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    QVC beauty brands and animal testing

    I found a brilliant brand E.L.F and they DO NOT test on animals (and they're american) their products are reasonably:mysmilie_47: priced and work really well.. worth try IMO :mysmilie_492:
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    Philosophy TSV 18/10/2014

    Does anyone know what is in this yet? TIA
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    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    Thanks oney is safe unfortunately xxxx
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    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    does anyone have any news on this yet? xx:clapping:
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    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    the only grace I ever liked was baby.....why oh why are their TSV's always the same old stuff? Please let us have some skincare or make up or bath/shower gels............ We can dream!!!!!
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    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12

    Philosophy TSV 31/10/12 Does anyone have any ideas on this one? Hope it's not more Grace............. :star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star::star:
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    OPI TSV 22nd May 2012

    BUMP!!!!! Can't wait to find out what this one is :)
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    BOO :( I really wanted Muppets. My money is safe
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    hope not Woodstock - I've got my hopes up for Muppets lol
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    Fresh fabulous. Would be good to get some of the "plain" colours and some glitter. Here's hoping :)
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    Hope you like them
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    you don't need a strady hand to do glitter tips as it's better dabbed on and is very fogiving if you make a mistake :) Give it a go - I always get lots of compliments when I do it :)
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    OPI TSV - 24th November

    I have been wearing fresh frog....., rainbow connection and getting miss a "french" with other colours and they look great I think you can wear anything (job allowing) even glitter. If you like it wear it I say :rock:
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    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    :sad:no magnetic polish by the looks of'll no doubt feature during the day though.
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    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    Please please please ladies.....anyone know what it is yet (I sounded a bit Rolf Harris there!!!) x
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    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    Anyone any ideas yet?
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    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    c'mon on now girls your never too old for fun ..........must admit I'm very excited by it but Nails Inc magnet is in the lid so the patterns won't be anything too different. You can buy magnets that give you patterns so I might try them if I like the polish.
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    Nails Inc TSV 12/8/11

    Theres a Nails Inc TSV on 12/08 . Anyone know if it's going to be the launch of their magnetic polish?
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    Special FX

    FX Nails have a small range - :mysmilie_499:
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    Decleor Prolegene Gel

    Prologene Hi, I've used the gel on scars and it really does work..........don't think I would use it on broken skin though.