it, enoughs enough and back over the telly goes.
I have still got to see someone look what I call smart wearing a "Join or Yong Kim" garment, but then what do I know about fashion, I know for a fact I wouldn't wear either. I like good old fashioned classic clothes.
I'm sure a lot of these presenters have graduated from the school of Sally Jax ! with shouting and more shouting. And don't forget the arm waving to exaaaaaaagerate what you're saying - Craig is the prime mover in this one, arms and hands all over the ****** place, and as for the double handed pointy finger he does so much - where DO they learn this stuff ! I can speak without air drying my hands so why cant they ?
Ah yes, Ms Everton, who has become the total bore of QVC for me so I don't watch. Don't watch Join clothes either because lovely as Evie the guest is, these clothes would make me look as if I was wearing a pair of curtains.

I have still got to see someone look what I call smart wearing a "Join or Yong Kim" garment, but then what do I know about fashion, I know for a fact I wouldn't wear either. I like good old fashioned classic clothes.

Perhaps they should merge, and call the company, 'Joing Kim'.
I'm sure a lot of these presenters have graduated from the school of Sally Jax ! with shouting and more shouting. And don't forget the arm waving to exaaaaaaagerate what you're saying - Craig is the prime mover in this one, arms and hands all over the ****** place, and as for the double handed pointy finger he does so much - where DO they learn this stuff ! I can speak without air drying my hands so why cant they ?

Aaarrrgggghhh yes, Craig waving his hands around whilst talking is infuriating!
Chloe is an awful presenter in general. The other day she said the number of tracks on the Len Goodman CD was "remarkable". Really? Remarkable? Are you sure?

Her vocabulary is so limited that it is painful to watch.
For that money I'd want the keys to the plane. Honestly, just when you think they couldn't get any sillier... so you'd pay over 100 smackers to wear it sitting on a plane - but of course in your Q cardi you would travel in your own private plane, wouldn't you?
Chloe and the brand lady were both agreed that the £123 cardigan was perfect to wear on an aeroplane as it keeps the cold away.

Then the lady said that it was literally flying out of the door. That's good, because if you are using the cardi instead of a free airline blanket, the £123 which you paid for it might be more than you had intended to pay for an air fare, so you need to hitch a lift on the cardi.
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I'm always amazed(in true Q style) at their idea of what we wear to travel in. Now I'm sure that Tova and the like still travel first class a la 1950's Hollywood but most people I know wear comfortable clothes which will stand up to sitting around for hours in grubby airports certainly not cardies at over 100 squid.

Mind you on my last plane journey an Italian lady sitting opposite (late 30's) took up the 3 seats and fell asleep. She awoke and proceeded to change ALL her clothes, from underwear to outer coat and shoes in the seat, then went to the loo for half an hour (what was left to do!!) came back and did a full re make up job.

Mr L had a great time with the in house entertainment.
Presenters irritating habits don't really get to me but I must admit Chloe has become unwatchable lately. Apart from generally being repetitive ,she has developed the habit of emphasising the first easy pay as though its all you'll have to pay .Then she refers to any odd money as "change " So if the price is £4.98p she'll say its only £4 "and change" dismissing the 98p which may seem trivial but its another pound. It's nearer to £5.......

The Americans do this a lot,Lenny used to do it and Basso does it. It's annoying
That's like Cheesey Biagi, he always say "so that's your first easy pay and a bit for delivery!!" that bit for delivery was once £10 for a telly, I don't call £10 change, I call it a tenner. Speaking of easy pay though It's funny when Shouty Everton calls them "the" as in "it's on the easy pay"......probably just me :mysmilie_17:
That's like Cheesey Biagi, he always say "so that's your first easy pay and a bit for delivery!!" that bit for delivery was once £10 for a telly, I don't call £10 change, I call it a tenner. Speaking of easy pay though It's funny when Shouty Everton calls them "the" as in "it's on the easy pay"......probably just me :mysmilie_17:

When we were kids in the 1960's lots of our neighbours bought things from the 'tally man' who came to the door every Friday for that week's instalment.

Mum looked down her nose at them buying things on 'the never-never'.
I have been somewhat irked by some of the presenters, when I want to hear what a guest has to say, the 'guest' is constantly talked over at a ratge of knots, or just rudely interrupted mid sentence. Chloe is so so guilty of this, so I agree.

However, she is not alone and it has caused me with her and other presenters, to defeat the purpose of what Q is all about - i.e. I turn off or over!
Chloe is an awful presenter in general. The other day she said the number of tracks on the Len Goodman CD was "remarkable". Really? Remarkable? Are you sure?

Her vocabulary is so limited that it is painful to watch.

I don't think her vocabulary is in any way limited. I think the real reason is that she's resisted being programmed by QVC Management into the sales-vocab-patter, and when she's given a product to sell that's essentially crap she doesn't have any disingenuous words to sell it. It's a bit like someone going 'mmmn, lovely' in response to being asked what they think of their friend's hideous outfit. And that Len Goodman CD made me think of rows of high-backed chairs in a nursing home's day room.
I think she does say silly things about products as they all do.She just uses words like marvellous,amaaaazing really fabulous .She uses these words to describe most things all the time.

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