Yankee Candles, an observation....


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Apr 5, 2010
As a HUGE candle fan, I've been a bit disillusioned with Yankee Candles just lately.

I always fall for the nice labels, the packaging is so tempting but after lighting them that's when the problems start. For instance I have found that light colour candles seem to go a funny dark 'burnt' colour across the surface when the wax has melted right across. I've only noticed this on lighter ones, maybe because the dark colours such as blackberry are too dark to notice that? They then look ugly.

I ALWAYS trim the wick down as low as possible, even got the proper 'wick trimmer' so it doesn't shred the wick BUT I still find they will smoke after a while, which means my walls and ceiling (over time) get very smoky. I don't have my candles in draughts, I also have some of those covers that sit over the top of the candle which are supposed to stop the possibility of a draught spoiling them and still they will smoke. I also find that those covers probably block out a bit of the scent, which defeats the object of having scented candles!

When the guest presenter says you have to let your candle burn for about 3 hours to get the wax to burn right across the surface, I don't find that to be true either, it can take a lot longer than that so you have to light them when you KNOW you'll be around for at least 5-6hours. Another thing I've noticed is that they don't actually seem to have much scent anymore! I know our noses get used to a smell when you're in the same room as it after 9minutes, so what's the point of having candles if you can't smell them? Even if I leave the room or go out and leave one alight and come back, sometimes it's still difficult to smell the scent. Have they cut back on the scent as I'm sure they never used to be like that? Also there's this big thing that burning paraffin wax and breathing it in, isn't good for you, it can be carcinogenic apparently.

So for all those reasons, I now just stick to melting tarts, they seem to have a stronger scent, they last as long as 2-3 tealights, then the scent goes and I change it, so you don't have to put up with the same scent for hours on end as you do with the large candles. They also don't cause the smoking that candles do.

Having said all that and I KNOW what will happen to the candle, why from time to time, do I still fall for the pretty labels and still buy them?

Has anyone else found this or is it just me?
I agree, i much prefer the tarts. The only jar candles I bother with now are the double wick ones which I find burn much more evenly, other than that I stick with tarts.
Completely agree Lily. The smaller jar candles in particular I've found to smell quite strongly of paraffin wax whilst burning and the black smoke appears no matter how carefully you burn them. I only burn oils or tarts now.
Glad I'm not the only one. Can't remember the last time I burned one of my stash. Funnily enough I've been using one of those fragrant plug-ins from M&S and it smells lovely, not at all chemical-y.
Also, I've mentioned this before but some of the scent names are becoming more and more ambiguous - things like 'Drift Away', 'Garden Hideaway', 'Beach Walk' and so on, much more generic rather than smelling of one thing.
Oh Lily there's a wick trimmer?! :clapping: I thought that there might be and hubby will be so happy to have a new gadget to look for. I have found what you pointed out to be true and I am a recent YC fan. Some fragrances like Sandlewood Vanilla (or is it Vanilla Sandlewood) are so weak that I won't bother to buy that one again. Even if a scent is a soft one I feel that you ought to be able to smell it without hunting for it. A fragrance like Cinnamon Stick or Red Apple Wreath, I find, fill the room so pleasantly. I find many candle jars have to be burnt for more than 3 hours to get them to burn to the edges and be even. I found Christmas Cupcake (I think it was cupcake, I started getting confused with all the baked goods at one time) in the medium jar to barely smell but the tart really filled the air with a yummy goodness.

I stocked up with some of the wintery scents as they were really strong and comforting fragrances but have purchased some tarts in those scents that I thought smelled nice but weren't as strong as I like. My husband was the one in our household who made the comment that the light/white ones just don't seem to have enough smell. He's become a real mixologist and has many votives on his desk when he works at home. :bear::giggle:

Just about all the points you raise have merit which is why I have put a halt on new purchases (well almost) for now. :wink: Must burn the ones I have before getting so many new ones.
I stopped buying YC becasue I found they made me cough too much and many of your observations Lilylurknomore, I came across too. One thing that particulary bothered me was the blackening of jars, even when I followed all the hints and tips of how to burn properly, I did loads of research on the net to try and eliviate it. I no longer use candles and just burn tarts but unfortunately, have to limit my usage at it sets my hubbies sensitive eyes off! Sign of the times as well, my local YC shop has just closed :sad: so no popping in to have a try of the scents.
Buy Darl's tarts (scroll down to Outlet section) they're absolutely beautiful:sun:
Buy Darl's tarts (scroll down to Outlet section) they're absolutely beautiful:sun:

I'll second that. The fragrance is nicer and lasts longer than any of the other tarts I've tried, and I've tried loads.:flower:
:nod: Forgot to mention that you are so right Lily about the labels, names and descriptions of YC ... most are enticing and comforting, inviting you get that lifestyle you want by simply getting this fragrance, very effective. :mysmilie_848:
Oh Lily there's a wick trimmer?! :clapping: I thought that there might be and hubby will be so happy to have a new gadget to look for. I have found what you pointed out to be true and I am a recent YC fan. Some fragrances like Sandlewood Vanilla (or is it Vanilla Sandlewood) are so weak that I won't bother to buy that one again. Even if a scent is a soft one I feel that you ought to be able to smell it without hunting for it. A fragrance like Cinnamon Stick or Red Apple Wreath, I find, fill the room so pleasantly. I find many candle jars have to be burnt for more than 3 hours to get them to burn to the edges and be even. I found Christmas Cupcake (I think it was cupcake, I started getting confused with all the baked goods at one time) in the medium jar to barely smell but the tart really filled the air with a yummy goodness.

I stocked up with some of the wintery scents as they were really strong and comforting fragrances but have purchased some tarts in those scents that I thought smelled nice but weren't as strong as I like. My husband was the one in our household who made the comment that the light/white ones just don't seem to have enough smell. He's become a real mixologist and has many votives on his desk when he works at home. :bear::giggle:

Just about all the points you raise have merit which is why I have put a halt on new purchases (well almost) for now. :wink: Must burn the ones I have before getting so many new ones.

Absolutely! Do you need to trim your wick?!! :blush: Sorry just had to be said. :happy: Got it from Yankeedoodle, so much easier than trying to shove a pair of scissors in there, especially as the wax gets lower.
It's not just me then. Another thing I forgot those plug-ins seem to really whiff when they're new but after a few days, no smell. Weird, I don't think it's my nose. :confused:

The lighter colour candles seem to be the ones with less scent. The water garden and beachy ones are hopeless.

I will try to remember come TSV day to re-read this!! :sweat:
I used to love YC and have had them for many years.It used to be quite difficult to actually find a shop that stocked them,as I loved to pick my own by my favourite scents - which you obviously can't do on the internet.

I resisted buying them from QVC for a long time,for this reason.I just couldn't buy a scent without smelling it first - and I still can't buy perfume from QVC for this reason.

I relented last year and bought the AD TSV.The fact that I tend to buy only large jars helped.I can honestly say they are the worst quality YC I have ever encountered.For all the reasons the OP mentioned.

I bought 6 or 7 large jars for presents from Yankeedoodle last christmas (with only £2 delivery I may add QVC) and they seem so different and much better quality.I've just ordered another 3 for presents this week.

I'm not tempted by YC at QVC anymore (unless I think I saw the most specatular OTO,but even then,I dunno) Any "savings" that are made are swallowed up by P&P (I did like the super bargain price ones currently on the website,but won't buy for this reason) and I don't think they have great quality.

YC are so readily available on the high street now,I'd much prefer to smell what I'm buying - I won't spend the money I did last year on QVC
I used to love YC and have had them for many years.It used to be quite difficult to actually find a shop that stocked them,as I loved to pick my own by my favourite scents - which you obviously can't do on the internet.

I resisted buying them from QVC for a long time,for this reason.I just couldn't buy a scent without smelling it first - and I still can't buy perfume from QVC for this reason.

I relented last year and bought the AD TSV.The fact that I tend to buy only large jars helped.I can honestly say they are the worst quality YC I have ever encountered.For all the reasons the OP mentioned.

I bought 6 or 7 large jars for presents from Yankeedoodle last christmas (with only £2 delivery I may add QVC) and they seem so different and much better quality.I've just ordered another 3 for presents this week.

I'm not tempted by YC at QVC anymore (unless I think I saw the most specatular OTO,but even then,I dunno) Any "savings" that are made are swallowed up by P&P (I did like the super bargain price ones currently on the website,but won't buy for this reason) and I don't think they have great quality.

YC are so readily available on the high street now,I'd much prefer to smell what I'm buying - I won't spend the money I did last year on QVC

I tend to buy now from Debenhams. Great as they have 20% off their fragrance of the month and they have listed all of the frangrances for each month. Also purchased from Clintons as well. For me the p&p with Yankee at the Q has meant I have not purchased with them for quite a while now. Plus I can now get them on the high street whereas before they were not so readily available.
I've also detected a petroleum smell with some of the Yankee candles I've bought, so I've now 'defected' and buy Pure Vanilla ones from Milkhouse Creamery and their scent is heavenly and fills the whole house. I also bought a large jar candle from QD and that kept the scent until the end and there was no petroleum 'odour.' Mind you, at £2 it wouldn't have mattered if the scent hadn't lasted.

I still use Yankee candle tarts though, but am disappointed that the scent doesn't last as long as I thought it would, but at least I can top them up with pieces from a new tart.

And with three Yandle Candle suppliers locally, I can at least go in and sniff the tarts before buying them.
Everyone i have burned lately has not burnt to the side of the jar even with a shade on and when burnt for a solid 12 hours! I now spend my time breaking up the remaining wax and puting it in a tart burner.
I also only burn tarts now, and get them from Yankeedoodle. I was out in Spain with my DD last week, and a friend had bought her a couple of Jo Malone candles. The smells (Lime, Basil and Mandarin, and Amber and Sweet orange) were so fantastic and filled the whole flat, even though they appeared slightly small. I know they are expensive but I really thought they were stunning.

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