Julia's Hair!


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that bit at the front that she mauls all the time has always looked kinds scraggy to me.
If she had a cut above the shoulders she would be able to control the frizz better with serums and products, still curling her hair on big rollers and it would look lovely and silky. I am speaking from experience here, although my hair is not as thick, it is wiry and prone to frizz and fine in places, a real mixture of textures but I can sleek it without damaging straightening irons.
If she had a cut above the shoulders she would be able to control the frizz better with serums and products, still curling her hair on big rollers and it would look lovely and silky. I am speaking from experience here, although my hair is not as thick, it is wiry and prone to frizz and fine in places, a real mixture of textures but I can sleek it without damaging straightening irons.

Wht serum/products do you use? I am using ojon but want t find an alternative.
I think Julia just has hair that is a bugger to style whether it was long, medium or short. I'm not a fan of really long hair personally. But that's because my hair seems to get a mind of it's own once it gets more than a couple of inches below my shoulders ... lol

I do prefer her hair darker but I'm sure she's said that she has had to use different hair dyes due to allergies.
She should try that Keratin straightening treatment on her hair - it would look great then! I was thinking about it the other day but £240 for 4 months is a bit steep but if I was on TV I would go for it!

I have hair just below my shoulders, which tends to curl and frizz, I also have highlights. I use so much conditioner it's ridiculous!
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Wht serum/products do you use? I am using ojon but want t find an alternative.

miss molly, I have tried them all to varying degrees of success but the best requires a trip to Tesco and purchasing Denise McAdam fight the frizz shampoo and conditioner and the serum for blowdrying. I have had no success with Richard Ward, JR's and Kate Duch of Cornw hairdresser, very overpriced as well, Ojon brought me out in boils, Mike de Cesare did not suit me either. The McAdam range is quite vast, colour treated range too, hope it works for you.
She should try that Keratin straightening treatment on her hair - it would look great then! I was thinking about it the other day but £240 for 4 months is a bit steep but if I was on TV I would go for it!

I have hair just below my shoulders, which tends to curl and frizz, I also have highlights. I use so much conditioner it's ridiculous!

That treatment frightens me to death, a work colleague of my DD had it done last month and I am eager to hear how it holds out. I cannot help but feel in the long run it will be very damaging.
Wht serum/products do you use? I am using ojon but want t find an alternative.

miss molly, I have tried them all to varying degrees of success but the best requires a trip to Tesco and purchasing Denise McAdam fight the frizz shampoo and conditioner and the serum for blowdrying. I have had no success with Richard Ward, JR's and Kate Duch of Cornw hairdresser, very overpriced as well, Ojon brought me out in boils, Mike de Cesare did not suit me either. The McAdam range is quite vast, colour treated range too, hope it works for you.

I really like Kerastase oleo relax serum!!!!
I have mentioned this before...she has her hair long because she wants to be young...was watching her on Friday with MOH and he thought she was a lady in her sixties with dyed hair. Age process has really caught up with her this year...her eye bags and neck look haggard.

I know this may come across as harsh but this is a presenter, who constantly other the years was flirty and put on a show about how beautiful and young she looked....unfortunatley she no longer is and now looks older than her years. Starting to remind me of Judy Finnigan. Suspect if her book is a success, she will retire when the QVC office moves.
That treatment frightens me to death, a work colleague of my DD had it done last month and I am eager to hear how it holds out. I cannot help but feel in the long run it will be very damaging.

Happy to say I have a friend who had it done and it didn't damage her hair, in fact her hair is better now, she wants it done again but you have to buy the shampoo and conditioner as well so it's pricey. The only think that can damage it is salt water and chlorine so no good for swimmers or just before your holiday.
I have mentioned this before...she has her hair long because she wants to be young...was watching her on Friday with MOH and he thought she was a lady in her sixties with dyed hair. Age process has really caught up with her this year...her eye bags and neck look haggard.

I know this may come across as harsh but this is a presenter, who constantly other the years was flirty and put on a show about how beautiful and young she looked....unfortunatley she no longer is and now looks older than her years. Starting to remind me of Judy Finnigan. Suspect if her book is a success, she will retire when the QVC office moves.

The last bit made me laugh Eleanor, sorry, but how many books would a shopping channel presenter sell to retire? Unless she's prepared to pay to publish it herself, she'll struggle to find a publisher, let alone make a profit. That market is very hard to get into.
I have mentioned this before...she has her hair long because she wants to be young...was watching her on Friday with MOH and he thought she was a lady in her sixties with dyed hair. Age process has really caught up with her this year...her eye bags and neck look haggard.

I know this may come across as harsh but this is a presenter, who constantly other the years was flirty and put on a show about how beautiful and young she looked....unfortunatley she no longer is and now looks older than her years. Starting to remind me of Judy Finnigan. Suspect if her book is a success, she will retire when the QVC office moves.

Beware of ageing!
I'm a bit older than Julia (and smaller than Julia :mysmilie_14:) so I see & sympathise with the ageing issues she is facing.
My eye-bags are so bad that I am considering surgery (blepharoplasty). Last week they were very bad & watering so following advice I went to my opticians. An examination revealed that I have allergic conjunctivitis & have had it for some time. I'm going to make an appointment with my GP tomorrow but the optician suggested eye makeup could be the trigger.

So eye-bags, no make-up - what a sight I look.

I know your observations were directed at Julia as a presenter on QVC, but they made me feel really sad.

But ...
.. then again ...
..ever the optimist :wink:
you just can't keep an old dog down! Yay!
Beware of ageing!
I'm a bit older than Julia (and smaller than Julia :mysmilie_14:) so I see & sympathise with the ageing issues she is facing.
My eye-bags are so bad that I am considering surgery (blepharoplasty). Last week they were very bad & watering so following advice I went to my opticians. An examination revealed that I have allergic conjunctivitis & have had it for some time. I'm going to make an appointment with my GP tomorrow but the optician suggested eye makeup could be the trigger.

So eye-bags, no make-up - what a sight I look.

I know your observations were directed at Julia as a presenter on QVC, but they made me feel really sad.

But ...
.. then again ...
..ever the optimist :wink:
you just can't keep an old dog down! Yay!

Oh No Minim! Sorry to hear about your eyes. Does that mean you cannot wear your BB eyliners that you were so chuffed with? Hope you get it sorted.
I have mentioned this before...she has her hair long because she wants to be young...was watching her on Friday with MOH and he thought she was a lady in her sixties with dyed hair. Age process has really caught up with her this year...her eye bags and neck look haggard.

I know this may come across as harsh but this is a presenter, who constantly other the years was flirty and put on a show about how beautiful and young she looked....unfortunatley she no longer is and now looks older than her years. Starting to remind me of Judy Finnigan. Suspect if her book is a success, she will retire when the QVC office moves.

What a sweeping statement. I dye my hair because I prefer it darker and it is long because it suits me better. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good at any age.

I don't agree that Julia looks like a woman in her 60's. I do think she looks like a woman in her 50's which is exactly what she is.
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Oh No Minim! Sorry to hear about your eyes. Does that mean you cannot wear your BB eyliners that you were so chuffed with? Hope you get it sorted.

I know!
I loved them!
I don't know yet for sure what the trigger is, but I'm Bobbi Brown-less this weekend.

I look ILL lol
Looks nice. She is fab. Such a good presenter.

:hi: Can I just add that Julia is without doubt my favourite presenter. Yes she is a bit irritating sometimes (but aren't they all?) She always asks the right questions and gives the relevant information. (I also think she looks cracking for her age). It was just a shock to see her hair quite 'manky' looking the other night. :sad:

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