General ridiculousness thread


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Thank you mr tom!

Just caught him screwing a sheet of paper up. Please tell me it was just off the clipboard and not his beloved test sheet :eek:

i can gladly confirm it was a mere sheet of paper and not the hallowed base reflex test sheet.
Jenny Topp must have been reading the Elisa Portelli 'Guide to BS'ing' Handbook.

While selling a Multi Print Maxi Dress she said 'I cannot sell it for less than £5.99 or i'll get fired'.

Jenny Topp must have been reading the Elisa Portelli 'Guide to BS'ing' Handbook.

While selling a Multi Print Maxi Dress she said 'I cannot sell it for less than £5.99 or i'll get fired'.


lol when they say things like that it really irritates me as its like they think we are fools/gullible. It totally puts me off buying an item when I hear such comments from presenters, even James Russel was saying similar last night... saying he was glad he wasn't back in until Friday as he will be in trouble for letting the price get so low. (He hopes it will be forgotten by the time he's next in).
lol when they say things like that it really irritates me as its like they think we are fools/gullible. It totally puts me off buying an item when I hear such comments from presenters, even James Russel was saying similar last night... saying he was glad he wasn't back in until Friday as he will be in trouble for letting the price get so low. (He hopes it will be forgotten by the time he's next in).

I just think it's lazy selling, not to mention incredibly patronising.
lol when they say things like that it really irritates me as its like they think we are fools/gullible. It totally puts me off buying an item when I hear such comments from presenters, even James Russel was saying similar last night... saying he was glad he wasn't back in until Friday as he will be in trouble for letting the price get so low. (He hopes it will be forgotten by the time he's next in).

Did he really say that? what a bliddy idiot
Did he really say that? what a bliddy idiot

Yeh he & Kiri was going on about it then he kept saying "ok stop the music".... like 3 or 4 times I think on one single item as it wasn't selling very fast (Item was them stacker rings on the non stop drop if I recall correctly). I turned it off after that as it was just too cringe-worthy.
Yeh he & Kiri was going on about it then he kept saying "ok stop the music".... like 3 or 4 times on one single item as it wasn't selling very fast (Item was them stacker rings on the non stop drop). I turned it off after that as it was just too cringe-worthy.

I hope he dosen't start having pretend conversations with someone at the side of the camera again, that was uber naff.
Do the presenters really have any control over the price? I remember a friend commenting on Peter Sherlock & Peter Simons fake "OMG HOW CHEAP!" obviously no control over the price, then we have other presenters like James Russel saying he's going to get in trouble for selling the items at such low prices. Its like from one extreme to another.
Do the presenters really have any control over the price? I remember a friend commenting on Peter Sherlock & Peter Simons fake "OMG HOW CHEAP!" obviously no control over the price, then we have other presenters like James Russel saying he's going to get in trouble for selling the items at such low prices. Its like from one extreme to another.

I don't know for certain Mr M but I do recall a sale going wrong with Sally Versace a while back and the graphics messed up. However they continued with the sale and Sally confirmed what they wanted it to go for.

I guess that would suggest the price is set before a sale.
Mark Ryes is selling a French Manicure Set with Peter Sherlock which would seem great value at £1 (plus charges). As he gets a bit older he is beginning to remind me of Keith Chegwin.

lol when they say things like that it really irritates me as its like they think we are fools/gullible. It totally puts me off buying an item when I hear such comments from presenters, even James Russel was saying similar last night... saying he was glad he wasn't back in until Friday as he will be in trouble for letting the price get so low. (He hopes it will be forgotten by the time he's next in).

I suspect not too many people on here have actually had a real job in the real world. if you had then it wouldn't be such a preposterous and ridiculous notion for you that a SALESPERSON could be held accountable for their SALES FIGURES.
I suspect not too many people on here have actually had a real job in the real world. if you had then it wouldn't be such a preposterous and ridiculous notion for you that a SALESPERSON could be held accountable for their SALES FIGURES.

Sales people should be held accountable for their sales figures.... however they shouldn't be held accountable for a price which they don't set.
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Sales people should be held accountable for their sales figures.... however they shouldn't be held accountable for a price which they don't set.

but if it is an avalanche or non stop drop then they must be responsible surely, as the price CANT be set it just drops . i bet most items have a minimum price which is set but the presenters are required to get above that. those that consistently fail to over achieve i would expect are held accountable. its a sales business and there isn't a sales business in the world that does target and performance manage their salesforce.
I suspect not too many people on here have actually had a real job in the real world. if you had then it wouldn't be such a preposterous and ridiculous notion for you that a SALESPERSON could be held accountable for their SALES FIGURES.

I give you a C- for that effort in trying to provoke a reaction. You have done worse but boy you have done a lot better. If you want the crown of best bid fantroll you need to do better. See M&M after school.

Poor Steve Mc is getting in all kinds of trouble when selling a Portable Car PVR with Night Vision. He was wanting to suggest you might get a discount on your insurance with it but clearly someone was telling him to shut up in his earpiece, quick smart.

Very funny, it's not often Macca gets tongue tied!
I give you a C- for that effort in trying to provoke a reaction. You have done worse but boy you have done a lot better. If you want the crown of best bid fantroll you need to do better. See M&M after school.

Nice to see another Sterling Silver piece on Bid with the gram weight clearly displayed on screen, very good indeed!

It takes so much ambiguity out of a sale.
Selling the waterless wash pack. Looks good product but to call it a seven piece seems downright dishonest. Why? Because 2 of the 7 are the applicators as Bingo Balls called them, or in other words the spay bit at the top. How can they call that a seperate piece?
Selling the waterless wash pack. Looks good product but to call it a seven piece seems downright dishonest. Why? Because 2 of the 7 are the applicators as Bingo Balls called them, or in other words the spay bit at the top. How can they call that a seperate piece?

Because, quite accurately, they are 2 seperate pieces.
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