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hi everyone - thought it was time for a louis update :)

he's doing very well - apart from injection time, he's happy as larry. we lower the steroid again at the weekend.

this morning he asked to be let out at 7am but only because mama had been coughing all night. if i manage to sleep in a bit, he waits patiently until i get up. mama went back to bed and crawled downstairs at 9am. as i walked into the kitchen, my foot felt funny. took off my slipper and had a look and stuck to the bottom was the head of a mouse. looked around to see the beheaded body on the hall carpet. believe it or not i grinned - he'd caught his very first mouse since oct 1st. another milestone :clapping:
thanks FP :) it's only (another) stupid cold. i think i get 'em at the gym - oh the irony....;)
Oh janie. i'd passed out thump.....thump......thump...... if Hopey brought home a mouse, and to nearly stand
on its head, horrible, yuck. But your post made me LOL as you sounded so happy, so i'm happy for you, and
Louis as well.

Get manuka honey and proper lemon and make it up fresh and no gym for a few days xx
I'm told there is a lot of huffing & puffing in a gym. All that exhaled air must be germ ridden imo.
Good job I avoid such places
Himself was advised to join a gym when he was recovering from an operation for torn a achilles tendon.
He picked up a verruca lol. How he ranted & raved
You think me working in a hospital that i'd pick up nearly all the germs around, diarrohea, chest infections, sicky, coughs, the list goes on,
but i think ive built up a resistance to it. Although i have had the norovirus a few times, but that is air borne, so hard not to get.
My OH got it from me, and was not impressed, i thought it was funny. Yes its cruel, but i had to listen to him moaning about it,
and he still remembers it. LOL
Yes, but you see you had norovirus
... he had noro- norovirus.
Ffffffff far worse!
i remember that too barbs - i told you you were mean then and i still think you are ;) i think giving someone norovirus is grounds for divorce. lol!

i was told when i started work, that you develop an immunity within a few years. my pet hate is a/c and as well as all the huffing and puffing, the gym has a/c. also you're all hanging on to the same equipment. i do use the hand gel though. i just know i haven't had a cold for years and since i've been going to the gym, i've had 2 within amonth. my other suspect is asda cos every time i go in there, there's people walking round open mouthed coughing.

btw, i did far more than nearly stand on the head - i walked into the kitchen with it stuck to the bottom of my slipper. that's nothing - i once went to a hospital appointment with full mouse guts stuck to my shoe and didn't realise till i got home. is great - just chased next door's "lou" back over the fence, munched some biscuits and settled down on mama's bed.
Good job him and me aren't married LOL. Oh went of course there and EVEN put capitals in, but its allowed sometimes.

Oh that is so gross walking about with a mouse attached to your foot, if i'd seen you i'd had to have told you or looked

at you strangely lol.
I am so pleased that Louis is in fine fettle again Janie. Not sure about the mouse though, but it proves he is back to normal which must be a massive relief after all you have been through. Well done! x

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