Julia's Hair!


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What a sweeping statement. I dye my hair because I prefer it darker and it is long because it suits me better. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good at any age.

I don't agree that Julia looks like a woman in her 60's. I do think she looks like a woman in her 50's which is exactly what she is.

sadly for Julia tho Loveheart, I think she thinks that she looks like a woman in her 40s...and she often acts even younger..
Ooo I had the same problem as you.

I thought for years I had just really dry eyes caused by my permanent use of anti histamines and a nasal spray (amongst other things for some issues) in August my eye swelled up worse than ever before and felt like there were foreign bodies in them rather than the usual constant grittiness.

Yes I have allergic conjunctivitis too, its a permanent thing. I can't believe given I do have lots of diagnosed allergies I never thought I had allergy eye issues d'oh!!

I now use allergy eyedrops with sodium chromligacate in I think it is, I use optrex allergy eyes. I tried the boots ones that are cheaper with the same active ingredient but didn't like them as much.

I have a pre-payment for my meds but to be honest just buy these over the counter.

All those years of buying dry eyes drops was a complete waste and I thought I was just destined to have permamnently sore gritty eyes.

They are still sore sometimes but its no longer a constant as long as I use the allergy eye drops which can burn like hell when you first use them but do work a treat.

Good luck, hope you get some relief from your symptoms soon x

sadly for Julia tho Loveheart, I think she thinks that she looks like a woman in her 40s...and she often acts even younger..

Some days she looks better than others but we all have off days. I am not a fan of the jegins and toe posts. I don't know what age she thinks she is but I think she acts in a grown up and professional manner unlike some of the other presenters.
same here, it's why I seldom watch Julia or indeed much QVC at all these days, unless it's an hour I really enjoy, then usually watch it on mute!
Ooo I had the same problem as you.

I thought for years I had just really dry eyes caused by my permanent use of anti histamines and a nasal spray (amongst other things for some issues) in August my eye swelled up worse than ever before and felt like there were foreign bodies in them rather than the usual constant grittiness.

Yes I have allergic conjunctivitis too, its a permanent thing. I can't believe given I do have lots of diagnosed allergies I never thought I had allergy eye issues d'oh!!
..... Good luck, hope you get some relief from your symptoms soon x

.... It's permanent! :sad:
I'll just have to find a cure then lol.
Thanks for your good wishes
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smaller than julia minim?? that's fighting talk :tongue:

hope the dr sorts your eyes out :)
Lol - smaller in length AND width :giggle:

Thanks for the good wishes.
I'm hoping it's going to be an allergy to cosmetics & not permanent.
For me it is not sure if that's the general rule but the allergy eye drops are good they really have helped me a lot, you are only supposed to use them for three months at a time though. Possibly becasue I'm constantly exposed to allergens its a constant for me, I guess it depends waaht causes your symptoms.

I use the allergy eye drops as little as I can bear and take a day break if I can that way I figure I'm never technically constantly using them for three months at a time. Compared to how my eyes have been for years its a blessed relief to know what the problem is and seems so flippin obvious now lol

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