More, more & yet more skincare


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
Just switched over onto the Algenist show & here we have yet another skincare brand on Q which is going to work wonders on our skins! I don't know about you but I am totally overcome by all this pushing of so called 'wonder' products promising the holy grail of a young skin at any age.I have always used a cleanse, tone, moisturize regime from my teens & am now in my late 60's & that with good genes has paid off ( but without all of these intense products).Now I am just sticking to the relative straightforward Liz Earle but I can imagine some people spending a fortune trying all these products trying to find 'the ONE'--- & many in their 20's!
I agree. I also looked after my skin from my teenage years .No soap just cleansing Milk and oil of Ulay as it was called then.I stick to what works for me and don't overload my skin.I don't think it needs all the layers and serums they tell you that you must have .I personally wouldn't buy most of the brands on offer on QVC especially not the higher priced ones such as Perricone. I watch the shows but find it confusing,they can't all work can they...........
I find it incredible that all of a sudden we have to use separate products for each area of our facial area! Oh and the layering. My skin screams if I put a dot too much moisturiser on! Toner is a waste of time too. My grandmother and her generation ended up with amazing skin as elderly women. I don't know what she washed with, soap and water I presume, but she always moisturised with a little blue pot. It wasn't Nivea. Astral maybe? My mum has always been a soap, water and Boots Evening Pimrose moisturiser (recently) and her skin is also amazing in her late 60's! I think many of us need to catch ourselves on when it comes to skincare, me included! Although I am a simple cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise girl. The key is moisturising. Clean your face and moisturise it somehow. Simple!

In this light, I am returning my L'Occitane tsv as I just opened it and thought " why am I paying this much money for soap and bubble bath?" Reality check!! Will be off to Superdrug and Marks on Saturday to get some equally as nice stuff and save myself £30 probably!
As a sensitive skinned person I`ve never followed any complicated regime or used highly intensive treatments. The only skincare items I`ve ever bought from Q are SBC propolis and collagen gels and AD Synergy oil which I love. I buy all my skincare from the DHS or from a site called Naturally Thinking who do cosmetic bases for aromatherapists who then add their own oils to them. I just buy the bases and they work wonderfully on my skin and don`t cause upsets because they have no perfumes in them. I like Weleda almond range and Simple products too. At the moment I am using an SBC cleanser which was in with a Collagen tsv I bought ages ago, it`s ok, nothing special and I wouldn`t buy it on it`s own. The simpler the better for me and I don`t use exfoliator or face masks.
My Mum used Pears soap and Astral cream and nothing else. I think Q tries to guilt trip us into thinking if we don`t use specific items then we`re going to suddenly age overnight, all a load of codswallop but such is the fear of ageing these days.
Likewise, I have very sensitive skin so have always had to be very careful regarding products and stick to the ones I know will not cause a flare up and I feel that for my age it is not at all bad.

Consequently I don't spend very much on skin care or make up as I don't chop and change brands or try any new ones (However I compensate in other things so no net saving!).

The cost of Some of the brands on Q is eye watering and even more so if you use all different layers they go on about it. But if you like to use them and feel better for it then great, I sometimes wish I wasn't so curtailed in my options.
I subscribe to the keep it simple school of thought too, as much as one can with "complicated" skin. I have, or have previously struggled with; extreme oiliness, dry flaky skin, very clogged pores, acne, eczema, extreme sensitivity/reactivity, loads of rashes, warts, latex allergy, stinging, heat and burning, so I'm a bit of a martyr to what will and won't upset my skin. I have to avoid fragrance, alcohol, lots of different plant extracts and silicone, which is very limiting in terms of what I can use.
Keeping the skin clean, hydrated, as free from irritants as possible and sun protected are the most important things. Obviously lifestyle factors like diet and sleep are very important too. There are ingredients that are important to get on the skin, like antioxidants, but the fuss about the latest "wonder" products is always pretty silly. The most hyped products are often full of rubbish that's no good for skin anyway, whatever the blurb about them claims.
For shower and body moisturiser I use Soap and Glory it lasts for ages and I love the smell. For facial moisturiser I use any of the off the shelf creams at the moment Its Garnier day cream with rose water and my cleanser is Dove beauty bar. I also use Palmers coco oil on my face neck and hair before I go to bed. For my age my skin is ok as you would expect a few wrinkles at my age.
Chloe saying, "Can you see the texture?" No, you have to feel the texture but you can see it is just another pot of gloop!
Chloe saying, "Can you see the texture?" No! You have to feel the texture but you can see it is just another pot of gloop!
For shower and body moisturiser I use Soap and Glory it lasts for ages and I love the smell. For facial moisturiser I use any of the off the shelf creams at the moment Its Garnier day cream with rose water and my cleanser is Dove beauty bar. I also use Palmers coco oil on my face neck and hair before I go to bed. For my age my skin is ok as you would expect a few wrinkles at my age.

Gosh yes, Soap and Glory lasts for ever and is great value when on a 3 for 2 at Boots. I love Elemis and l,Occitane bath products but only when its been a good TSV. (Didn't think much to Mondays L,Occitane to be honest.) I am lucky that I don't have sensitive skin and when I run out of my expensive stuff I always revert back to Radox. At least at their prices you can afford to put plenty in and have loads of bubbles. Their range of fragrances is very good too and in never fails to relax me after a busy day.
Since I developed mild roseaca my days of cheap and cheerful are long gone. I have to read the ingredients on pots to see if they include certain ingredients. Its a b*gger! On Sunday I tried a sample of face cream I was given. Half an hour later, tingling red face with large red spots popping up. Had to go wash face again and put on roseaca cream and a simple Vit E Calendula cream. I cannot use the famous all singing and dance Boots No7 one. The Marks and Spencer own brand range is brilliant, the face creams a bit too perfumed for me, but don't break me out.

I have the Algenist oil which is really nice. Got the 7mls size of the Complete Eye Renewal Balm free in SpaceNK, haven't tried it yet.
Yeah, I have been fooled in the past but no more.

LE C & P
AD Skin Synergy Oil

And when I've had a wet shave, Bulldog Moisturiser.

That's it. My skin hasn't fallen off or peeled away, so I'm pretty happy.
My mother is now in her nineties and has the skin of a sixty-year-old or even younger. She used Revlon moisturisers for as long as I can remember but now she uses Nivea Soft (as do I - it's cheap and it works, alongside my pot of much cheaper face cream bought from Boyes in the north). I think if you're blessed with good skin genes, you don't need to work as hard as someone who hasn't been but most of these products are really a quick fix, no more.
Another moisturiser I used to use was Ponds.At the time It was light and unfragranced. I started using it when my skin became drier.When the whole skin care market grew massively ,they took it off the market temporarily and changed the formulation and packaging. It wasnt the same and I never used it again.
To hear AY go on, you need to be putting on several hundred layers of moisturiser, serum, eye serum, BB cream, CC cream, ultrasun etc etc before it's 'safe' for you to leave the house. God knows what time she has to get up of a morning.
To hear AY go on, you need to be putting on several hundred layers of moisturiser, serum, eye serum, BB cream, CC cream, ultrasun etc etc before it's 'safe' for you to leave the house. God knows what time she has to get up of a morning.

And yet still manages to look like one of those glow worm toys kids had years ago as a sort of night light. Im no cosmetic guru but even to me there are times she is like a shinning beacon (and not in a good way)
Totally agree. She was on for an hour recently where her cheekbones shone out so much they actually highlighted the bags under her eyes. Not a good look, and definitely not a good advert for a beauty consultant.
Two things from the DHS have made a big difference to my skin recently: Olay regenerist 3 point serum ( which I bought for a bargainous 9.99 off a website linked on a beauty blogger site) and Estée Lauder advanced night repair eye cream ( which I buy from ebay- the 7 ml sample pot lasts me just under 5 months!)
I bought both in a rare fit of 'let's give it a go' at the same time and have noticed my eyes are far less crepy and my slight 'hoods' seem a little lifted, the serum has really made the texture of my face better- smaller pores and the colour appears more even. My daughter commented, which shows it must be true because I struggle to ever get a compliment out of her!

I have also been blessed with pretty good skin though . The only allergy I have ever had was to Estée Lauder makeup ( which is why I tested a tiny bit of the eye cream before buying from ebay!)

I stick now to the superdrug vitamin e hot cloth cleanser, stocking up when it's on offer. I also like to use rosehip oil at night, which I buy in 11 ml vials off ebay- lasts me about 6 months, although I do wonder whether the ingredients have changed by then!

I also bought a Liz Earle skin repair lookey-likey that was mentioned here ages ago,( Naked skin thirst aid- I got two 100ml pot for 7.49- offer still on at half price) which will last me forever, plus they sent me a bath foam free!) which I really like on top of the serum.

I am also a lover of the soap and glory range. I love the 'foam call' which unfortunately never seems to go into their Christmas bargain pack! I always wait for the date the big one goes on half price and get one for my DD for Christmas,who kindly gives me the washes and bag/box as she's not a huge fan!

I have bought a lot of skin care from QVC over the years and regret the fact I didn't send anything back for a long time as I felt guilty! Now when I do buy, it is a very considered purchase- usually something I have used before, or is on a terrific deal, easy pay or whatever. I don't intend buying makeup or skin care unless it's a tried and trusted product for me- but let's face it, they are never going to stock what I am using and enjoying at the moment ! I can just imagine AY shuddering at what I use- but I can honestly say my skin looks better than hers, even though I am quite a bit older, have a very stressful life and have also had cancer in the last 5 years. I'm afraid she is not a great advert for her obsession, although I appreciate it must be awful for her ( wrinkle-phobe as she is!) to see herself ageing like the rest of us,despite all her 'sophisticated skin care regimes'!
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As an addendum to my post, I have just been on the 'Naked' website and they have discontinued the 'thirst Aid 'range :(

I do have a half full plus an unopened jar which will last me until well into next year but blast, I hate it when I find a very affordable product that suits me, and they then stop making it!

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