What have you bought that you don't use?


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Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
I am posting this after seeing the thread about the juicer, as that is something I never use, and I posted a remark about this on that thread.

I also never use my abs exercise machine (I can't remember the name, but it is sure to be called an "ABsomething", nor my walking machine (the type that swings, not a treadmill).

But I still use a Tony Little multigym, although only as an inclined bench, and to hang clothes on.

I also don't use my sound effect CD's to make it sound like my house is occupied when I am away. This would be OK during the day, but the sound of a busy household at 3am would tell a burglar that there was no-one home! Also, by the time I returned, my CD player would have worn itself out.

There are MANY other items like this, all put away somewhere so I have forgotten all about them, but will post again if I remember any.
I haven't used my exercise equipment either, along with countless other products, some of which I am currently listing on ebay!
Your thread could not be more relevant to me, as today I rang QVC and asked them to delete the card details I have on file, so that if I want to order, I can't do it without my card. It was too easy to just use the card on file, and I had become addicted. I have bought so mush Shi*e over the last few years. that I could honestly set up my own outlet store!
What a scary idea for a thread - I love it!

Hmmm, I had one of those swinging walking things - Tony Little from years ago I think - luckily I lost that in my divorce lol. That said, I got custody of the Pilates machine - never been used to this day - says she hanging her head in shame.

They must be the most expensive unused items - but I have a tonne of beauty products stock piled so not sure if they count or not.
Will have to check my cupboards, bedroom, under bedstorage (i.e hiding place for guilt inducing purchases), airing cupboard and bathroom. Will get back to you in a few months!!!
Those magnatised window washer things. Used them once (sadly outside the 30 day MBG period) and nearly did myself a serious injury trying to move the darn things as the magnates were so strong!!

They are now somewhere in my understairs cupboard.

Also, those stick on l.e.d lights which are supposed to illuminate your cupboards. The lights are fine but the stick on stuff is useless!!
Also, those stick on l.e.d lights which are supposed to illuminate your cupboards. The lights are fine but the stick on stuff is useless!!

I bought those type of lights from the Pound Shop. I find the opposite problem. Can't get the damn things off my wardrobe wall to change the battery!!!
I now have 3 cameras from QVC. The trouble is, the sales speil always tells you that they are so much better than previous models, which, in fact, they are.

That was my justification for buying them (all TSV's), also I convinced myself that I would still use the old ones as "seconds" when I didn't want to take the new one with me, but in fact that has never happened, because the latest one IS so much better (although the previous ones seemed wonderful at the time).

What I SHOULD do is sell them, such as on Ebay. But I am a bit addicted to gadgets and never want to part with them (I still have my first computer, about 30 years old I think, a BBC model that went with a series to educate people how to use computers).
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I have a Pilates machine. Admittedly not purchased from QVC - it was an older therefore cheaper model, but I got so sick of lugging it out of the cupboard and then folding it up again, it's not being used. I finally chucked out my Jack thingy juicer a few months ago. It seemed to produce variously coloured sludge and took AN AGE to clean up, so it ended up under the stairs.
George Foreman grill - that's another. Used to use it all the time, but rarely do now and always regret it as it seems to stink the kitchen out! Not to mention the various beauty products that I buy and NEVER get to the bottom of before they go off (and then go out!)
My mother once bought an electric wok (I can't remember which channel she got it from). I don't know why since she never cooks Chinese food and I always use the stove. Eventually she gave it to our neighbour's son.
I've had quite a few things I've never used. One was a soft serve ice cream machine. It sounded like a good idea, but making ice cream with it was a hassle. The bowl you made ice cream with had to be frozen at least 6 hours before using it and it only held enough for one or two servings. Then there was the mini donut maker. I've always wanted one, but unfortunately the resulting donuts always felt and tasted like rubber!
I too have the tony little gazelle thingy - this now remains folded in the spare room. I also have several other bits of exercise equipment - this is all in the garage unused too.

I also have the Jack the Lad Juicer which is somewhere in the back of a cupboard - hasnt seen the light of day since about a month after I had it. The fact that it takes about 6 oranges or apples to make one glass of juice and then about 1/2 hour to wash it all up after!

I have an Easyo - which is behind the Juicer somewhere - again more faff than popping a few yoghurts in the online shopping basket. Also you can have a variety rather than eating the same flavour for a week!

I could probably go on (and on....) - I think half my house is full of unused stuff!!! Great thread!
My mother once bought an electric wok (I can't remember which channel she got it from). I don't know why since she never cooks Chinese food and I always use the stove. Eventually she gave it to our neighbour's son.

Slightly of topic, but I also have an electric wok (Prestige not QVC) and it is my favourite kitchen gadget. Love it. They're not just for stir fries, can cook all sorts in them, no burning/sticking, and a bit of kitchen paper and it's cleaned.
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In the early days of watching QVC, back last century. I bought a facial exercise thing which I would use(yes in my dreams). Now I think I might have used it once and then it was hidden and forgotten about.

Now older and perhaps wiser(well not where beauty stuff is concerned:doh:), I no am razzle dazzled.
I had them under my kitchen cupboards and one of em fell off into a rice pudding!!

I read that to quickly and thought you said your understairs cupboard, I was thinking funny place to eat your rice pudding :sun::sun::sun:

I bought my husband (for Christmas 2009 I think) the gadget that converts your old negatives/slides into a download for your computer. Sellotape is still intact, it's never even been opened - bang goes my 30 day money back.
Got a Tony Little gazelle thing that I bought years ago and still boxed in the garage. A printer dedicated to photos which must be a good 6 years old still in the box, an easy yo maker that was used about 10 times a few years back and never since, tefal 3 tier veg steamer. An boxed hand held vaparetto pressure steamer thing never seen the light of day either.

The one true gadget that I have used quite a bit is the tefal egg n toast!
My legmaster!

The legmaster woman said to put it in the kitchen and go on it every time you're waiting for the kettle to boil.

So it's been in my kitchen for about a year but it's being used as a very handy tea towel airer and when I'm waiting for the kettle to boil......well I like to nibble a few biscuits to pass the time!!
I love my Jack Lalanne juicer, and use it regularly. The guy swore by veg and fruit juice and lived to 96 so he must have got some benefit from them! I can't eat fruit and veg because I had my colon out, so I juice them instead. I don't find it difficult to clean at all. I keep it on a kitchen trolley so that it's always ready to use.

I do have a cross trainer I bought from QVC which is very handy for drying clothes on, and the kids sometimes use it-not me-wasn't cheap either! Must have had it about 7 years now.

Generally though I have been pretty good at returning stuff that I KNOW I won't use.
The Wash Balls cos they were rubbish!

The only other things I've failed to use are the Bare Escentuals and Amazing Cosmetics concealer I bought in the vain hope that one day I'd get into make-up. Still hasn't happened!

I also got one of those magnetic trivet things to rest a pan on with a set of Cooks Essentials I bought years ago. The pans have been fab but the trivet was utterly useless - the magnet had some kind of other-worldly strength, it took two pairs of hands to prize it away once gripped which was *really* practical when dealing with a pan full of cooked pasta or similar. In the end I gave it to a charity shop but it would probably have been more useful in some kind of industrial/research setting, as a part for the Hadron Collider or something :giggle:
I love trying gadgets, but most of them are more hassle than they're worth. I've tried juicers that you've had to prep the fruit first then spend ages dismantling and cleaning it all for the sake of a quarter of a inch of unappetising sludge, the very same ice cream maker that you had to freeze for hours first, then just didn't work anyway and the ingredients that were poured in ended up being poured down the sink 'cause there was nowt else you could do with them!

I'm a b*gger for buying jewellery and never wearing it!
I keep remembering more useless things I've bought :-(

One was a BATTERY POWERED ice cream maker. You put the ingredients into the bowl, switched it on and it stirred it around. Then you put it into the freezer. The idea was that it would keep stirring as the ingredients froze.

Unfortunately, the batteries froze long before the ice cream did!!!! Batteries just don't work when they're very cold.

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