QVC on Christmas Day


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Love the Daily Mash. They report what we're all really thinking!! :D

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Sadly, I'm not online at home or I would join you all at 7:00 pm but maybe I should give some serious thought to going online next year.

Must check out the Daily Mash - sounds like fun.

Whatever peeps choose to do is their own business and I hope everyone copes with holidays as best they can.
I am lucky enough at the moment to be able to get away at Christmas but otherwise could be on my own.When I see most references to Christmas in magazines/TV & the like it seems as though everyone is perceived to be in an extended family & friends situation, with parties all the way.It annoys me as so many people through different situations are alone and could be made to feel 'different' & missing out by all this hype surrounding Christmas.The reality of the family situation might be quite different,being with relatives you don't want to be with, getting into debt to buy prezzies, stressing over food & shopping.Maybe doing your own thing, putting your feet up & flicking on Q is not so bad.All the best to all of you that spend Christmas on your own I may be joining you in the future.
I felt alienated again on an EMU show (must stop being so sensitive, ridiculous at my age :headbang:) , JR and the guest talking about their "men" and giggling that smug giggle. No man here for ages and not the foreseeable either (barring a miracle). Only my dear little moggie Eric who kept me sane through my depression (if you know what I mean!) He costs me a fortune in prawns (well, bargain basement ones in Somerfields) he's worth every penny. Must find out how to post a pic.

Linda xx

God that reminded me of my Dad who turned into a right grumpy old bugger. I loved the bones of him and my Mum died 15 years before he did and as he grew older, into his 80`s he was a real loner but loved it. All of us would invite him for Christmas and he`d never say yes, would umm and ahh and avoid the subject. On Christmas Day one of us would have to physically go and get him and we`d be lucky if he stayed long enough to eat his meal. He was happy with his radio, his newspapers and his daily walk around the local cemetary, I kid you not. Once a week he`d go to the local Age Concern centre but he was always complaining it was full of old folks .... he was 87 !!
I felt alienated again on an EMU show (must stop being so sensitive, ridiculous at my age :headbang:) , JR and the guest talking about their "men" and giggling that smug giggle. No man here for ages and not the foreseeable either (barring a miracle). Only my dear little moggie Eric who kept me sane through my depression (if you know what I mean!) He costs me a fortune in prawns (well, bargain basement ones in Somerfields) he's worth every penny. Must find out how to post a pic.

I know what you mean about how expensive puddies can be... I inherited my mum's old girl who was fed prawns everyday for the 16 years she lived with her... unfortunately, she has discerning tastes and turns her nose up at some of the prawns - her particular favourites (and she holds out for them) are from the North Atlantic - how the heck can she tell the difference??? Mum spoilt her and she's now costing us a fortune!

Thankfully our other old girl doesn't fancy prawns but is addicted to Dreamies treats - we call them 'kitty crack' as I swear she actually has withdrawal symptoms if we run out. :grin:
this thread has made me love this forum even more, I too dread New Year's Eve even tho my lovely son was born on New Year's Day, his dad left me for a work colleague when he was 7 months old and I guess that as my waters broke at 3 am that new year's day I learnt a very hard lesson that lif does not always turn out according to plan. I always have a sense of dread as the old year ends and a fresh one starts as none of us really know what lies in store. I try to tell myself it is just another day and generally treat it as such but 2012 has been a very rough one.Although I have not had anything truly terrible happen to me, several close friends and a dear family member are going through their own very tough times and I try to support them as much as possible. It makes my heart ache to see people I love and care about suffering. Anyway to all of you on here may you each get through the "festive" season in the way that helps and suits you. And as for Q, well I am sure they will be flogging us heaven only knows what tat come Boxing Day under the assumption that we have all been given or should I say "gifted" a ton of cash. We will be back here having a giggle at them.
God that reminded me of my Dad who turned into a right grumpy old bugger. I loved the bones of him and my Mum died 15 years before he did and as he grew older, into his 80`s he was a real loner but loved it. All of us would invite him for Christmas and he`d never say yes, would umm and ahh and avoid the subject. On Christmas Day one of us would have to physically go and get him and we`d be lucky if he stayed long enough to eat his meal. He was happy with his radio, his newspapers and his daily walk around the local cemetary, I kid you not. Once a week he`d go to the local Age Concern centre but he was always complaining it was full of old folks .... he was 87 !!

My Dad to a T as per my previous post - he's 88 - maybe we should introduce them Vienna, prob get on like a house on fire!
My Dad to a T as per my previous post - he's 88 - maybe we should introduce them Vienna, prob get on like a house on fire!

Well Dad passed away 10 years ago, he`d be 98 now if he`d lived and I daresay he`d still be a grumpy old bugger lol
I am lucky to have a man in my life and a lovely if small family. I love my son to smithereens. And have a caring, funny and fabulous dad. And of course there's him in the avatar and his brother. And extended family and very good friends. I do have a couple more parties to go to and lunches with friends but I truly hope I'm never smug and that I don't make anyone feel alienated. Either here or in my day to day life.

Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day are family days for me. I go to family on Boxing Day but the other two are family coming to me. I've just reserved the goose for Christmas Day.

I can't imagine I will be here at 7pm on Christmas Day but if I get a chance I will pop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Tinkerbelle you don't come across as smug at all!!!! You shouldn't feel or be made to feel guilty for having a good time.
I know what you mean but didn't want you to think you came across as smug. you enjoy yourself.
Sorry but I won't be on 7 pm Christmas Day. I will certainly be on earlier in the day.

Sorry if I am selfish but its Doctor Who and Call The Midwife for me at tea time Christmas Day.
I'll be on at 7, purely to distract myself from having to spend the day with my "mother" and her village idiot husband. :)

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I'll be on at 7, purely to distract myself from having to spend the day with my "mother" and her village idiot husband. :)

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is that obligatory? from what you've said, you'd be far happier just spending the day with your own little family.
is that obligatory? from what you've said, you'd be far happier just spending the day with your own little family.

Traditionally we go round to NanS on Christmas Day. She brought me up and I've never spent a Christmas without her. But she's had a pig of a year and so Geoff who thinks he's a chef ( he was a cook at a nursing home for six months) has basically ordered her to go round there for a rest and as she dislikes him as much as I do, I will not leave her on her own to be miserable. At least us going round there will enable her to spend time with her great grandchildren. And as long as she is happy then that's fine by me. She's done so much for me in my 26 years that I owe her every bit of happiness I can possibly provide. I only wish our house was big enough and in good enough order to have her here.

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