kitchen hygiene


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Apr 27, 2009
Is it just me, but tonight on the kitchen show with Simon wottsisname, Ms Huntley seemed to have trouble controlling her extensions when she was trying out all the freebie food. Surely the presenters have guide lines when in that situation about their hair and hygiene, - why couldn't she just tie it back out of the way. I found it very distracting and kept yelling at the tele ' tie your hair back woman ! ' (I'm a bit sad like that). The apron worn was obviously window dressing, and was all the more ludicrous as her false hair was almost dangling in the pots. CH herself was clearly uncomfortable as she attempted without success to put it behind her ears. Clearly we dont want them wearing hairnets and paper caps, but common sense really should prevail. Again, its all down to young producers, and young floor managers who really dont know any better.
I do like Catherine and she has never got on my nerves before, but just lately she seems to have gone slightly mad! Firstly she goes all quiet during a clothing show whilst she orders a pair of leggings on her pink ipad and we all have to bear with her while she is ordering them. Secondly, she goes awol during annalee and hope to change into a red dress mid-show, again we all have to bear with her because she loves this dress (even though one of the models had one on so she didn't really need to do that!)... and now this!

I feel like ringing through and asking her if we are getting in the way of her busy shopping schedule and apologising for inconveniencing her. She is getting paid for presenting items to us, not ordering her own clothes, changing into clothes she wants to buy and not wanting to mess her hair up by tie-ing it up during a demo.

Oh dear, sounds like I really must go to bed!! Only stayed up to watch SBC and am still up...But I still think she has lost the plot!
The thing that annoys me that CH does is when she turns into a `would be model` posing and looking at herself in the monitor as she does it. She cleqarly loves herself very much otherwise she wouldn`t do it.
I agree with the constant monitor-checking and preening. She didn't used to be like this, I don't know whats got into her because she is usually one of my favourites, but I am finding myself avoiding the shows she is presenting now due to this 'it's all about me' phase.
have mentioned it in the simon brown thread i was watching and all she did was check her bloomin ipad for tweets it was really distracting agree she never used to be like it it's a bit of harmless fun viewers tweeting in the instinct to tweet a not nice comment is overwhelming just me lol but it's really distracting when their constantly checking maybe they should just get the tweets fed through their earpieces
I didn't see that show and i'm glad I didn't! I can't stand watching anyone cooking with their hair dangling over the food (as an avid Come Dine With Me fan, this happens loads.) Makes me shout at the screen too brissles; we are two saddo's together I reckon.

I bought a mushroom stroganoff from Tesco years ago that contained a really long black hair...mine was very short and blonde at the time. Haven't been able to look a ready meal from Tesco in the eye since then. Not a bad thing I suppose.
I didn't see that show and i'm glad I didn't! I can't stand watching anyone cooking with their hair dangling over the food (as an avid Come Dine With Me fan, this happens loads.) Makes me shout at the screen too brissles; we are two saddo's together I reckon.

I bought a mushroom stroganoff from Tesco years ago that contained a really long black hair...mine was very

short and blonde at the time. Haven't been able to look a ready meal from Tesco in the eye since then. Not a

bad thing I suppose.

I can't stand Jilly Jones' nails when she's presenting Easy Yo. Completely turns my stomach (as I have posted on several previous occasions - sorry to be boring about it! )
Agreed do sort of expect food demos to be done with hair tied back, clean & reasonable length nails (no polish) and a clean pinny - otherwise there is an air of grubbiness about it. Maybe thats a bit unfair but its how I want my demos done - ooops went all Catherine there, its not all about
I can't stand Jilly Jones' nails when she's presenting Easy Yo. Completely turns my stomach (as I have posted on several previous occasions - sorry to be boring about it! )

never noticed - talons??
oh lord yes ! and again, I think if someone is working in a food environment then long finger nails - particularly false ones where God knows what lurks beneath - and long dangly hair is a complete no no. (in fact I am so incensed about this now, that I'm orft to let qvc know how I feel !!!!!!)
I was watching the Sports Aid baking competition the other night and one woman had her hands in the mix with loads of big rings on, they must have been full of dirt and germs Yuk!

Never understood, apart from a wedding ring, why people don't remove jewellery when cleaning, gardening etc. Apart from hygiene, why would you want to risk damage to and keep having to clean it?
I watched that programme Frazzled and thought exactly the same thing.
I would go as far as to say when you have actually got your hands in food, mixing/ kneading it, no rings should be on your finger, wedding ring included.
to be fair I think it needs mentioning here that they are not cooking for others, so not sure where that leaves hygiene in the kitchen, they are only demonstrating cooking

Also must mention that I love cleaning my jewellery as it always looks so sparkly and clean afterwards ... like new almost :angel:
Well, cooking for others or not, I personally dont think hair should be anywhere near food, full stop.

In my book you cant get enough of 'hygiene in the kitchen' - in fact I've lost count of the number of times I've walked out of a number of gastro pubs after seeing the state of the so called 'chef' - filthy pinnies and even more filthy trainers being worn instead of safety shoes.

Sorry, but this is one of my bugbears in life.
have mentioned it in the simon brown thread i was watching and all she did was check her bloomin ipad for tweets it was really distracting agree she never used to be like it it's a bit of harmless fun viewers tweeting in the instinct to tweet a not nice comment is overwhelming just me lol but it's really distracting when their constantly checking maybe they should just get the tweets fed through their earpieces

maybe someone should tweet her telling her to do the job she is paid to do
I have to agree about her hair, even though she wasnt actually preparing the food, just watching all that hair falling about near the food made me feel sick, Im sure she even felt uncomfortable with it as she kept trying to push it back

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