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Goes with the territory I suppose, dear James has never been one to bother too much with niceties like accuracy.

to be fair, he probably doesn't even realise there's a spelling mistake
not the brightest bulb in the chandelier our Jimbo!
and that showreel is hilarious, it cracked me up that he tried to do serious ethical, environmental issues
no James, you're a spivvy telly selly presenter mate, there's no way you're ever going to break into journalism, not even Woman's Weekly to model a knitting pattern!
to be fair, he probably doesn't even realise there's a spelling mistake
not the brightest bulb in the chandelier our Jimbo!
and that showreel is hilarious, it cracked me up that he tried to do serious ethical, environmental issues
no James, you're a spivvy telly selly presenter mate, there's no way you're ever going to break into journalism, not even Woman's Weekly to model a knitting pattern!

After his little strop when leaving Gems TV he can probably consider himself lucky he's even on Bid!
I have to say he has come on a lot hasn't he?

Back then he wasn't half the man that he is now :mysmilie_59:

i took three things from this

1) the photo he used

2) crow bikini

3) since when did bid have the public calling in (i know the time stamp says 09, just felt odd)
to be fair, he probably doesn't even realise there's a spelling mistake
not the brightest bulb in the chandelier our Jimbo!
and that showreel is hilarious, it cracked me up that he tried to do serious ethical, environmental issues
no James, you're a spivvy telly selly presenter mate, there's no way you're ever going to break into journalism, not even Woman's Weekly to model a knitting pattern!

Him standing in a tshirt felt so weird...
I hope he dosen't reprise the T-Shirt look, I'm still manbubbed out after his festive jumper :mysmilie_59:

The lucinda grossmith showreel contains her reading the autocue on sky sports news... however it is my opinion that she clearly doesn't like or know much about any sport based on the reading
The lucinda grossmith showreel contains her reading the autocue on sky sports news... however it is my opinion that she clearly doesn't like or know much about any sport based on the reading

I'm not sure that British Sky Broadcasting's priority is sports knowledge when they look for newer presenters, male or female, on Sky Sports News.

It's merely a bonus.
After his little strop when leaving Gems TV he can probably consider himself lucky he's even on Bid!

he's bleddy lucky to have a job at all given his previous comments about 'peddling tat to the gullible public'
so cynical :mysmilie_10:
I'm not sure that British Sky Broadcasting's priority is sports knowledge when they look for newer presenters, male or female, on Sky Sports News.

It's merely a bonus.

oh indeed, but im sure they want someone who doesnt sound like they are telling you about emilio mele directly from wiki
oh indeed, but im sure they want someone who doesnt sound like they are telling you about emilio mele directly from wiki

Bid are probably grateful to get anyone given their reputation for sharp practice and peddling utter crap, that's what makes Debbie Greenwood's decision to join so surprising.

I guess we all need to earn a shilling though.
Bid are probably grateful to get anyone given their reputation for sharp practice and peddling utter crap, that's what makes Debbie Greenwood's decision to join so surprising.

I guess we all need to earn a shilling though.

yeah but there's earning a living and then there's prostitution! (I speak figuratively)
Bid are probably grateful to get anyone given their reputation for sharp practice and peddling utter crap, that's what makes Debbie Greenwood's decision to join so surprising.

I guess we all need to earn a shilling though.

i suspect she is given free reign though, does the hours she wants etc
i suspect she is given free reign though, does the hours she wants etc

Definitely, and she bagged the whole of Christmas off too which is normally only afforded to their 'stars' :mysmilie_15:

According to the Sky Guide it dosen't look like they are even bothering with any live broadcasts this year on the 25th.
Definitely, and she bagged the whole of Christmas off too which is normally only afforded to their 'stars' :mysmilie_15:

According to the Sky Guide it dosen't look like they are even bothering with any live broadcasts this year on the 25th.

I expected Ryes & Sherlock to do most the day, they look the sort to be down the pecking order & not say anything when xmas hours are dished out.
Definitely, and she bagged the whole of Christmas off too which is normally only afforded to their 'stars' :mysmilie_15:

According to the Sky Guide it dosen't look like they are even bothering with any live broadcasts this year on the 25th.

I don't blame them, at a push it would be nice if they could string together some kind of ''highlights'' package.
I don't blame them, at a push it would be nice if they could string together some kind of ''highlights'' package.

They are still selling tatt, it looks like Bid Plus style sales all day so Lee from Ventor will be ok.

The only presenters that could possibly make me want to tune in on the big day are Frump, Gollum and Greasebag Russell because I really like all three of them.
he's bleddy lucky to have a job at all given his previous comments about 'peddling tat to the gullible public'
so cynical :mysmilie_10:

And that's elderly, lonely Gladys he's talking about from the show reel :angry:
And that's elderly, lonely Gladys he's talking about from the show reel :angry:

exactly Pola, it upsets me that certain people think these presenters are their friends and talking to them just because they get a name check or whatever
I understand that the channels are company or background noise but make no mistake, these cynical presenters only want their money an don't give a stuff about anyone else
and that comment really is a huge insult from James to all who watch the channels
James might do well to realise that postings like that will stay around for ever to come back and haunt him!
I totally get their Christmas sales push is now over but my goodness they are selling some tatt tonight, even by their standards.

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