Random musings/no argument zone


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Sally was surprised that it did not sell quickly. I think they started with 80 but only sold 16. She said she thought we would all love it and that she has something similar! You have to go a long way to find clothes as horrible as that. So beware folks, it will be back!

hideous! she's also still doing the ''what did you pay for a sandwich, crisps and banana for your lunch today?'' ... er well certainly not £7.99 (plus £7.99 plus £1.53)
hideous! she's also still doing the ''what did you pay for a sandwich, crisps and banana for your lunch today?'' ... er well certainly not £7.99 (plus £7.99 plus £1.53)

And you wouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for your sandwich :mysmilie_59:

Pardon my language here, we all know the delivery charges were exorbitant but now they have doubled the time it takes for items to arrive they are simply taking the piss.

Mike Mason piss off!!! Your insurance company would not reduce your home insurance premiums for a £15 wireless 'alarm' system that you install yourself.

Rant over :) :mysmilie_51:

He always says it but as ever with this horrid creep he chooses his words carefully, we all know what he is suggesting but I doubt it's worth complaining as he never actually says you will get a discount, which of course you won't.

But sadly it's no real surprise, these channels are grim. If they think providing an even worse delivery service for the same rip off prices and charging even more for their tatt will save them they surely must be deluded.

If that's the extent of their bosses imagination then I wouldn't be at all surprised if they fold, it's pretty sad that that's all they can come up with. Why not get shut of most of the shocking presenters like Mason and get some good presenters and products in, it sounds more of a plan to me than squeezing even more from customers who clearly don't like what's being offered.

I feel so sorry for the decent folks at that firm, they are seriously being let down by the management.
The £10 credits are back.

But now you have spend £20 to claim it. Give me strength :mysmilie_51:
And you wouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for your sandwich :mysmilie_59:

Pardon my language here, we all know the delivery charges were exorbitant but now they have doubled the time it takes for items to arrive they are simply taking the piss.


The items with the longer delivery times are direct dispatch - i.e. they don't hold the stock and the suppliers send the items direct to the buyers - unless something has changed.
The items with the longer delivery times are direct dispatch - i.e. they don't hold the stock and the suppliers send the items direct to the buyers - unless something has changed.

No, something has very much changed.

Apparently they are no longer using Hermes and all items will now be delivered in 5 to 10 working days.

I wonder if everything is now direct dispatch?
The items with the longer delivery times are direct dispatch - i.e. they don't hold the stock and the suppliers send the items direct to the buyers - unless something has changed.

I don't think so
it seems as though their normal delivery window is now 5 - 10 days
it's appalling, an extortionate amount of P&P charges for a service that is reducing in standard and quality
I don't think so
it seems as though their normal delivery window is now 5 - 10 days
it's appalling, an extortionate amount of P&P charges for a service that is reducing in standard and quality

They have changed the 'delivery' section of their website which confirms the longer delivery window, as far as I can see there's no mention of 3-5 working day delivery anymore, every sale I have seen today has been 5-10 working day delivery but I have heard them say it for a few days now but didn't really take much notice of it.

Someone has also posted from Hermes on Facebook and said that they stopped providing delivery services to them some time after Christmas.

It's a very disappointing move!
Mike Mason piss off!!! Your insurance company would not reduce your home insurance premiums for a £15 wireless 'alarm' system that you install yourself.

Rant over :) :mysmilie_51:

rant completely justified my friend
I'm finding that man is becoming less and less tolerable
he feigned trying to be 'respectful' tonight by suggesting that the alarm could keep people in who 'suffer disabilities, illnesses and so forth', it was so incredibly patronising but the bit that was even worse was when he was saying how people tell others when they won't be home via social networking 'there's a party tonight at such and such at 10 o'clock ''do you realise you've told everyone you won't be home and that you've got a computer'?
Mike..........**** off you scaremongering, patronising little pratt
Poor Debbie has just mistakenly said 'QVC' again when telling us her Twitter address.

Oh no Debs, those days are long gone my lovely. You're in the Bid Bear Pit now! :mysmilie_14:
Poor Debbie has just mistakenly said 'QVC' again when telling us her Twitter address.

Oh no Debs, those days are long gone my lovely. You're in the Bid Bear Pit now! :mysmilie_14:

oh dear, poor Debbie, I really don't think she fits in at Bid at all
IMO she's really struggling with her presentation technique
she's just not suited to overreacting like the other presenters, the best she can do is open her eyes a bit wider and say 'oh my gosh' bless her
They have changed the 'delivery' section of their website which confirms the longer delivery window, as far as I can see there's no mention of 3-5 working day delivery anymore, every sale I have seen today has been 5-10 working day delivery but I have heard them say it for a few days now but didn't really take much notice of it.

Someone has also posted from Hermes on Facebook and said that they stopped providing delivery services to them some time after Christmas.

It's a very disappointing move!

I haven't watched much this week but I noticed them start to say it a few days ago so I made a point of listening for it when I tuned in tonight
that amount for P&P is disgusting given the actual delivery service provided IMO
oh dear, poor Debbie, I really don't think she fits in at Bid at all
IMO she's really struggling with her presentation technique
she's just not suited to overreacting like the other presenters, the best she can do is open her eyes a bit wider and say 'oh my gosh' bless her

I know deedee, it's quite painful to watch her oohing and ahhing over complete crap. I just hope she is on a shed load of dough, she deserves it.

She could genuinely do a whole lot better (which you can't say for virtually all of the others now) but I guess times are tough.

But what a professional she is, this is conclusive proof of that! :mysmilie_59:
I know deedee, it's quite painful to watch her oohing and ahhing over complete crap. I just hope she is on a shed load of dough, she deserves it.

She could genuinely do a whole lot better (which you can't say for virtually all of the others now) but I guess times are tough.

But what a professional she is, this is conclusive proof of that! :mysmilie_59:

I totally get what you're saying and I agree, it's almost painful to watch her struggle to stoop down to Bid level but whet I don' get is why
it can't be career development for her surely? she's an experienced, professional presenter
what the heck is she doing on these channels? she's a classy, elegant lady
I totally get what you're saying and I agree, it's almost painful to watch her struggle to stoop down to Bid level but whet I don' get is why
it can't be career development for her surely? she's an experienced, professional presenter
what the heck is she doing on these channels? she's a classy, elegant lady

I guess most of us at some point have taken jobs that we didn't want, I definitely have. Maybe we have her wrong and she really wanted to join Bid?

But when she was selling an utterly hideous Rozzer B and was gushing over how fabulous it was I'm afraid I wasn't convinced, not by a long chalk :mysmilie_59:

It's weird seeing someone like Mason handing over to Debbie, it's not something I could ever have imagined. Ever!
They seem to be getting worse and worse, I didn't like having to pay £6.99 and then £7.99 p&p but the delivery service was always quick, you could order 1 day and have it sometimes sent the same day, delivered the next morning or afternoon, Now your having to wait 5-10 days and please don't tell me its with 1 of those useless couriers that refuse to leave it unless your in and sign for it i.e city link, All our delivery people know to leave it in the conservatory, there's usually someone in anyway so its soon picked up but city link refuse to do that, Hermes I've never had a problem with, Our price-drop man as we used to call him was always friendly to our face but probably bitched about me on 1 of those sites with the amount of times he came but that said I did tell him how to get a megadrop or 2 so he shouldn't have done.

I've watched very little since before Christmas, even the must see award winning, nations favourite national treasure live from London its Peter Simon oh I've had a week of it, now our Bet, The postman pop it in Pete ;), the butcher, the vicar and our Maud....didn't interest me last week but I think the beauty products oh that oh right and yeah yeah oh right and it does this doesn't it? oh yeah, now this is the best thing we have sold in 2014 so just grab it at ome and of course the Elvis tribute hours didn't help in that, Maybe I will get the bug again on Friday or maybe i'm just winding down getting ready for them to board up and gently weaning myself from Peters teat after 10 years instead of cold turkey when the final sale starts in Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, won't be December

Also if Andy has gone then that's my comedy sunday afternoons over, As much as I like Simon (gasp) Davis (gasp) its not the same without Andy
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They seem to be getting worse and worse, I didn't like having to pay £6.99 and then £7.99 p&p but the delivery service was always quick, you could order 1 day and have it sometimes sent the same day, delivered the next morning or afternoon, Now your having to wait 5-10 days and please don't tell me its with 1 of those useless couriers that refuse to leave it unless your in and sign for it i.e city link, All our delivery people know to leave it in the conservatory, there's usually someone in anyway so its soon picked up but city link refuse to do that, Hermes I've never had a problem with, Our price-drop man as we used to call him was always friendly to our face but probably bitched about me on 1 of those sites with the amount of times he came but that said I did tell him how to get a megadrop or 2 so he shouldn't have done.

I've watched very little since before Christmas, even the must see award winning, nations favourite national treasure live from London its Peter Simon oh I've had a week of it, now our Bet, The postman pop it in Pete ;), the butcher, the vicar and our Maud....didn't interest me last week but I think the beauty products oh that oh right and yeah yeah oh right and it does this doesn't it? oh yeah, now this is the best thing we have sold in 2014 so just grab it at ome and of course the Elvis tribute hours didn't help in that, Maybe I will get the bug again on Friday or maybe i'm just winding down getting ready for them to board up and gently weaning myself from Peters teat after 10 years instead of cold turkey when the final sale starts in Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, won't be December

Also if Andy has gone then that's my comedy sunday afternoons over, As much as I like Simon (gasp) Davis (gasp) its not the same without Andy

Ha Ha :mysmilie_14: But seriously, what's going on is inexplicable.

The longest serving and arguably the best presenter they have 'takes a break'
The most expensive delivery service on shopping telly by far now takes twice as long to arrive
The repetitive tatt now seemingly costs more money than ever

And all that from a company who are already supposedly struggling, wow! They might have to come up with something a bit better than that to make people want to spend more and I don't mean crossing their fingers in the hope that bad weather arrives which they are clearly desperate for :mysmilie_59:

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