Happy Birthday Julia!


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Yay! I'm a June baby, not that I celebrate. It's just an achievement of being alive another year, ha ha! But yes, Happy Birthday to all the rest of you June babies - us mere mortals who do not appear on the telly :p

Hey!!!! I'm a May baby, I want some congratulations too...
Hey!!!! I'm a May baby, I want some congratulations too...[/QUOTE]

A belated Happy Birthday to you..................... Erm.......it's mine on Friday:happy:

Does anyone think there's a bit of a Gemini theme going on?
Oh I don't think it's fair to assume Julia has had any work done. She's admitted herself that she's back on the diet and you can see she's put a bit of weight back on. Personally I think she looks all the better for that little bit more weight. She's looking healthy and happy. Good for her!

I'm a June baby too.
Hey!!!! I'm a May baby, I want some congratulations too...

A belated Happy Birthday to you..................... Erm.......it's mine on Friday:happy:

Does anyone think there's a bit of a Gemini theme going on?[/QUOTE] :rock::rock::rock:

Happy Birthday for Friday :)
Julia looked lovely on her birthday. Her hair looked fab, very thick , healthy and shiny. She definitely did not look her age. She does look better with a bit of weight on:happy:
I'm pretty sure that she's has a bit of help but I don't begrudge her that as she's got to look good for tv.

My hubby has a soft spot for Julia and he's five years younger than her. May have more to do with her handsome chest though rather than her flowing locks.
She has just posted this on her Twitter account....someone must have complimented her on her youthful look:-

Must be the lighting! Botox a definite no no for me - thanks for the compliment :)

I don't think she has had Botox...it's probably the lighting in the new studio.
If you were to ask me for a kleenex® and I answered, "I don't have one," but I DID have xyz tissue, would I have told a lie? or the truth? If you had asked for a tissue, then I would have said yes, I have one. So, maybe there are other enhancers/fillers/skin processes that aren't strictly Botox. Pedantic I know, but strictly speaking, it gives them an 'out' ... Tonight the NN woman and JR have dueling foreheads, neither is moving anything above the eyebrows. Ideal time to have something done is a) you have a long holiday and people think you are well-rested or lost weight or b) move studios and it's the new lighting. Just saying ...
If you were to ask me for a kleenex® and I answered, "I don't have one," but I DID have xyz tissue, would I have told a lie? or the truth? If you had asked for a tissue, then I would have said yes, I have one. So, maybe there are other enhancers/fillers/skin processes that aren't strictly Botox. Pedantic I know, but strictly speaking, it gives them an 'out' ... Tonight the NN woman and JR have dueling foreheads, neither is moving anything above the eyebrows. Ideal time to have something done is a) you have a long holiday and people think you are well-rested or lost weight or b) move studios and it's the new lighting. Just saying ...

Oh please. What bollocks. Really.
Must be me, but I thought Julia had a puffy a face rather than a botoxed one.
I don't think the weight gain does her any favours at all.
I don't think Julia has had anything done to her face other than using cosmetic creams etc.

She has number 11s (like I do, mine are really bad and I'm a lot younger than JR) and some slight jowling too which you would expect someone to have as part of the ageing process depending on the rate at which they age.

My mum is a few years older than JR and has a similar face in relation to lines and some slight sagging and there is no way jose she has had anything done and I know I'm heading the same way too.

My mum's neck is amazing though - not a line in sight and she is 60 in September this year.

Julia's hair looked shorter last night or the night before, can't remember (which might be the way it was styled) and she did look a little rounder in the face too - maybe she isn't too good, as OP said she did look a little puffy.
JR has been in the business long enough to know that denying something, then being found out to have lied, isn't a good look. If she'd had work done I think she'd say nothing rather than say she hadn't (which she has stated several times).

And even if she stupidly chose to lie, and in fact had undergone some procedures, I think she'd look better than she does now.

When she looks rough she gets jumped on. When she scrubs up and looks great she gets jumped on. She's never going to get it right it would seem.
JR will always look great, eye bags or not. Simply because she has a genetic advantage of being born (what most people would consider to be) with beautiful facial features and she takes good care of herself, too.

My experience in real life is that the people who go on about how well preserved and young they look for their age, with no wrinkle or skin fold in sight (whilst at the same time not hesitating in bringing down anyone else for looking far worse for wear than themselves), are actually the ones that were not the greatest of beauties, to begin with. So no doubt, some of the comments aiming at criticizing Julia's looks are jealousy, derived from the simple fact that Julia has a given advantage of being beautiful and they are not (inside or out).

No doubt also, there will be a barrage of denial, coming through any minute...now!

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