Soooo proud of myself


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

oooh well done!!
If, when you order something and you put the phone down, you feel you can't wait for the item to arrive, great. If, on the other hand, you think to yourself, mmmmm, it doesn't thrill me now, I think I have made a mistake, hold that thought and remind yourself of it when next time something winks at you, ignore it and stay strong. Well done BB, you are a star, keep up the good work and Q's profits down!
well done. we should definitely bring back an active F.A.R.T. thread!and you can be chief F.A.R.T.E.R.!!!!
This time last year I'd never thought I could live without my QVC purchases - was on a first name basis with the courier FGS! My only stumbling bock may be the LG TSV on beauty day but have enough makeup to serve London Fasion week for the next 5 years!!!:wait:

If I can do it anyone can lol!
Well done Baxter Bailey! :up::rock::sun:

I would absolutely love to see the F.A.R.T.S back up and running. :sun::star::grin::happy::clapping::nod:

Although :wink:...our official full racehorse sunday best name would have to be Forumites Against Reckless QVC TSV Spending because the reason there isn't an active F.A.R.T.S thread on this board any more is because the powers that be said it wasn't relevant to the QVC forum.

Also I have to say that Loveheart will always be Head Fart to me. :heart: She and the other F.A.R.T.S were absolutely brilliant in helping me to recognise when I was buying something I would really love, and when I'd just been dazzled by sophisticated sales techniques, and would no doubt end up wasting money sending the thing back.

I've been quite good recently :blush: but I could always do better.

The Sequel!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the telly
I like it!

Ooh OOh OOh! :blush::clapping: Just thought of another one:

They're baa-aack...
I think that's one of the best bits of ST, sharing the real info on the products we might be thinking about and hearing the "real" reviews. ST is often the first indicator that the sizing, quality, product desciption etc., may not be as expected, and has stopped me from making many an expensive mistake :whew:
It's also great for the heads up on bargains :wink::star::wink:
That's so true.
Joining this forum has been the best thing ever for stopping me making many an expensive mistake yet finding bargains that I haven't regretted. :clapping:

I wasn't around when the active F.A.R.T was going but it sounds brilliant & would love to see it up & running......sure it would give my residual gullibility a good kicking.:blush:

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