Most used and least used QVC purchase


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Most used- Birkenstocks.Purity.Laura Geller

Least used-The maiming mandolin slicing thing..lost a good chunk of my little finger down to the bone,5 wks off work and a blade phobia later it was not a good buy for me:52::52:
Like Fraggles mine got mashed with a sledge hammer!
WORST it was a paint roller that you put the paint inside and use but during the demonstation they failed to mention that you have to dilute the paint so that it flows through the holes in the roller.well what a mess i made and the whole thing went in the bin.

BEST ABC range for my teenage son his spots are gone and is a confident 15yr old.
In my house, the most used items by my wife are makeup.
Especially philosophy, liz earle (except cleanseNpolish which made her skin all spotty).
Models Prefer, SBC the list goes on.:54:
Least used probaly the Flexi bar, I tried using it, to use it properly I would have been poking holes in the ceiling, or breaking the light shades, or knocking books off the bookshelves. They didn't mention that use in a modern house might be a problem. Never crossed our mind and they never mentioned it.! So we bought a fancy cycling machine instead but hav'nt used that either, although it wasn't from QVC, (but was inspired by them).
Personally, probaly that magnetic device for putting molecules in order in your fuel line to save petrol. Green machine, or something?
Seemed good, so I asked my main dealers to fit it to my car and they laughed in my face, so it sat on the stairs for years, while I pretended I had'nt got it and it has now eventually disappeared. I am assuming that my wife has forgotten, but I bet she has'nt!!
I too have been buying from QVC for many years - about 5 -6 now I think! I have bought many, many things.....£$!
The most used....any moisturiser bought - usually Decleor, Clientelle but also have Philosophy and Alpha H. But I have enough now...I must try to remember that. Makeup -usually LG, Smashbox or BE. However, I have bought great makeup from TK Maxx and I will try to go there in future and not get sucked in. I have enough makeup now, I must remember that too. I have Kipling bags but they are not the most worn item I have as I have so many so they each get a short airing:1: But I have a Stone Mountain tsv that I have used consistently since I have had it. It is not the most fashionable/glamorous bag but it is so handy. I love my Archos and if I said it has changed my life I would be exaggerating I suppose but I think it is a great piece of kit. Sorry to go on but I also have a cross over diamond ring I bought in the sale - about £130 I think and it is 1/3rd carat and I wear it every day!!!!! Last thing a pair of hoop earings - paid £7 last clicks and they look so, so much more.
Least used/worst buy...B and W croc bag.....Ab trainer swing thingy...Some Models Prefer and even some Cosmetics A La Carte very disapointing. From last years BCC event, some Lord and Berry lipsticks - they were perfumed (yuck) and a pink heart quartz necklace that spontaneously broke. However, I have wasted so much money over the years on various things - I have more leather jackets than any decent person should own up to...I have more Birkenstocks than I should have and we don't even have decent summers anymore....and I have stacks of make up. I have more handbags than I have clothes and it is frankly now an embarassment:54: I love them all though. But the worst, worst thing I ever bought from QVC was a household tsv and it was Aroma Clean by Simple Green and it was supposed to clean any greasy mark and be aromatic at the same time. It was daylight robbery!!!!!!!!!!Phew I am glad I got that off my chest.
Good thread.

Most used - Birkenstocks, Liz Earle and Lock n Lock.

Least used - oh so many collected over the last 13 years. Several exercise machines, Slam Man, some stupid thing that you attach to the drill to spin paint brushes clean, bag sealer, stupid storage bags that kept reinflating, power tools, bread maker, loads of beauty TSVs well just loads of TSVs really. If I really thought about it I could probably name dozens!
My best buy is a small coffee maker which sits by the side of the bed, so that I can feed an intravenous drip of hot, pure caffeine into my body each morning.
It's the only thing that gets me out of bed, especially at dawn on cold wintry days.

The worst was a Flower Preserver kit that was a block of wax that had to be heated to some solar temperature. Once bubbling away like a volcano, you dipped in your fresh-as-the-dew flower, and it emerged seconds later half cooked and ... plastic.
I used it once.
Two weeks after it was a TSV, QVC sent out letters telling everyone that since the wax was heated to such a ferocious temperature, it was considered unsafe and to send the lot back again.

I'd add any piece of QVC kitchen equipment to the list of worst purchases. I have cupboards stuffed with useless items like electric sprout peelers - why? Why??
Most - NN bedding and memory foam mattress topper. Also Liz Earle and L'occitane hand creams; ojon hair care.

Least - gatineau TSV - allergic reaction, big bite just not got around to playing with it, xyron die cutting machine - never seems to cut cleanly!

This thread should be kept active for years - so that every time we're tempted to buy something we come and read this to decide which category it fits into!!!
My most used are the diamond studs I got years ago. They were a TSV one Christmas Eve in sterling silver, and they sold out in about ten minutes. I've never seen them on again and they were a bargain, though can't remember how much they were. I use Lock and Lock every day, and I love my Northern Nights duvet, featherbed and pillows. I also love Liz Earle and L'Occitane, but tend to get them direct now instead of through QVC, but it was QVC who introduced them to me.

Least used - where do I start - the candy floss machine that was used about four times, the duck popcorn machine that threw popcorn everywhere, both of which are now sat in the cupboard under the stairs and definitely the Genie Instant Line Smoother which has to be one of the worst products ever. I also bought something that was supposed to make cooking omelettes easier, and you could also do toasted sandwiches - it made such a mess I used it once and sent it back.
Great thread.

WORST-Remember the Blade thingy for exercising..:52: (OH works out with free weights and just laughed at me and it) sent it back but had to go on the bus to the postoffice with it. (for those that dont remember it, twas about 6 ft long):8:. and the donna dewberry(?) tsv painting set my first qvc purchase, still got that, its not really the worst but i have never painted anything with it yet. Tova tsv with candles went back cos I couldnt smell anything.

BEST- love my marcasite ring with the hanging charm also my pink ribbon in white gold and pink sapphires, years old, I'm hoping they will have one this year for the breast cancer evening, lovely little brooch. All my South western silver.
For those that have the spike covers for shoes, they are really good and give you a good grip in the ice, Ive only needed to wear them a couple of times, which is good I suppose :1: .
We have a Thomas Kinkade print we bought about 7 years' ago, which we never stop being amazed at, so that is the best buy. Worst was a cheap ice cream maker, which I lost the instructions for :17: And the comments about the mandolin/choppers are so true, I chucked mine out after a couple of accidents. Better with a sharp knife/cleaver :53:
Most Used: Northern nights sheets - both cotton and flannel! Weirdly the Rotato automatic peeler, ended arguments about who was going to peel potatoes and makes us laugh.:22:

Love 500ml Ojon revitalising mist!

Those wee helicopters are still going strong and played with.

Least Used: Don't buy Mer Rainaway kit - it doesn't work, rubbish HOTP craft kit.

Forgot to say I bought those shoe spikes too - we've never had any ice ever since................ (and Jersey isn't known for being a polar ice cap)!
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most used:
memory foam matrass topper: blissful nights guaranteed!
Ojon Tawaka haircare
Laura Geller BnB and mascara
Clientele skincare
lock n lock
I also love Decleor and Philosophy but I buy it from other much cheaper online retailers

utterly rubbish:
Debbie Meyers green and gold bags: freshly baked muffins went mouldy within 24 hrs
Murano glass necklace: took it out of the packaging, put it on and it broke within few minutes. Very embarassing as it was a gift....
Microfibre hairtowel: it simply does not absorb, my hair is left soaking wet, even if I leave the towel for half an hour
FAO Angelgab, Mariecat and Rentochops

I've found a use for your YAKTRAX (things you put over your shoes to walk on ice).


I think I've said on here before that the best lesson I ever taught was 6th form business studies and I got them to design a marketing campaign for a nationwide launch. They loved it. We all walked round the room in them and they were so imaginative -they chose June Whitfield to be the 'face' of Yaktrax :)

I would imagine that they could be used in DT or Art or even PSHE / Citizenship to make the children think about the impact bad weather has on the older generation.

Or even you could wear them!
Most used: make up items, skin care, Dvd,Video and hard drive player, Big fluffy dressing gown and mainly my CREDIT CARD from spending!

Least used: Debbie Mayer Green plastic boxes, Knit your own Tigger! (what was that about!) Paul Mckenna Cd's the list is endless, must stuf still in boxes!!!
Most used:

A pair of tiny diamonique studs which I wore for years until one eventually broke

A set of natural sounds relaxation CDs that still get played regularly - my rabbit adores them just before his afternoon nap

A washbag that came with a Liz Earle TSV which houses all my nail polishes

Least used:

A velvet hair styling thingie on a spring which kept snapping out of shape every time you got it within an inch of your head.

A 3-tier Tefal steamer which I bought for my mother and which she never even took out of the box. She gets slippers for Christmas now.
My most used: Bare Essentials, Phillip Kingsley scalp tonic, amazing grace shower gel.
My least used: 2 Kim & Co tops (obviously didn't learn from the first one) window washer thingys with the magnets, what a waste of money!!!
Most Used:

  • Most of the LE range as well as BE and Smashbox cosmetics.

  • Lovely Onyx Chateu D'Argent necklace which I wore ALL THE TIME until recently, when I woke up without it where coUld that have gone?

Least Used

  • It pains me greatly to say that I bought Philosophy's HIAJ - I've used it once or twice - what a waste!

  • Also Philosophy's Amazing Grace Body Moisturiser. I bought it to match the perfume but when the perfume ran out, I didn't see much using it again. After 8 months the bottle went yellow and I said goodbye to another £27 moisturiser.

  • Laura Geller's TSV - the Baked Collection I think. The shades didn't really suit me but I thought it was so cute I presuaded myself to keep it for, dare I say it, THE VALUE.

Don't get me wrong I love Philosophy - in fact I used their lip gloss until I lost it!