Jill Franks on the Australian Bodycare hour


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I can't understand why anyone is upset about JF being called skinny, scrawny or any other name. Some presenters have been vilified on this forum in the past. One that comes to my mind is Debbie Flint. I don't know what all the fuss is about nobody has bothered before about presenters reading this forum.

I think that this thread has somewhat moved on since the OP posted his comments Betty.
I'm not comfortable with some of the language used or the vitriol some presenters attract, but I don't want to stifle anyone's creativity. Shopping presenters foibles don't illicit such strong feelings. I used to come on here for a laugh.

It would be interesting to see the presenters as they really are and not in full selling mode but I fear that they have all been too long on the Q corporate treadmill that they themselves don't know what they were like before.

I'm saying this in the hope that they ARE different in RL otherwise it would be pretty sad to think that there are that many self centred people in one small organisation.
i think there are basically two problems with Jill as a salesperson, she is irritating with her ' self obsessed princess' act and once you have watched a while you realise that you can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth other than that she's fine.

Changing channels may help!
Well, shall I tell you what makes me yawn...?

1. Posters that always point out that they NEVER shop from Q, Ideal World is so much better and that they only ever catch Q when they accidentally fall over something whilst channel hopping..... BUT, they always seem to 'catch' Q at the right moment to have something negative to say. They say that so often that they may as well just put it in a signature to save them having to type it each time.

2. "Life was so much better in the old days where people had respect, good manners etc" and "the young people today are just rude" and then "at my age I'm past caring whether I offend or not"... all personal opinions but some might have another perspective.

3. Some posters visit in groups and like to metaphorically pat each other on the back with thanks - even for the most inane remarks. Some of those posters have very similar posting patterns and writing styles - Birds of a feather... or just one bird? They certainly flock together here at the same time.

3. Then there are the comments like:

- "you can get it cheaper in Poundland" - even though the brand, materials and quality are different.

- "fashion on Q looks like market stall tat - who would be seen dead in it anyway" - no acceptance that some may like it and that actually some items are very durable, wearable etc.

- "Jill is too thin", "DF is too loud", "Charlie eats too much"... well, OK, but it's all relative and some of us may have a differing view.

- "Why does anyone buy from QVC" - OK, that's an opinion BUT don't be surprised when someone voices another opinion of their own.

So, there you have it... we bore each other. :mysmilie_59:

No one, seemingly, is allowed to enjoy something they see on or buy from Q...

No one is allowed to disagree with the b1tching.

I feel like I'm back in a school playground sometimes :mysmilie_43:.

I only read the first line of your comment and know it was aimed at me, so I yawned and wrote this, I shopped with QVC for twenty years, yes twenty! years! and closed my account two years ago for the usual reasons, so that makes me more than qualified to comment on them, even if I didn't so what?!, you want to get of that high, sanctimonious horse of yours and press that ignore button if my comments bother you that much, and that goes for anyone else who is bothered by them too, what I do when I see a duck is walk on by, but if you think your constant digging at me bothers me in the slightest..........think again. :tongue:
Oh dear me. I have been so enjoying these last few months on this forum. But I do think it brings out the worst in me, as I have had to bite my tongue and sit on my fingers not to join in this and similar threads. I am deliberately removing myself from temptation to unleash my inner bitch by creating a new password I will never be able to remember, so I can never sign in again.

Can I just say a big THANK YOU to everyone whose wit and wisdom has made me laugh, and wish you all, whatever your views on anyone or anything are, a very happy, healthy and successful 2016.
Oh dear me. I have been so enjoying these last few months on this forum. But I do think it brings out the worst in me, as I have had to bite my tongue and sit on my fingers not to join in this and similar threads. I am deliberately removing myself from temptation to unleash my inner bitch by creating a new password I will never be able to remember, so I can never sign in again.

Can I just say a big THANK YOU to everyone whose wit and wisdom has made me laugh, and wish you all, whatever your views on anyone or anything are, a very happy, healthy and successful 2016.

That's a shame, I hope certain people and the wrath they unleash on anyone that dares to have a negative view haven't forced you off, why not release your inner "bitch" because only a few people will take offence, the majority will understand you live in the real world, so stay, release and bollocks to people who don't like it, they don't have to read them. Hope you reconsider, Happy New Year to you too.
Sorry, think the horse is too high - it would need an extending ladder to get off. The fact that this is a forum with freedom to express opinions about shopping telly appears to be quite a difficult concept in some cases.
I only read the first line of your comment and know it was aimed at me, so I yawned and wrote this, I shopped with QVC for twenty years, yes twenty! years! and closed my account two years ago for the usual reasons, so that makes me more than qualified to comment on them, even if I didn't so what?!, you want to get of that high, sanctimonious horse of yours and press that ignore button if my comments bother you that much, and that goes for anyone else who is bothered by them too, what I do when I see a duck is walk on by, but if you think your constant digging at me bothers me in the slightest..........think again. :tongue:
Sorry, think the horse is too high - it would need an extending ladder to get off. The fact that this is a forum with freedom to express opinions about shopping telly appears to be quite a difficult concept in some cases.

I know, how daft are we thinking you can comment on shopping telly on a shopping telly forum, never mind I might comment on shopping telly on a cooking forum.
Hilarious that someone can write diatribes implying that their life experience qualifies them to adopt a sanctimonious attitude. Actually, many people do really tough jobs in their daily life, police, ambulance, hospital workers, and so on, but I'm sure they would have the brains to see what's contradictory in telling everyone what a tolerant and caring individual they are, whilst at the same time indulging in childish diktats on what comments it's permissible/not permissible to make (not that any notice will be taken, anyway). This is a forum on shopping telly. And the "Reply" or "Reply with Quote" button is what you need - that way you won't direct comments to the wrong person.

Well, shall I tell you what makes me yawn...?

1. Posters that always point out that they NEVER shop from Q, Ideal World is so much better and that they only ever catch Q when they accidentally fall over something whilst channel hopping..... BUT, they always seem to 'catch' Q at the right moment to have something negative to say. They say that so often that they may as well just put it in a signature to save them having to type it each time.

2. "Life was so much better in the old days where people had respect, good manners etc" and "the young people today are just rude" and then "at my age I'm past caring whether I offend or not"... all personal opinions but some might have another perspective.

3. Some posters visit in groups and like to metaphorically pat each other on the back with thanks - even for the most inane remarks. Some of those posters have very similar posting patterns and writing styles - Birds of a feather... or just one bird? They certainly flock together here at the same time.

3. Then there are the comments like:

- "you can get it cheaper in Poundland" - even though the brand, materials and quality are different.

- "fashion on Q looks like market stall tat - who would be seen dead in it anyway" - no acceptance that some may like it and that actually some items are very durable, wearable etc.

- "Jill is too thin", "DF is too loud", "Charlie eats too much"... well, OK, but it's all relative and some of us may have a differing view.

- "Why does anyone buy from QVC" - OK, that's an opinion BUT don't be surprised when someone voices another opinion of their own.

So, there you have it... we bore each other. :mysmilie_59:

No one, seemingly, is allowed to enjoy something they see on or buy from Q...

No one is allowed to disagree with the b1tching.

I feel like I'm back in a school playground sometimes :mysmilie_43:.
Hilarious that someone can write diatribes implying that their life experience qualifies them to adopt a sanctimonious attitude. Actually, many people do really tough jobs in their daily life, police, ambulance, hospital workers, and so on, but I'm sure they would have the brains to see what's contradictory in telling everyone what a tolerant and caring individual they are, whilst at the same time indulging in childish diktats on what comments it's permissible/not permissible to make (not that any notice will be taken, anyway). This is a forum on shopping telly. And the "Reply" or "Reply with Quote" button is what you need - that way you won't direct comments to the wrong person.

According to point number 3. Because we have "similar" writing styles then we must be the same person. We have many people that we get on with here H and have the same opinions so obviously we'll agree and like most of the comments, so I'm lost, does that mean everyone that has the same opinion is the same person? I don't understand, in that case there's a certain poster that has the same writing style and identical opinions as her, so are they the same bird? No sorry, I don't get it.

Just adding that point number 3 pretty much says it all, it's alright to call other posters comments "inane" but it's not ok to call JF a rubbish presenter? Imagine if we'd have called JF anything bad, we'd probably have a whole thread dedicated to us. I'm done with this thread now H so I'll sign off as she's done the same as she always does, causes trouble.
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I object to the really vicious remarks that are sometimes aimed at the presenters - as so many posters are happy to say this is a free country and we can speak freely here then I'll continue to exercise that blessing by commenting when I think something is spiteful - why shouldn't I?

Does Jill really *deserve* to be called a 'harrowed harridan' or 'Skeletor's sister'?
Yes, it's a free country and yes, you can speak freely. So can and do the rest of us, only we don't try to wear the other side down by sheer wordiness.

If anyone's worried about presenters being upset about this forum, don't be because I think they will be highly amused by the scraps and bickerings that go on here so are well able to laugh off any criticism by having a laugh at our expense.
I for one don't believe any presenters read this forum. Perhaps years ago Debbie G and Julian may have done but now it's all twatter and FB and from what I understand this is tame in comparison.

If by some small chance someone mentioned it to them it would go right over their self obsessed heads.

As with all would be showbiz (stretching it a bit) types they are only aware of things which feed their egos, so I wouldn't lose any sleep worrying that they may be offended.

The fact that the same old things are moaned about like not giving sizes, ordering on air, talking over guests and twatting on air make no impression on them shows they either don't know we exist and, or, don't give a stuff.

Take your pick!

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