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I notice she says she's already bagged a few celebrity interviews ready to put on her website.

"My first interview is with the legendary, award winning, former BBC presenter, Peter Simon. He used to present Blue Peter don't you know. Not only with the Blue Peter badge. Not only with the empty washing up liquid bottle. Not only with the sticky tape. Oooohhhh yes! Delicious. Stunning!"

"My second interview is with the one and only former Channel Five leg-end, Mike Mason, who used to present Quiz Call six days a week and twice on Sundays. Now what do I mean by interview? Let me explain if you will. Well, I sat down with Mike and I asked a number of questions about his private life. Questions about his wifeslashgoddess. His little boy. His previous career as an expert electrician and expert sound engineer. Mike tells me all about his passion for sound - he knows great sound".

"So please, check out my website for lots more interviews with even more A list celebrities."


Let's get one thing absolutely clear here. The likes of Jacks & Sherlock are only interested in one thing, keeping their very dim flicker of fame flickering. That video is a load of crap, in my opinion. It's nothing more than a lame attempt to seek empathy from ex-customers and keep them on board.

But I don't blame her though but honestly, these people have conclusively proved time and time again that they are actors. I would remind everyone of Sally's emotional 'tears' when she sold Divine Decadence.

I'll say that again, she whinged when selling a bottle of very, very cheap perfume.
Mean maybe Merry but perhaps this old thread would serve to highlight her complete and utter hypocrisy on that clip.


The p+p used to be wonderful value. Phoney right to the end :mysmilie_59:

I do agree, but still can't help feeling sorry for them in an "end of an era sort of way". I know it sounds like I'm sticking up for them for the sake of it but they were probably told to try and justify the ludicrous p&p charges to the viewers, and anyone could see they were a joke and anyone could have seen through the claptrap they said in order to justify it. The worst stuff was when they were scaremongering...see fire blanket clips/ rearview mirrors/ plastic alarm systems/ice melting stuff - That was the really unforgiveable stuff, as it preyed on vulnerable people.

Let's get one thing absolutely clear here. The likes of Jacks & Sherlock are only interested in one thing, keeping their very dim flicker of fame flickering. That video is a load of crap, in my opinion. It's nothing more than a lame attempt to get seek empathy from ex-customers and keep them on board.

But I don't blame her though but honestly, these people have conclusively proved time and time again that they are actors. I would remind everyone of Sally's emotional 'tears' when she sold Divine Decadence.

I'll say that again, she whinged when selling a bottle of very, very cheap perfume.
I thought it was a bit embarrassing tbh and felt a little sorry for her, don't blame her for trying to keep her hand in....Could you imagine Gollum even bothering to try and keep his viewers interested? - Me neither!
I do agree, but still can't help feeling sorry for them in an "end of an era sort of way". I know it sounds like I'm sticking up for them for the sake of it but they were probably told to try and justify the ludicrous p&p charges to the viewers, and anyone could see they were a joke and anyone could have seen through the claptrap they said in order to justify it. The worst stuff was when they were scaremongering...see fire blanket clips/ rearview mirrors/ plastic alarm systems/ice melting stuff - That was the really unforgiveable stuff, as it preyed on vulnerable people.

I know exactly what you mean Merry but Sally for me was a pretty ruthless character at times, she was arguably the most high pressure of them all.

This picture kind of sums up her aggressive, face against the camera style which really was a quite appalling sight. I'll be honest, I struggle to muster much sympathy for her. There are others who are far more deserving, in my opinion.

I thought it was a bit embarrassing tbh and felt a little sorry for her, don't blame her for trying to keep her hand in....Could you imagine Gollum even bothering to try and keep his viewers interested? - Me neither!

I certainly couldn't imagine Gollum bothering but then again i'm not sure he'd be allowed to do it himself :mysmilie_59:
I know exactly what you mean Merry but Sally for me was a pretty ruthless character at times, she was arguably the most high pressure of them all.

This picture kind of sums it up her aggressive, face against the camera style which really was an quite appalling sight. I'll be honest, I struggle to muster much sympathy for her.

View attachment 10434

That's made me giggle, reminds me of some of perfume assistants in the big departments stores all ready to pounce on you. I avoid them as I can't stand it when they step right out in front of you. Yes I agree that does look rather agressive and off putting!
That's made me giggle, reminds me of some of perfume assistants in the big departments stores all ready to pounce on you. I avoid them as I can't stand it when they step right out in front of you. Yes I agree that does look rather agressive and off putting!

Try these.

For me when she was in full flow Sally really was an unpleasant watch, I'd go so far to say it was ugly.


I didn't believe there was any place for that kind of behaviour on a shopping channel, I honestly didn't and still don't. Grim :mysmilie_59:
Am I reading pockets Mark Ryes tweet right? QVC to come off air?

@PhilHunt91 who knows how much longer shopping TV has left anyway? Ideal is said to have lost a fortune, QVC are coming off TV this year...
Think you're being a bit mean here! BUT how ever much we disliked some of their sales tactics, these people have obviously had an absolute blast working together and for most of them, it must be absolutely horrendous, I'm missing watching them, but I can only imagine how much worse they are feeling and with money worries to go with it. I hope to see some of the products for sale, Sally's fashion, Peter's perfume (despite the wonky labels and no expense spared packaging) it might be alright for all we know. I wouldn't normally jump in with a response like this but that comment was downright mean, although to be fair you did say it was wrong!!!!

Think Shopping channels are a dying breed now too expensive to run and I think there's a lot more people myself included who'd rather just watch them for ideas and buy elsewhere and get a better deal.

Yes I know I was being mean but I was just being honest, her fake phoney tears about her devastation only to recover immediately to flog her own cheap tat was just what was to be expected really.
Am I reading pockets Mark Ryes tweet right? QVC to come off air?

@PhilHunt91 who knows how much longer shopping TV has left anyway? Ideal is said to have lost a fortune, QVC are coming off TV this year...

Sour grapes perhaps?

Me thinks so m'lud.
I thought it was a bit embarrassing tbh and felt a little sorry for her, don't blame her for trying to keep her hand in....Could you imagine Gollum even bothering to try and keep his viewers interested? - Me neither!

Merry, did you watch the video all the way through? I think Sally said that she had a competition on her new website for a handbag, do you reckon she nicked a Rozzer Benini from the warehouse before she left? She managed to grab the no p + p sign! I wonder what other bits and pieces the presenters managed to keep for a souvenir.
Am I reading pockets Mark Ryes tweet right? QVC to come off air?

@PhilHunt91 who knows how much longer shopping TV has left anyway? Ideal is said to have lost a fortune, QVC are coming off TV this year...

I'd love to know his source ... so i can avoid them
I'd love to know his source ... so i can avoid them

There's only one source that little twerp has and that's out of a bottle...if you read his tweets it's all "me, me, me" "I have lost 2/3 of my income" "I am owed £12,000" "I will have to reassess my situation". "I need a boyfriend" :mysmilie_51: Jumped up little prat.

Mr Ryes I will be redundant in a few months time but I won't be tweeting about it I will be looking for another job not expecting the world of tv and voiceovers to come knocking on my door.
There's only one source that little twerp has and that's out of a bottle...if you read his tweets it's all "me, me, me" "I have lost 2/3 of my income" "I am owed £12,000" "I will have to reassess my situation". "I need a boyfriend" :mysmilie_51: Jumped up little prat.

Mr Ryes I will be redundant in a few months time but I won't be tweeting about it I will be looking for another job not expecting the world of tv and voiceovers to come knocking on my door.

obviously I am sorry to hear about your situation

but for him to state that qvc is going out of business anytime soon is plain ludicrous. They seem to be the only shopping tv channel that has made an effective use of social media and technology. (and I wouldn't say I'm a mark for qvc)
For those with a good memory, particularly regular viewers of Bid and Shop at Bid, I have a question...

In recent months, did Bid, Shop at Bid or Price Drop ever feature and sell a plastic shopping box, one which folds down flat and is easy to open, one with two sliding hinges? A stackable shopping box solution suitable for the car etc? This is a serious question, so sensible answers would be appreciated please.

If so, can you remember the name of the item? Did it have a name like ShoppaBox or maybe even MyBuddy Box?
Another video to go with previous post:

Anyone remember seeing anything like this on Bid?
Another video to go with previous post:

Anyone remember seeing anything like this on Bid?

I remember seeing that for sale a couple of months back (it was before 'Shop at Bid' started - so on the old format).

It was led by the guy in the promo video you posted.
I remember seeing that for sale a couple of months back (it was before 'Shop at Bid' started - so on the old format).

It was led by the guy in the promo video you posted.

Indeed, I remember the 'Buddy Box' presentations well.

Isn't he (Matt Wright) the guy who also occasionally did gardening products too?, I read his parents were involved in setting up Ideal World.
I read his parents were involved in setting up Ideal World.

I didn't realise the link. That's makes more sense now and offers a better understanding of why it is a Paul Wright of The Good Life Ltd appears here in this statement regarding sit-up TV...

companiesintheuk.co.uk said:
Charges / mortgages against this Company (Sit-Up Ltd)



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