Presenters' Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic enhancements


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Dianne Gilman has had masses of work done, and so has Tova. Although neither as much as Joan Rivers!

The camera got a wee bit too close to Tova once, and we got a close up of her upper lip. It was perfectly normal for a lady her age, it just didn't match the slightly stretched look of the rest of her face.

Some of the models have definitely had Botox. I'm afraid I don't know all their names, but the redhead (Laura Geller shows), Tiffany, and the blonde who does hair, New CID, and was in the Adam Ant video have AMAZINGLY smooth foreheads.

There is a lot to be said for maturity, and lines can look lovely on a friendly face. I really hope I stay graceful about it, and don't try grasping at injections and fillers!
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at least one of the models (sorry dont know her name) you could see the facelift scars when she did jewellery.

Jackie Kabler's eyebrows!

Her pencilled-on eyebrows / forehead show no signs of movement / expression whatsoever! It's quite bizarre! Like a siopao with pencilled-on eyebrows!

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