Social Media - That was an eyeopener


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I've said this before but just wanted to say again how annoying I find it that QVC have so many competitions that can only be entered by people with a Facebook account. Very exclusionary! It really winds me up but then again, I don't care enough to join Facebook or "like" their daft FB page so I can win some collection that presumably DF's best buddy didn't want (otherwise it wouldn't be available to a competition winner!).

It is very annoying & it isn't just QVC though. So many competitions have to be entered via Facebook these days. I don't have a Facebook account either, never been interested in joining & find it really annoying.
So someone has just asked this on Q's FB page:

"I want to purchase ultra sun spf 30 but do you still get a tan with using it"

I'm a bit stumped, I mean surely it's sun protection as any other - depending on your skin type, where you are and how long you stay out in the sun, one of the following will happen - you won't tan/will tan/will burn and you adjust your application/exposure accordingly as you would do with any sun screen?!?!?!
So someone has just asked this on Q's FB page:

"I want to purchase ultra sun spf 30 but do you still get a tan with using it"

I'm a bit stumped, I mean surely it's sun protection as any other - depending on your skin type, where you are and how long you stay out in the sun, one of the following will happen - you won't tan/will tan/will burn and you adjust your application/exposure accordingly as you would do with any sun screen?!?!?!

I wonder whether the intellectual wizards at q will answer this and what the advice will be.Kisses aplenty of course.
Have just read the latest posts as a visitor and someone has listed the repetitive TSVs. She missed out the No! No! which has got to rate as one of the repetitive ones, as well as Decleor, Elemis and Dyson etc. I find QVC pretty boring nowadays because of the TSVs as I don't use any of the things on her list.
I've said this before but just wanted to say again how annoying I find it that QVC have so many competitions that can only be entered by people with a Facebook account. Very exclusionary! It really winds me up but then again, I don't care enough to join Facebook or "like" their daft FB page so I can win some collection that presumably DF's best buddy didn't want (otherwise it wouldn't be available to a competition winner!).

This is an Excellent Point! It totally excludes many people and many loyal customers who do not use Social Media! Most of my friends and family who occasionally shop with QVC don't do Fakebook and have no intentions doing it!
I think they sometimes have COMPS on other Media platforms but not sure?? It does all seem to be Fakebook all of the time! :mysmilie_51:
Have just read the latest posts as a visitor and someone has listed the repetitive TSVs. She missed out the No! No! which has got to rate as one of the repetitive ones, as well as Decleor, Elemis and Dyson etc. I find QVC pretty boring nowadays because of the TSVs as I don't use any of the things on her list.

They should rename them TRVs not TSVs - the frequency has hammered out any notion of "special". Today's "Repetitive" Value (and the value part is becoming highly debatable too!!
It is very annoying & it isn't just QVC though. So many competitions have to be entered via Facebook these days. I don't have a Facebook account either, never been interested in joining & find it really annoying.

This is an Excellent Point! It totally excludes many people and many loyal customers who do not use Social Media! Most of my friends and family who occasionally shop with QVC don't do Fakebook and have no intentions doing it!
I think they sometimes have COMPS on other Media platforms but not sure?? It does all seem to be Fakebook all of the time! :mysmilie_51:

Yes, it's definitely getting more commonplace to run competitions and draws on social media. Up until the end of 2014, there was a QVC competition two or three times a month and you entered by sending an email with answer A, B or C and the prize/product name in the header. I suppose that excluded people without email but there's not many of those.
There is a good complaint today about the doll10 battery makeup brush. The lady has been told to send in her photos of said item which she has done twice, both emails being undeliverable as the Q inbox is full!!! I mean, can you believe it? Seriously! She is now asking for the email addresses of the QUS top banana and Doris from doll10. Sadly I can't open the comments so don't know what Q have said in reply. Joex has probably told her to email more information.... :mysmilie_500:
There is a good complaint today about the doll10 battery makeup brush. The lady has been told to send in her photos of said item which she has done twice, both emails being undeliverable as the Q inbox is full!!! I mean, can you believe it? Seriously! She is now asking for the email addresses of the QUS top banana and Doris from doll10. Sadly I can't open the comments so don't know what Q have said in reply. Joex has probably told her to email more information.... :mysmilie_500:

Apparently they never received her other emails...they obviously went into the big, black hole in the Q email server where all the other ones go when people use the correct email address!
The Lock and Lock gate one is quite good! The complainant can't return them all as some are in use in her freezer!

Ha ha, I love that. It's actually ingenious, like "Sorry, I can't return the £2000 Apple iMac I bought from you 28 days ago because I've already transferred all my porn to it."
Oh dear, someone has received The Letter

I just popped over for a look at that - it's really well put and I don't see how QVC can argue back. Some of the replies also make a good point.

Oh, and Rebeccax has just replied:

"Hi Louise, we know that you have raised some questions/concerns regarding our returns process so we just wanted to pop on and clarify this for you. We always want to work with customers to reduce their return rates so that you can keep shopping with us. We start with a phone call to talk through why items have been returned over the last 12 months and follow this up with a letter. Because our Customer Care Reps are always there to offer advice on a product, we send another letter after 60 days if a lot of items are still being returned. We continue contacting you by letter every 60 days if you are still returning a lot of items, in fact it takes a total of 240 days before we close a customer's account. So please be assured it's not an instant decision, and not one we take lightly, it does take a very long time before we reluctantly close an account. If your mum has any further questions or concerns please ask her to email in some account details to [email protected] and we are happy to help. Rebecca x"

Absolutely appalling, condescending way to treat customers. As if it's a privilege that we are allowed to shop with QVC at their discretion! So it takes 240 days before they will close a customer's account. The poster should reply that it took her 240 seconds to decide never to shop with them again!

As another Facebooker replied to the original poster, even if you bought 50 items in M&S and returned all 50, M&S would not ban you from the store.
If they really do contact customers several times within the 240 days then it seems odd that people are stunned when their accounts are closed as they would have had an opportunity to explain all the returns.

Someone somewhere is being economical with the truth and not necessarily the customer.
Do you remember when one of them, was it Chuntley?, used to bang on about how we could shop with Q and not even have to pay a member ship fee???!!!!??? WTF!! That was what I always yelled when I heard it at least, lol.

That post by Louise someone is good, and I am glad she mentioned the falsehood behind the 30 day MBG. They should make it perfectly clear ON AIR that it is not applicable to everything you buy but limited to a certain percentage of your purchases. But of course that is hardly a snappy soundbite. But they always, always plug it and it is clearly not accurately explained.

Even if I liked their stuff I would never buy fashion from them because of this rule. If it doesn't fit, it is not the buyer's FAULT that it needs to be returned. To my mind, they have an inherent belief that we are trying it on with a return, i.e. Bought it to use it free for 30days. Plus, I want a prompt refund not their faffing about.
I don't know what QVC are crying over, they're really not losing out much on returns once you've factored in the profit made from p&p and the extremely high mark up on their goods, so to lose a customer who keeps 50% of what they buy, is just plain ridiculous and let's face it, they still send out used goods and charge full price anyway, so maybe the QVC customer should be sending them a letter. I was a customer for the first twenty years, then closed my account due to them trying to fob me off with used goods and the absolutely abysmal service, so like I say, they should really cling on the the customers they've got or many, many more will close their account like I did, they did me a favour though as they're by far the most expensive place to shop.

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