Grand Opening....


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I really enjoyed the bit when Ms Guiness announced that they would need to do something about the clomping feet cominng down the stairs! I think she suggested silencing the heels of the models. Presumably in the studio it is really loud when they are on the stairs.
Those stairs sound like an accident waiting to happen. They need to get health and safety in to look at it (if that's still the done thing nowadays :whew: )
WHY is it all so dark ?????? heaven help when we get into the winter months with all the black, grey, navy and brown fashion - we'll never see it !!!!!! Just haven't thought it through have they - I imagined the new sets to be bright, airy and lots and lots of white paint. WRONG !
WHY is it all so dark ?????? heaven help when we get into the winter months with all the black, grey, navy and brown fashion - we'll never see it !!!!!! Just haven't thought it through have they - I imagined the new sets to be bright, airy and lots and lots of white paint. WRONG !

Could be worse, could be Kelly Hoppen coloured
Those stairs sound like an accident waiting to happen. They need to get health and safety in to look at it (if that's still the done thing
nowadays :whew: )

Sharon and Goody had to cling on to the walls in the Kim & Co hour...................wonder who'll be the first to take a tumble??
If they want it to be a truly memorable occasion then why not do everything on 3 easy pays and no p&p. Not just send out a card to a few of us with a code on.

If they want us to get excited and feel part of it then at least give us all SOMETHING you tight, stingy bast@rds!!!
I don't care if they broadcast from state of the art new studios, or Julia's front room!. What difference does it make to us? None. I find it amusing that they think viewers would be getting excited over it. But, don't forget, there are tons of poeple on facebook and twitter getting into a frenzy over their 'extended family' moving house.

It was a annoying last night with Ralph and Julia on the last show before moving. They were talking complete balderdash at times, saying if we bought a certain item (can't remember what), it would hold sentimental memories, as it was bought on the last show at Marco Polo House!!
How many time zones?

I don't care if they broadcast from state of the art new studios, or Julia's front room!. What difference does it make to us? None. I find it amusing that they think viewers would be getting excited over it. But, don't forget, there are tons of poeple on facebook and twitter getting into a frenzy over their 'extended family' moving house.

It was a annoying last night with Ralph and Julia on the last show before moving. They were talking complete balderdash at times, saying if we bought a certain item (can't remember what), it would hold sentimental memories, as it was bought on the last show at Marco Polo House!!

He apparently flew all the way from LV and was flying back this a.m. to NYC for a TSV on US QVC....all for a 2 hour show! :smirk:

PS ....or wherever US QVC is based!
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When I saw the pictures of the new building I immediately thought "it's amazing what the profit from outrageous p&p will buy"
"hold sentimental memories"

I can't remember what I ordered first ...... or last come to think of it.
Yeah - I switched on to watch and Kathy looks gorg, the new set is lovely but I was expecting a bit more of a fanfare. But then I guess it's shopping TV and they still have to flog stuff so...:grin:

I was expecting the queen to make an appearance. :smirk:
I watched the repeat Honora hour this morning & part of the sales patter was that 'this is the last TSV from the old studios' like it was some sort of momento, just couldn't understand that! It's a bracelet ( & not an appealing one to me) do I care where they presented it---NO!

I thought that too, Oh if you have been with us from the start and want a memento, why would we? If we did surely it would be something that had QVC Battersea on it. All very strange and as for her and her blue jacket I give up.
The new sets look great, and work really well on camera. Great colours and interesting design, makes it feel a lot more spacious.

Never-mind Julia being a gay icon... I think Kathy looked a million dollars on the Morning Show!
How's about we all print off the pages on this Thread and bombard the Chief Exec on the Chiswick Industrial Estate, to let him know how we are all 'peeing our pants' with excitement at his company's move !!!!
The new sets have a kind of dingy underground car-park vibe about them. Mind you, I always associate underground car-parks on TV with murder programmes..... All we've had is Ms. Skeletor Franks murdering the English language while simultaneously scratching her itchy bits.
I had forgotten that they were moving given that I have been very busy lately and not watching Q much so when I briefly tuned in tonight I was not sure if they had as it all looked a bit underwhelming given how much they have been going on about it. Why do they think it is going to enthral the viewers as much as them I have no idea, it's not like a real life shop moving premises, it's their workplace for heaven's sake!
I honestly thought that we might have an outside window on the new sets, a bit like on This Morning. Would have been a nice airy feeling then.

I wonder if they will have working taps in the kitchen set. It has always baffled me why they can't have a fully working kitchen.
Underneatht the arches?

I'm not sure what kind of look they are aiming for.....differing wall surfaces and 3-D effects also jumping out from the walls and fake arch type windows. Is this studio trying to replicate dingy areas underneath London's railway stations? Just waiting for some graffiti guys to show up! :tongue:
I thought the sets fabulous, must be costing US a fortune, watch the prices go up! I do think they are totally out of place in a shopping channel, too distracting, plain backgrounds are preferable IMO, and the poor models having to negotiate theose stairs, they look very slippery. the jewellery stand I saw was grey and strobing, bet they go back to the old black ones before long. A total expensive non event. and those backgrounds are going to irritate me for years to come.

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