Yankee candle auto delivery confusion


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Jun 24, 2008
Can anyone advise me on this one? Earlier in the year, on separate occasions, QVC have offered two different large jar seasonal auto delivery options. One initially appeared under Exotic Blooms, the other under Taste of the Tropics. I ordered both. I received the summer drop for the former some weeks ago and today received the same for the latter. However, these seem to be the same candles. They weren't for the spring drop, but are for the summer one. I am darned sure that they have made a mistake, because, as far as I can recall, each drop featured three candles that were different to the other item number, but now am wondering which one is the 'right' one!
basically the exotic blooms are

1st drop

lovely kiku
pink hibiscus
champagna blossom

2nd drop

orange splash
black plum blossom
sweet apple

3rd drop

Wild Fig
Ginger Dusk
Amber Moon

4th drop

Candy Cane Lane
Angels Wings

taste of the tropics

1st drop

under the palms
exotic bloom
luau party

2nd drop

coconut & vanilla bean
citrus tango
margarita time

3rd drop

Cranberry Pear
Silver Birch

4th drop

Warm Chestnut
Hot Buttered Rum
Winter Garden
Can anyone advise me on this one? Earlier in the year, on separate occasions, QVC have offered two different large jar seasonal auto delivery options. One initially appeared under Exotic Blooms, the other under Taste of the Tropics. I ordered both. I received the summer drop for the former some weeks ago and today received the same for the latter. However, these seem to be the same candles. They weren't for the spring drop, but are for the summer one. I am darned sure that they have made a mistake, because, as far as I can recall, each drop featured three candles that were different to the other item number, but now am wondering which one is the 'right' one!

I think it depends when you ordered them. SCW lists the ADs as they finally turned out and were intended to be, I think. However I ordered mine either late Dec or early January when the first exotic blooms set was on AD with the three US sets from taste of the tropics. I think at that point they were doing the first taste of the tropics as a TSV with votives, not candles, and the UK fragrances were not announced yet. So there are the official two as per SCW listing and the hybrid one for that very small window when they got an AD out early.

So if I had ordered mine in December/January and then ordered taste of the tropics later in the year, my second third and fourth drops would be the same.

My note to self about this is to wait until the UK perfumes AD is announced in future as I want tea lights and tarts to match!

If this is not clear(!!) I first got lovely kiku, pink hibiscus, etc. and then for second set got citrus tango, margarita time etc. and expect I will continue on that set for the next two drops.
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Thanks both! I've just spent a REALLY long time on the phone with Customer Services. They were very helpful, to a point. I ordered both sets but one before Christmas and one after.
CS seemed quite confused by it all and had to ring me back after consulting with someone else. They told me that the summer, autumn, winter drops were the same for both sets. She didn't really have an answer for why they were then non sent at the same time, or why they continued to have different item numbers or, and this is particularly irritating, why the video online which shows the AD scents for Taste of the Tropics, still shows the original 2nd, 3rd and 4th drops! Since this is how I selected what to buy, I was expecting those sets of fragrance. Nowhere does it tell you any different. I did suggest they get that altered because it was blimmin' confusing.
So, putting it all together, it seems that, as you said, if you ordered Taste of the Tropics in December you get separate drops in summer autumn winter, but if you ordered it later, as I did, you get the same drops for summer autumn winter as you do with the Exotic Blooms AD set (which I did order in December). So I would have ended up with duplicates for the rest of the year! Which is very stupid, especially given that I've just been able to purchase a 'summer set' which contains the same blimmin' fragrances as the set I'd been missing …
That being said, the CS girl was very patient and polite (even when I was getting exasperated!) and they have cancelled the duplicate order, are processing the refund (together with postage costs) 'as quickly as possible' and sending a courier to pick up the duplicate package. If someone had taken the time to change the online info for the AD on Taste of the Tropics when they altered it, it would have been so much easier!
I am glad you managed to get the refund sorted and a collection rather than having to lug candles to the PO or collection point!
I'm still very confused by all time. I didn't order the candles myself, but I did order them for my mother in law.

I've just sent her an email asking her to open her latest box (which arrived Saturday) to make sure they are different to the set she got earlier in the month.

I hope so, otherwise this is going to get very confusing (I don't actually have a QVC account, I use my partners - he doesn't use it though).
I had this, CS didn't know anything so I sent an email partly to get it in writing, it was from help on here that I told them more than they hold me for which they thanked me, I only ordered last week or 10 days ago, I think the confusion is that they don't usually allow this to continue to be available, normally it at launch and then AD is gone, now we know why lol! I received my pink hibiscus, Champaca blossom and lovely Kiku before I knew what else I'd get lol! For me mine will come every 90 days from date of ordering and out of season, which I don't mind but CS really didn't know bless them for this one I feel for them for the confusion, I wish I had ordered both at launch but I missed them. Do let us know what your MIL got?
I've just checked my orders on my account and the Taste of the Tropics AD item numbers are 702793 (drop 1) & 702857 (drop 2) and Exotic Bloom AD item numbers are 703363 (drop 1) & 702854 (drop 2).

There is no picture yet for 702854, which is awfully annoying because they have titled both of the 2nd drops variations of 'Summer'.

As both the 2nd drops have different item numbers, I would think they are different candles. Fingers crossed.
I've just checked my orders on my account and the Taste of the Tropics AD item numbers are 702793 (drop 1) & 702857 (drop 2) and Exotic Bloom AD item numbers are 703363 (drop 1) & 702854 (drop 2).

There is no picture yet for 702854, which is awfully annoying because they have titled both of the 2nd drops variations of 'Summer'.

As both the 2nd drops have different item numbers, I would think they are different candles. Fingers crossed.

Hope you do get both sets, my AD order is on my account under the single option item number, not the AD item number but I was assured this was how they do it so I'm thankful I have it in writing about my other drops, they seem to have got themselves into a pickle on these!
I've just checked my orders on my account and the Taste of the Tropics AD item numbers are 702793 (drop 1) & 702857 (drop 2) and Exotic Bloom AD item numbers are 703363 (drop 1) & 702854 (drop 2).

There is no picture yet for 702854, which is awfully annoying because they have titled both of the 2nd drops variations of 'Summer'.

As both the 2nd drops have different item numbers, I would think they are different candles. Fingers crossed.

Warwa, if you see my post above I think the problem really only applies to the limited period when they got it wrong and muddled up the UK and US AD into a hybrid version. Yours should now be running as shown in the SCW listing above.
il make it even easier & give you all the AD Numbers of the other drops too

basically the exotic blooms are

1st drop

lovely kiku
pink hibiscus
champagna blossom

Summer drop

orange splash
black plum blossom
sweet apple

702854 Yankee Candle Summer Set of 3 Floral Large Jars

Autumn drop

Wild Fig
Ginger Dusk
Amber Moon

702860 Yankee Candle Autumn Set of 3 Floral Large Jars

Winter drop

Candy Cane Lane
Angels Wings

702861 Yankee Candle Winter Set of 3 Floral Large Jars

taste of the tropics

1st drop

under the palms
exotic bloom
luau party

Summer drop

coconut & vanilla bean
citrus tango
margarita time

702857 Yankee Candle Summer Taste of the Tropics Set of 3 Large Jars

Autumn drop

Cranberry Pear
Silver Birch

702858 Yankee Candle Autumn Taste of the Tropics Set of 3 Large Jars http://www.qvcuk.com/ukqic/qvcapp.aspx/app.detail/params.item.702858

Winter drop

Warm Chestnut
Hot Buttered Rum
Winter Garden

702859 Yankee Candle Winter Taste of the Tropics Set of 3 Large Jars

by that you can tell which drop youve got & which drop is next hope this helps
I've finally heard back from my mother in law and she has received different in the most recent delivery, so I'm pleased about that. I thought I was going to have a right load of trouble sorting it out.
The courier came to collect the unwanted duplicate this morning and a few minutes later the single option Summer trio arrived. This is the one I thought I had ordered as part of the AD and now have to order individually as and when they are released. The good thing is that they are being offered (so far) at the same price.

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