Random musings/no argument zone


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Has anyone else noticed that Gollum's voice is getting higher and higher pitched?

He's literally squeaking with excitement over one of the most stupid products I have ever seen on these channels, an electric plate warmer (think a little electric blanket and your in the right area). It seems most people agreed, he only sold 14.

Now he's selling some landline phones, he's saying you can get signal problems with a mobile so get a landline because 'it's not worth the bother'. Really? Now that's the exact polar opposite to what he was saying when selling an Orange Mobile Phone recently, in fact he was specifically banging on about how excellent their coverage is and that he's been with them for years!

Sod off Gollum.
Has anyone else noticed that Gollum's voice is getting higher and higher pitched?

He's literally squeaking with excitement over one of the most stupid products I have ever seen on these channels, an electric plate warmer (think a little electric blanket and your in the right area). It seems most people agreed, he only sold 14.

Now he's selling some landline phones, he's saying you can get signal problems with a mobile so get a landline because 'it's not worth the bother'. Really? Now that's the exact polar opposite to what he was saying when selling an Orange Mobile Phone recently, in fact he was specifically banging on about how excellent their coverage is and that he's been with them for years!

Sod off Gollum.

You might be being a bit harsh here Wirral-it's the presenters job to rave about the products and they are paid to do so. They are however fair game when they make false claims and that's when they should be shot down. I'm sure the presenters are just as disgusted with some of the awful products they are served up with as we are but it's not them who buys the stuff in.
Just saying......!
You might be being a bit harsh here Wirral-it's the presenters job to rave about the products and they are paid to do so. They are however fair game when they make false claims and that's when they should be shot down. I'm sure the presenters are just as disgusted with some of the awful products they are served up with as we are but it's not them who buys the stuff in.
Just saying......!

Fair comment, the plate warmer was shite but I guess he has to sell it but personally I think it's rather dodgy one minute extolling the virtues of a mobile phone product on the basis that their network is rock solid and then basically slagging off mobile networks to promote the sale of a landline phone.

In fact I think it's plain shady and opportunistic because you can bet your life the next time he has a mobile phone there'll be no mention of failing network coverage.

Just saying :mysmilie_59: (see post 1864 in the linked thread)

I don't think you're being unecessarily harsh Wirral, it's his job! It's his job to sell things and to be honest, I don't think that "making up stories" about every product he sells is particularly good practice. Fair do's if he REALLY does own the product, or REALLY does think that payg for example is the way forward and REALLY has or intends to ditch his contract with his service provider. To me it takes more skill to sell a product without anecdote, to put a product across as it is whilst giving the viewer no real clue as to what they REALLY think of it. That landline phone he was selling last night didn't need him slagging off mobile networks, single phones, phones without answerphones, fixed phones etc etc. As he said, "It's a feature packed phone, it's easy to set up, and it's from a trusted brand" Did we really need to know what a pain in the ar$e it is for him wen 'e comes 'ome an 'ees gotta trawl froo all them messidges in sequenshul order?" cos sure as eggs is eggs the next landline he's selling won't have that feature and he'll be telling us " oo needs one of them fancy fones with all whistles n' bells wen you've gotta fone like this, texting from a landline? Pah! I can't be bovvered me! I just want sumfink I can fone froo for a pizza wivaat 'aving to
'ave a degree in rocket science!
I don't think you're being unecessarily harsh Wirral, it's his job! It's his job to sell things and to be honest, I don't think that "making up stories" about every product he sells is particularly good practice. Fair do's if he REALLY does own the product, or REALLY does think that payg for example is the way forward and REALLY has or intends to ditch his contract with his service provider. To me it takes more skill to sell a product without anecdote, to put a product across as it is whilst giving the viewer no real clue as to what they REALLY think of it. That landline phone he was selling last night didn't need him slagging off mobile networks, single phones, phones without answerphones, fixed phones etc etc. As he said, "It's a feature packed phone, it's easy to set up, and it's from a trusted brand" Did we really need to know what a pain in the ar$e it is for him wen 'e comes 'ome an 'ees gotta trawl froo all them messidges in sequenshul order?" cos sure as eggs is eggs the next landline he's selling won't have that feature and he'll be telling us " oo needs one of them fancy fones with all whistles n' bells wen you've gotta fone like this, texting from a landline? Pah! I can't be bovvered me! I just want sumfink I can fone froo for a pizza wivaat 'aving to
'ave a degree in rocket science!

Ha Ha Merry, you have his mockney drawl down to a tee :mysmilie_14:

What bugs me about Mason in particular is the utter contempt he appears to have for the viewer. Does he really think we are stupid enough not to remember what he was saying about the mobile phone just a couple of weeks ago, especially when he made such a song and dance about it? Clearly he does.

It's almost as if he practices at being dislikeable, well he's succeeding! :mysmilie_59:
Merry, I could hear Mike perfectly when I read your post. Very funny!

I used to like Mike a lot. Now I just find him annoying and VERY patronising.
Merry, I could hear Mike perfectly when I read your post. Very funny!

I used to like Mike a lot. Now I just find him annoying and VERY patronising.

I agree.

I used to love his shtick when he was on gala tv and quizcall... but when shilling actual products it's a bit ... no.
Has anyone noticed that when Bid show pre-recorded VT presentations for certain products (Peter Sherlock for Madonna perfume , some bland bloke for carrier bag handles and now Adam Hepenstall for lime scale remover ) the audio and video tracks are horribly out of sync ?
It's been like this for many weeks but they are so careless and slapdash that they haven't bothered to sort it.
Can't imagine any proper organisation allowing such poor work to air, let alone letting it continue!
Has anyone noticed that when Bid show pre-recorded VT presentations for certain products (Peter Sherlock for Madonna perfume , some bland bloke for carrier bag handles and now Adam Hepenstall for lime scale remover ) the audio and video tracks are horribly out of sync ?
It's been like this for many weeks but they are so careless and slapdash that they haven't bothered to sort it.
Can't imagine any proper organisation allowing such poor work to air, let alone letting it continue!

There are plenty of examples of lazy production values. My favourite was the VT for 'Oscar and Lewis' by the designer Bill Lewis that they ran for months and months.

They meant Bill Skinner (who has even been a guest in the studio) :mysmilie_59:
Has anyone noticed that when Bid show pre-recorded VT presentations for certain products (Peter Sherlock for Madonna perfume , some bland bloke for carrier bag handles and now Adam Hepenstall for lime scale remover ) the audio and video tracks are horribly out of sync ?
It's been like this for many weeks but they are so careless and slapdash that they haven't bothered to sort it.
Can't imagine any proper organisation allowing such poor work to air, let alone letting it continue!

Bod..... bland? :thinking:
Bod..... bland? :thinking:

Maybe BOD is a puppet and his voice is (badly) dubbed in?

He looks a bit like Orville :mysmilie_59:

It's after his Grandad aww


I wonder how many times in a shift Sally Jacks says 'I was in a shop the other day'. With such a great selection of garb on her channel you'd wonder why she bothers with the high street, especially when they consistently appear to be miles more expensive.

I wonder how many times in a shift Sally Jacks says 'I was in a shop the other day'. With such a great selection of garb on her channel you'd wonder why she bothers with the high street, especially when they consistently appear to be miles more expensive.

She's always buying stuff as well...........from the High St, I wonder where she parks? We're always told 'you don't want to go there, it's a nightmare' so I haven't been out for ages, too scared :smirk:
She always buying stuff as well...........from the High St, I wonder where she parks? We're always told 'you don't want to go there, it's a nightmare' so I haven't been out for ages, too scared :smirk:

She's just said this monstrosity will help with the January blues and will cost you 'practically nothing at all'



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