Cutbacks Phase 2: Urgent Memo - Please Read.


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Quite frankly you are not appreciating the difficulty of the decision making progress BB. We need to drill down and disintermediate the dialogue to come up with a decision worthy process. I suggest a week away at a relaxing location to driving down the maximum functionality with our end to end mission critical competency, by then we should have a decision.

or as my line manager's line manager often says "let's not get bogged down in the weeds" ... there's one for the Jackson
Fashion...Kim, no contest, that flippin voice even sets the dogs off.

Beauty...Lulu's Time Bomb rubbish, let her take her plastic face off to Butlins full time.

Other...anything remotely keep fit related, all those machines & Zumba wotsits. Thought the whole idea of shopping telly was being able to lounge on the sofa & not put yourself out with unnecessary sweaty exercise.
Round 1 - Fashion - Print Fusion - What's that all about? Get out.
Round 2 - Beauty - Sarah Chapman - You are banned for that face massager thing alone. It just looks daft. How do the models keep a straight face?
Round 2a Beauty - Margaret Dabbs - Emu oil for your feet? Just lay off the flip flops & stick to proper slippers, that'll sort em out. Ta-ra.
Round 3 - Other - Butler & Wilson clothing. No grown or sane woman should ever wear cats or dogs on their top, especially with sequins. Goodbye.
1. Lola Rose -!
2. Dr perricone - purely because the guest has obviously been botoxed to within an inch of her life.
3. Yankee Candles - overpriced tubs of wax.

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Everything to go ....yes even butler....:happy: (I hate you butler...) just having a giggle...those who used to watch Blakey and butler in the 70s will understand:blush:.....but Kipling to stay..even though the colours get mixed up and general chaos ensues as I'm shouting at the telly that they've got the colours wrong ....again:yawn:V
Butler and Wilson....overpriced
Lou Lou much?...
Loulou face stuff.....dubious
Northern nights :dull:
Kim and her rocker?
(I really really need to get out more lol. I'm sure qvc was better a few years
Thorntons - cheaper in Sainsbury's
Gardening plug plants - :angry:
Gardening wind twister thingies 20 minute presentation - :angry:
Silver jewellery shows - enough already
Stephanie Weightman's nails - in the way
1. Fashion - Hard with all that slippery polyester on sale but it has to be Artscapes. Who in their right mind would wear a moose from the Canadian Wilderness or a giraffe from the "Savannah" on their bazumbas?

2. Beauty - New CID - the over made-up guest makes it look cheap not desirable (Perricone might have had a look in too but it's so far out of my price range it hardly registers)

3. Hard decision between overpiced English tat from B&W jewellery and overpriced American tat from Kirks Folly but will have to go for Simon W's skulls and scary small creatures
Haughty Alexis and L Occitane-£40 plus quid for a couple of shower gels-having a laugh! Butler n Wilson- cant do with him and JR sat there like mutton dripping in all that gaudy stuff! Elemis and all the other "serious skincare"-not impressed with guests skin, just chill and cleanse tone and moisturise thats all!

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