Memory Foam Mattress topper advice please


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norfolk dumpling

Registered Shopper
May 15, 2009
OK so I have persuaded DH that we need a memory foam topper. We both have back and hip issues so I thought this would be a good idea. I have been looking on the QVC website and have found a NN one with a cover and corner straps(?) for about £130. Also a cheaper one (£80) (not NN). The sizes all seem to be one price but because we have a superking bed I guess we do well out of this. Has anyone tried memory foam toppers and what would you recommend please..I do get hot at night. Also as he sleeps in his lorry a couple of nights a week and the mattress on his bed in there is very thin, he's thinking one would be good in there as well. The lorry bed is narrower than a single bed so would have to be cut to size. Are they easy to cut? Also would it be better (if they are the same price) to get two superkings instead of one superking and one single? One last thing - if we didn't get on with it how on earth would we be able to fold it back up and return it? Many thanks in advance Phew!!
I bought 831135 (sorry don't know how to attach a link!) when it was a TSV a couple of years ago I think it was now. It was to replace an ordinary memory foam one that didn't have channels/moulding. I love it and find this one doesn't get as warm as the previous one. It is supportive to my whole body, especially to my back where I have spots of cancer, and even my OH has liked it and that is quite something, trust me!!! As part of my treatment, I get very hot spells from the side effects of the drugs but find this one cool enough for me.

I think these things are very personal and appreciate they will not suit all but I would certainly say give it a go and get the chanelled variety rather than cheaper bog-standard foam. Can't put a price on a good night's sleep as they say!! :sleepy:

As for the packing to return - think it could be collected so just do your best if needed!! Sounds like a good idea for OH's cab too and can't see why couldn't be cut if you decide to keep it.

Happy sleeping !!!! :mysmilie_496:
I have one which i bought it in Arogs ages ago in a sale. It was much cheaper than QVC at the time but i guess that might not be an option for you! I got mine to make an unbearable mattress more comfortable which it has done!

The straps aren't really important as they are quite heavy and will stay in place anyway. It also smelled a bit when it first arrived but that soon goes.

LOL - I cant really remember now if it made me hot ??

It does pit eventually where the bodies lie but if you rotate it regularly it helps.

It is heavy so yes it would be a bugger to pack up and send back!!!
I have toppers on all the beds in the house and they're honestly the best purchase I've ever made. I would never be without one now. None of mine are NN and that price they're charging does seem a bit on the high side, but not having bought one I can't comment on how good they are.
A topper in hubby's lorry sounds an excellent idea ~ he will notice a big difference!
Never having to return any of mine I'm not sure how easy it would be to get them back into their packaging easily, maybe someone who's attempted it will be along to let you know! Quite honestly I doubt you'll be returning them anyway.
I'm quite a cold person and don't get hot in bed so that's not an issue for me ~ again maybe others will let you know how they find it.
They are extremely easy to cut to size.
we had one for ages (moved on from a NN featherbed) and found them very good...then moved onto a memory foam mattress - nothing as expensive as a Tempura - and to be honest I don't find this as comfy as the topper..! Dunelm Mill do them at a reasonable price, that's where ours came from, and I've just come across the link below - you might find some useful info there..and I see there's free delivery but haven't read right thru to know what the actual topper prices are, might be more than the Nothern Nights ones...
Hi. We have memory foam mattress toppers on all our beds and love the comfort factor they add to a normal mattress.

Just one thing though, I am always hot and have found they can make you 'hotter' :sweat:.

I am seriously thinking of investing in the 'polar cool' foam one that qvc do and replacing our one with that. Reading up on it the sizes they seem to come up small so for a king size I would order a super king.

I didn't know that NN do memory foam, I thought they were just feather beds?:happy:
My dd's have memory foam mattresses, we have a topper, just couldn't go back to a normal mattress. I want a memory foam mattress myself and am saving the pennies. They do have that marmite affect though, love them or hate them thing, took my friend weeks to get used to hers and she still says she doesn't feel much difference. Lots of research on the net is my advice and shop around, there are some great sellers out there with a lot more reasonable prices.
Thanks to everyone for their comments. I have just looked online at Dunelms and am now very tempted by their value one. Its £140 but its reversible (ie summer/winter) so maybe I won't overheat on it and has over seventy 5 star reviews. I would rather pay a little more for a really good one rather than a cheap one which won't do the job. Hubby is away in Hotel Iveco tonight but when he gets home I'll show him the reviews and hopefully he will agree to go for it.
I love my memory foam topper, much better than a featherbed. It gives comfort and support allover. I got ours from QVC 5 years ago and is still as good as new.
If you worry about getting overheated, just use a couple of cotton fitted sheets over it, it will keep the heat away. This works fine for us
I got one from Amazon last year, 3 cm thick for about £40. It made a huge difference to the bed but definitely takes a little getting used to. We were boiling hot the first few nights, after that it was fine. It smelled very strong when we unrolled it first too, I febreezed the life out of it and again, within a few nights it was fine.

Highly recommend one and you definitely don't need to pay a lot or get the thickest one going. I think if we're buying one again when we move I'll go for a thicker one but honestly, the one we have does the job just fine and for very little outlay...

When visiting a friend, I used to sleep on a genuine TEMPUR mattress, about 6 inches thick and which cost about £1000 for the single bed size, I was told.

I found it difficult to get used to, and also I always ended up extremely hot and sweaty, unlike ordinary mattresses. I expect a dimpled or ribbed topper would be better.

PS When I needed a new bed, I bought a WATER-BED which is very comfortable, always at the right temperature (warm in winter and cool in summer) although it has some disadvantages eg electricity as it has to be constantly heated, and it cannot be moved because it weighs tons.
I got ours from a manufacturers in Lancashire, so went to the factory. It might be worth doing a Google of memory foam manufacturers in your area.

I was amazed when we got there, as there is huge choice of them. They range from under £100 to £500 but obviously you get what you pay for. We went for a mid-range one after taking advice from them. If you get one without a special layer on top then they are apparently way too hot and being a woman of a certain age, I'm already roasting at night so that's the last thing I want. We also got a cover which is washable and dries in no time.

I must say I prefer it to a feather bed. It seems to give much better support and I don't wake up now with backache, as I did before. Well worth investing in.
I had a mattress with a 5cm memory foam topping but didn't find it that good so bought a polar foam topper from QVC – this was a couple of years ago – it was smooth and 7cm deep – absolute heaven!. :sun:

I bought a single a little while after to use when I give up my room to guests, and it travels in my boot when I go to stay with my sister or friends.

I cut up old memory foam pillows for various uses, it's not that easy - I find the best way is to mark a lline and use a bread knife
I have a NN feather bed that is at the end of it's life (It is just over 4 years old and was around £90) I have been considering getting a foam topper instead but wasn't too sure whether to go for one or stick with another feather bed.
Thank you all for this thread and your advice I will definitely try a foam topper now. :clapping:
We got ours from the QVC outlet at Warrington a couple of years ago. Brand new and unopend for under £30. Love it. If anyone has a B & M's near them they do them cheap as well. Obviously not as thick as the QVC ones but DD's haven't complained about theirs.

Also, for anyone suffering with night sweats or hot bods I can recommend a wool duvet and also the mattress and pillow protectors.
Not exactly the same but some time ago I was interested in buying a memory foam pillow. A friend had a spare one which I borrowed to see if I liked it. I'm glad I did because I couldn't stand it, found it very strange and uncomfortable.
Not exactly the same but some time ago I was interested in buying a memory foam pillow. A friend had a spare one which I borrowed to see if I liked it. I'm glad I did because I couldn't stand it, found it very strange and uncomfortable.

Same here, although unfortunately I had bought them (I think they are in the loft somewhere until I work out what to do with them!). Very unnatural sleeping on a brick of a pillow, mine have really high sides). I can only sleep now with a latex pillow - fabulous:happy::happy::happy::happy::happy::happy:
My memory foam automatically came with our new bed. A Hypnos got from Dreams. It has an ordinary mattress & then a memory foam attached on top & we just love it. We miss it terribly when we go away & sleep in a different bed. I always land up with a sore back.
I got mine from IW it only cost about £55 as I remember, Love it would not be without one now.xxxxx