Random musings and general banter.


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Is that the host's and the demonstrator's own personal mini-choppers, or product based ones? Mini-choppers?? Clearly no beginnings to their generosity
Dear Studio,

Wonderful show..Any chance of any insect repellent type products in the future? We currently have a severe infestation of cockroaches in our kitchen, and my social worker cannot abide seeing creepy crawlies when they visit me. Hugh Jelliphant in Regent's Park.
Gutted I didn’t win a mini-chopper from the big name of Piranha. I did enter the competition when they ran it earlier. If I won I was going to ask if Shaun Crawley could sign the box… 🐛
To increase there live hours they would need extra presenters

They also need to employ more folks for the masses of emails coming as obviously they don't have enough folks at the moment. ;)

Didn't get an answer regarding watches in tonight's show if Jonathan can reveal which company is behind the watch brands and where they are made, think this is important information for potential buyers to know.
Is Piranha a big name? I’d never heard of it outside of shopping television…

No it’s not lol

But whenever it was on IW everyone (including Simon who owns the “brand”) would say “…from the big name of Piranha” or “…the quality you’d expect from a big brand like Piranha”.

Say it enough times and all that.

So whenever I refer to Piranha on here I use the phrase …mockingly 🤫
Dear Studio,

Wonderful show..Any chance of any insect repellent type products in the future? We currently have a severe infestation of cockroaches in our kitchen, and my social worker cannot abide seeing creepy crawlies when they visit me. Hugh Jelliphant in Regent's Park.
Send it in, go on, you know you want to🤣
Don’t think it’s a repeat on atm so there’s another chance to win a Pirhana pull and chop! 🤯 Think of all the amazing Shop Extra demos you could reenact in your own home! 👀

What’s with Simon always giving stuff away? Is he having trouble persuading people to part money for it? 🤭

Anyway, if do want to try and win one you just have to email your name and address to the studio at shop extra dot co dot uk email address.
Oh see Carys is on tonight, another one scooped up from the IW scrap heap.

Wonder if any of the lower ranks from IW, warehouse folk, general office staff, cleaners etc have been employed by their family & friends at shop extra or is it just all the buyers, production and presenting side. It would be a real kick in the teeth if the folks who weren't responsible for various IW's demises were left on the scrap heap yet all the shysters/incompetent idiots etc who were responsible have quickly found employment repeating the same crap that was a factor in the IW's downfall.

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